Like i said a million times before. If u cant sell tickets pls dont join my gigs. All the terms and conditions were laid out openly before u were given the tickets. You can only call my events a scam if a) i promised something that i didnt deliever b) i forced u or manipulated you to perform. If not its called a high class event.
Thanks for all the feedback and criticism i will look into solving the problems.
Let me address this first.
Nic if you said this a million times then obviously this issue with you has been addresed a million times aswell. So now we know its a problem that you have obviously been creating which has led to the unhappiness of bands.
"if u cant sell tickets pls dont join my gigs."
This clearly states the main purpose that you hold gigs. In previous post you claim that its all about creating a platform for bands. To many of us it seems like your main purpose is to earn money from bands. You focus on their weakness and feed on desires.
You can only call my events a scam if a) i promised something that i didnt deliever
You had promised us that in future events you will provide stage monitors for bands. You never had them. How was that living up to your promise and deliverence?
You also promised to promote the gig on myspace. Nothing happened. Look at your poster that you created. To me there was no passion involved but done just for the sake of it . I have worked with many organisers who actually design proper posters and paste them around town and jamming studios. You dont even do that. You take for granted that bands have sold themselves to you and you are the ones with least worries as they had signed on the dotted line thus leading to the bands to worry if they can sell the tickets and not you.
It is obvious you are using to benefit you by just posting an add to lure them to your bait. True its the bands fault for signing up with you , but these are kids who think that you just might help them.
Would you care to explain to the public about why you rejected live and loaded's proposal in asking your "high-class organisation" for all the previous bands names and list ? I clearly remember you telling me that you were approached by them and you turned it down. When i asked you why , your answer was that why should you give these bands who are your clientle to live and loaded . You will only do so if you got a share or a partnership with them(live and loaded) .
My reply to him was that he wasnt their label company or management agent to reject such an offer when he was making money out of these bands. I told you to get in touch with Live and loaded and pass them the list. You said you would do so. Have you ? Frankly i feel your story is cooked up. Shall we get live and loaded to verify this with you? DOnt forget we got evidence and witness Nic so you cant lie about this.
You holding a bands IC. Shall i call the person to officially make a report on you ? And this particular band has been playing many shows for him which they have lived up in selling all the tix for him. Just one show they didnt and you held their IC's. Didnt you earn enough for the day ?
You also told me that even if there are 4 bands you would go on with the show. Your April Show looks like it has 4 bands for now. Lets see if you actually go on with the show if it remains at this number or cancel it.
Also you are extremely rude to bands . that isnt the way a high class organisation behaves with no passes , posters etc...
This is honestly about ethics. And you are making this form of gig organisation a tradition which shouldnt be happening. This tradition has to STOP.
Bands. On your part , stop indulging in such associations. You are musicians and not SALESMEN.Have pride in yourselves.
When you are ill you take something to cure it. Something to get rid of the germ. Well its time everyone stops supporting such organisation so that we could get rid of them.
When they are out of buisness they will leave naturally. Everyone has to realise this. When you support them , you are actually pro longing this tradition which is the cause and downfall in quality control of bands and passion involved in the performance.
This is addresed to softies reading this.
We can go on flaming him. This is no use.
Ask yourselves . How do we counter this?
We need a non-profit organisation among us local musicians that can help each other in organising gigs for new bands. Its easier said than done. and words are easier spoken that carried out. But Toughts become words and words become actions my friends. James and many other influential figures in the local scene should help in this.
What is lacking is an organisation to help in helping young newbie bands. The amount of time spent on flaming this useless figure NIC. should be spent on inputs in forming such an organisation that will lead into making a better scene regardless of genre.
When ppl are in deperate times they steal. It is wrong but they do so coz its their only avenue. Unless they are Kleptomaniacs
Bands who are desperate for a gig do something wrong by supporting such ppl . We need to create avenues for them so that they dont have to lower themselves.Unless you are just addicted to selling yourselves and have cold turkey if you dont.. haha
I am goinf to work on this organisation. I'll get it registered , suggestion of names and everything else would be great.I'll start this soon on a seperate thread . Everyone has a part to play in helping in any way they can. I hope will help out .
Remember , if you want to see a change in the scene we have to start with ourselves.
And as Obama says. YES WE CAN!
whose in ?