Beware Of School Of Audio Engineering (sae) Cheats

The most dangerous enemy is one you CANNOT see.

Just a pointer, I can see you clearly from here. As a matter of fact I can hear your shouting like you are standing 1meter from me only.

If you are plotting your 'action', I think the current move is not very wise.
yup... i agree it is deflaming if tat nv happen BUT IT DOES HAPPENED to me.
I DUN SEE ANYTHING WRONG WIF IT, if something happened, r u telling every1 to keep quiet cos u might be sued?
No wonder so many ppl kanna the same thing but dun dare to voice it out!
heehee :lol: ......I said: The most dangerous enemy is one you CANNOT see.

NOT CANNOT HEAR, like my last post if you are like a mosquito, and you attack in the dark, you really cannot be seen, but the victim can really hear you buzzing around his ears......hahaha.... :o :D

You can apply the same theory, like hit them where it hurts the most, their wallet. If their customer dwindle down, they will find it hard to survive. I shan't review tactics here, I suggest you read up The Art Of War.
there is not freedom of speech here. the so called freedom is staged, make us look better only. Back to the cheating part, usually they'll ask for ur deposit and then if u quit within a period, u'll lose ur deposit. Isn't that the case for any schools or tuition center? i dunno. But if they bugger did not inform u abt it at all.....its wrong. something shld be done. for now maybe find anthony for help. advice is needed.
any contract you sign is legal binding.
any contract prepared for you is definitely meant for you to read and then sign.

I think maybe its due to the culture nowadays, where people just sign up for mobile plans, sign for credit/debit cards, sign up for internet access, sign up for free e-amil. sign up for whatever fuck that they have stopped reading what they sign.

There is totally nothing wrong with what SAE is doing, its just like any mobile phone plan. You sign 2 years you better finish the 2 years, if not you pay the penalty.

If you quit the course because all of a sudden you feel that it doesnt warrant a job, you really should have considered much more carefully before hand. There's really no one else to blame. Even if you didn't read the contract or even if NOBODY READ/TELL IT TO YOU.

Well mobile plans come as low as 19 dollars a month, I can understand why people blindly sign on to what ever legal bindings the company proposes.

But with fees of up to 600 a month, i think what you paid for is not the audio engineering course, since you essentially interested about job prospects. You probably paid for the most espensive lesson you need to learn. (monetarily speaking)

Worst thing is that you still dont learn... and let it get to you and decides to bear grudge and fantasise about closing down SAE someday... openly calling them cheats in forums. Like mikemann say, you dont know what you're messing with.... even until now.
sorry i know how fucked up it feels to lose money.
but i think your reality and the real reality seems to differ a lil.

the best you can do is to find financial help from your parents, frens whatever, and focus on the solving the problem, rather than hangin around "how the problem came about"
I got no email....and postings continue. May I know if any of you guys know Audix personally to put all the comments on public forum? If Audix is really seeking help to a matter too big to face now, posting here does not solve the problem at all, in fact it complicates the issue. It doesn't make sense to me for anybody to give a legal opponent more ammunitions to shoot at oneself by purposefully posting some comments such as using the slanderous words such as "cheat" in this forum.

If matters turn for the worse, James will suffer vicariously for allowing defamatory remarks to be posted in his website.

My final comments and suggestion. If Audix need help, do it out of this forum. Whether you contact me or otherwise is immaterial.

James, to protect yourself, shut this thread down as quickly as possible.
seekz said:
any contract you sign is legal binding.
any contract prepared for you is definitely meant for you to read and then sign.

I think maybe its due to the culture nowadays, where people just sign up for mobile plans, sign for credit/debit cards, sign up for internet access, sign up for free e-amil. sign up for whatever xxxx that they have stopped reading what they sign.

There is totally nothing wrong with what SAE is doing, its just like any mobile phone plan. You sign 2 years you better finish the 2 years, if not you pay the penalty.

If you quit the course because all of a sudden you feel that it doesnt warrant a job, you really should have considered much more carefully before hand. There's really no one else to blame. Even if you didn't read the contract or even if NOBODY READ/TELL IT TO YOU.

Well mobile plans come as low as 19 dollars a month, I can understand why people blindly sign on to what ever legal bindings the company proposes.

But with fees of up to 600 a month, i think what you paid for is not the audio engineering course, since you essentially interested about job prospects. You probably paid for the most espensive lesson you need to learn. (monetarily speaking)

Worst thing is that you still dont learn... and let it get to you and decides to bear grudge and fantasise about closing down SAE someday... openly calling them cheats in forums. Like mikemann say, you dont know what you're messing with.... even until now.

So by the way for ur information, thats is not a contract ive signed... only an registration agreement. By Law, a contract is an agreement btw 2 parties and EACH PARTY MUST HAVE THE AGREEMENT WITH THEIR SIGNATURE ON IT. By which I was not given one.

Legally, Ive a case to fight which I've chk it out with a Lawyer fren of mine but chances are slim. Also, for ur info, under my previous posting, i'VE AGREED TO PAY ALREADY and admit that i'm partly at fault, CAN'T I DISPLAY MY UNHAPPINESS? R U TELLING ME I SHLD SMILE N GIVE THEM THE MONEY?
Besides, even under a mobile contract, they will first tell u and emphasize that u nd to pay the penalties if u break the agreement! By which they didn't at least to me which I've no way to proof it! PLS GET UR FACT RIGHT!

2ndly, Pls dun compare this to a mobile company, it is an all different industry. An educational institution shld not be operate like this.

wat r u telling me or teaching me? not to stand for one's right? not to express one unhappiness?

forum is a place to express one self or one opinions of things for your info. I dun see anything wrong with it by expressing myself? Besides this is not a national newspaper or internet government forum or telling every1 publicly on the streets.

HeartRockSingapore said:
I got no email....and postings continue. May I know if any of you guys know Audix personally to put all the comments on public forum? If Audix is really seeking help to a matter too big to face now, posting here does not solve the problem at all, in fact it complicates the issue. It doesn't make sense to me for anybody to give a legal opponent more ammunitions to shoot at oneself by purposefully posting some comments such as using the slanderous words such as "cheat" in this forum.

If matters turn for the worse, James will suffer vicariously for allowing defamatory remarks to be posted in his website.

My final comments and suggestion. If Audix need help, do it out of this forum. Whether you contact me or otherwise is immaterial.

James, to protect yourself, shut this thread down as quickly as possible.

If the some wording i wrote is an issue maybe james can remove the word? but not other posts as wat i stated is a fact!

and thanx I will solve this on my own and hv ask the lawyer ard oready, the chances of winning are slim as they hv black n white n i don't.

will still asking the lawyers ard for advice.
all the best audix!.. may this kinda stuff never happen to anyone guys read the fine print!..

Stand behind your rights. If you dont , no one will.

well it's obvious that since someone is complaining,
then there must be something going on.

anyway, in a society like ours where dollar and cents are the daily necessity,
business will always be business unless you are enrolled in a government insitute. Even government school, it's still business, when you're out in the industry making money, your CPF contribution is our government returns.
But at least it's worth because this is your country.

$money$ is all I want
Ok chill audix. The dude was merely protecting the interests of this forum. Nothing personal definitely.

All the best in your endeavour man. Hope you get 'em.
hey audix1979, thanx for the info man....
actually i was about to sign up to sae & i'm not rich.

i feel for you man.
wish you all the best.
Hope they told u abt the registration clause to pay 3 mths prior to quit the cse. If they didn't watch out!.

From nw I rest my case!
Hope this thread wun be deleted as it will let others take notice of this clause... if really need, possible can remove the words that is offensive. :(
I really feel for you audix. It's unfortunate that you didn't read that fine print when you should have. Have you engaged a lawyer yet? Or it's just CASE? You could try getting a signed statement from people who have attended the course briefings to swear that they were made aware verbally of the out clause. Then you'll need to argue your case that the recruiters never briefed you on that when they did do that before for other potential students. You're doing this to show that practises that would have been done before for the consumer's benefit weren't done for you. It would also be good if you've got the contract and you can show that the font sizes are font size 3 or something of the sort, though i don't think that is the case. The idea is that while you did not dutifully read the contract, the company did not act in good faith, judging by what they did for many other students, ie. some form of negligence, hopefully that will be a mtitigating circumstance to lowering the sum involved.

For the NKF, that being a national issue, obviously resources would be put into it. But i doubt the sae is anywhere in the same league.
registration agreement is still an agreement, if it doesnt count then whats there to agree on.

sure you can be unhappy, and you can make as big a frown you want when you pay them the fees. and you can curse me all you want for being straightforward.

The play here is really fair in a commercial sense. you can't really criticise on how ANY institution runs itself unless you own it. Its not a neighbourhood school that charges 15 dollars a month.

So go scream into your pillow, or go get a really hot bath or something.
Warning ppl about SAE, or calling them chits, will only get you or more ppl into trouble.

This is a community of local artists/musicianss, though not a newspaper or forum but it definitely corelates more strongly than the straits times forum.
you do the rest of the math.

to put it simply you gotta move on.
whatever it is... The subject of the thread is enough to make them jump...
can we stop the thread? its really pointless
Sure I will move on. N pls I noe what I'm doing and Ive also state that THIS THREAD IS TO WARN OTHERS TO TAKE NOTICE OF THEIR REGISTRATION CLAUSES. Is it wrong to tell ppl to be careful and read the fine prints and dun make the same mistakes as me? Or r u working for them i wonder?

how come u dun like ppl to know that they hv this kind of registration clause? I didn't made up this for ur info.

to veganbleu:
I was not given a copy of the agreement. onli student's handbook.
audix1979 said:
Sure I will move on. N pls I noe what I'm doing and Ive also state that THIS THREAD IS TO WARN OTHERS TO TAKE NOTICE OF THEIR REGISTRATION CLAUSES. Is it wrong to tell ppl to be careful and read the fine prints and dun make the same mistakes as me? Or r u working for them i wonder?

how come u dun like ppl to know that they hv this kind of registration clause? I didn't made up this for ur info.

I would like ppl to be more wary as well and i dont work for the SAE. Nor am i a student. and neither planning to be one.

you see, fineprints are everywhere. you can merely tell people to becareful before they put their ink on the paper. but you cant tell people that its SAE's registration that they must watch out for. Because it has implications.