New member
hey guys i gotta rush off for a gig now but before doing that i would like to share with you two PM's i got . I wont tell their names as i understand that since they pm'd me they wanted to keep their names on the low .
this is what one of them said .
"shyam!see you guys last sunday!awsome show u guys man!
my band was also kena by him.
he really dont care anything but money.
like usual we must sell last time very blur2 neva mind ah.just sell it la.
than before the gig our drummer suddenly mia and ran with all the tix money.behind story
so we came,even we told him about the story.he like understand ah.but we must die2 pay 300 or we will be going to court.i mean we dont have such money.we are a student doing o level that time and really short of money since all of us came from okok family.he keep calling us like along liddat.come on we are just a student.we dont have that money and if our parent found sure we need to stop playing music.we play their stage and the equipment was not yeah.and one of my band mates need to sell his hp just to pay it"
and this is the other PM.
hey dude, remember me? haha, i'm that small guitarist from Nyp's bandzout. i read bout your post bout Nic's monthly Ultrasound gigs and wow. nicely said there dude. i totally agree with you. my band, xxxxxxx, had our first gig with him. and well, we had quite a sucky experience. during the day of ticket collection, he came pretty late and did not even spare a thought to apologize. and to settle the time-slot of the bands, he would go from the youngest to the oldest when he mentioned that he would draw-lots instead on his post at Soft. me being 16 back then, we were supposed to be the first to play. we had alot of problems back then. we we're pissed off about the tickets (we were unable to sell them all due to high price), the way he handled the time-slots and alot of other things. although that first gig was quite memorable for my band,it wasn't exactly a good one. so kudos for standing up to him. i'm pretty sure all the other bands you stood up for look up to you. good job dude. and btw, how do you organize a DIY gig? i was thinking of getting a couple of bands together and maybe we could chip in equally for the rental of equipments, venue, tickets and such. is that the way to do it? any help would be appreciated. thanks again for the awesome words you fired at Ultrasound.
so i'll let the public see it as i think they deserve too .
I really gotta run rite now . whoevers going for rebellion i'll catch you guys there . If not when i come back i'll def be back here to talk about this
details of this person ? a 20/21 year old twat whose name is Nicholas . Organiser of Ultrasound often held at playden . and comes by the nick of ROckOn
here is his scam work
talk to you guys later gotta run...
Oh and errrr Nich, if you are reading this. Do reply
this is what one of them said .
"shyam!see you guys last sunday!awsome show u guys man!
my band was also kena by him.
he really dont care anything but money.
like usual we must sell last time very blur2 neva mind ah.just sell it la.
than before the gig our drummer suddenly mia and ran with all the tix money.behind story
so we came,even we told him about the story.he like understand ah.but we must die2 pay 300 or we will be going to court.i mean we dont have such money.we are a student doing o level that time and really short of money since all of us came from okok family.he keep calling us like along liddat.come on we are just a student.we dont have that money and if our parent found sure we need to stop playing music.we play their stage and the equipment was not yeah.and one of my band mates need to sell his hp just to pay it"
and this is the other PM.
hey dude, remember me? haha, i'm that small guitarist from Nyp's bandzout. i read bout your post bout Nic's monthly Ultrasound gigs and wow. nicely said there dude. i totally agree with you. my band, xxxxxxx, had our first gig with him. and well, we had quite a sucky experience. during the day of ticket collection, he came pretty late and did not even spare a thought to apologize. and to settle the time-slot of the bands, he would go from the youngest to the oldest when he mentioned that he would draw-lots instead on his post at Soft. me being 16 back then, we were supposed to be the first to play. we had alot of problems back then. we we're pissed off about the tickets (we were unable to sell them all due to high price), the way he handled the time-slots and alot of other things. although that first gig was quite memorable for my band,it wasn't exactly a good one. so kudos for standing up to him. i'm pretty sure all the other bands you stood up for look up to you. good job dude. and btw, how do you organize a DIY gig? i was thinking of getting a couple of bands together and maybe we could chip in equally for the rental of equipments, venue, tickets and such. is that the way to do it? any help would be appreciated. thanks again for the awesome words you fired at Ultrasound.
so i'll let the public see it as i think they deserve too .
I really gotta run rite now . whoevers going for rebellion i'll catch you guys there . If not when i come back i'll def be back here to talk about this

details of this person ? a 20/21 year old twat whose name is Nicholas . Organiser of Ultrasound often held at playden . and comes by the nick of ROckOn
here is his scam work
talk to you guys later gotta run...
Oh and errrr Nich, if you are reading this. Do reply

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