New member
I probably shouldn't be typing this at all..? But i just like to know ur views as fellow drummers.
I've been feeling very down, since the last time my bassist stood me up during the drumfest semis. I know music is something i grew to love, i mean i was whacking on pillows with my hands ever since i was a kid, i'm a decent drummer who plays funk,rock,pop and everything else i can muster...but somehow being a musician....well...to be honest its the only thing that keeps me going along in life. Somehow...i've been like the black sheep..of the family...everyday my parents tell me that i have no future in music, that drums wasn't gonna be my job and all that...that my cousins could study well and i couldn't...all i could do was music. That i was gonna suffer in life...being in Singapore, its quite true that without a proper education/cert u "may/might" not go anywhere..
But dun people living in this life feel that it gets kinda boring? I mean living in a system. And just becuz i voiced out that i wanna be a musician when the future comes..i get blacklisted. Its just so not fair. I'd rather live my life with meaning den earn a couple of thousand bucks and work my ass off...without having feelings for my job. sorry i'm bitchin...just feeling a lil down... =(
I've had no formal training in drums, just played in church for a few years and did a few recordings (christian). I was just wondering if i wanted to make this...a part of my life, how do i go about doing this? I'm not asking for attention or what not...just wanting to get some tips...like how do i let me people see,like and hear my playing, where can i woodshed without disturbing neighbours and yet without having to pay a hefty 12 bucks an hour for woodshedding? Being in a band feels great, it gives ur another side a chance to explore and blend in with the music. But then again, how do u be versertile enough to play fast as in really fast like those Avenged sevenfold drummers or ian paice and bla bla...yet be able to play with solid sound control of some professional jazz musicians...
I've never really practiced on the drumset at all, everything i do now...comes naturally...i love drums no doubt, but i hate it when i get dissed by the elders, and especially my parents...for doing it.
Sometimes you really feel like giving up...its like everything you've done was totally for nothing. Especially in the local music sence....."hey dude wanna go see a local band?" "WAT?Local??Siao ah must be lousy lah". "Wah lau eh..den if next time my band got gig how?" "IGo igo..cuz u friend mah..and i also know u can play well".
When will we be able to open the eyes of our own fellow singaporeans...for them to accept our music. lol...
I'm not trying to say that i play well...eh as every fellow drummer here knows...we have monster drummers in Singapore too...
I won't say that i'm a lousy drummer either..but i play..decently well enough.
Currently i'm serving my NS, in my evenings i jam with the new band i'm in called Shiroi. Sometimes i jam with other bands too and with my "friend" An(bassist). I get my practice on a remo drumpad...eh i do funk,rock,pop, a lil fusion a lil swing hip hop...bla bla....my dreams as a musician, is basically to make really really good music, music that people can relate to, and as a band...i'd love to be the driving force behind it...yet not have the band build its world around me...also to be..a good time keeper...yet being solid and colorful when needed. I don't need to be an overrated rockstar or something...but if i'm able to make it, some appreciation from the crowd would be nice....
Just thought i'd dropped a lil of what i'm feeling...hope u guys dun mind..and maybe might be able to share with me some insights..of your lives...especially those who have made it in the Local drumming scene.
How do you get someone to sample your band music?
How do you get someone who might be at least interested to listen?
Would it be better to go indie? Or find a producer?
Is it possible to still study hard in poly yet do music? Or be better to go all out?
I guess i'm asking all these weird questions...eh mainly becuz i've never really dared to ask anyone..so ya heres it at one shot lol....sorry guys so much questions....boom....its also to at least know, enough proper knowledge as a drummer...be it for the band or not. I really hope to be a drummer known not only for the things he can play, but also as a person who can inspire others to pickup the same instrument, not being cocky and have some rockstar aire...
thanks all....its quite a long post lol...
I've been feeling very down, since the last time my bassist stood me up during the drumfest semis. I know music is something i grew to love, i mean i was whacking on pillows with my hands ever since i was a kid, i'm a decent drummer who plays funk,rock,pop and everything else i can muster...but somehow being a musician....well...to be honest its the only thing that keeps me going along in life. Somehow...i've been like the black sheep..of the family...everyday my parents tell me that i have no future in music, that drums wasn't gonna be my job and all that...that my cousins could study well and i couldn't...all i could do was music. That i was gonna suffer in life...being in Singapore, its quite true that without a proper education/cert u "may/might" not go anywhere..
But dun people living in this life feel that it gets kinda boring? I mean living in a system. And just becuz i voiced out that i wanna be a musician when the future comes..i get blacklisted. Its just so not fair. I'd rather live my life with meaning den earn a couple of thousand bucks and work my ass off...without having feelings for my job. sorry i'm bitchin...just feeling a lil down... =(
I've had no formal training in drums, just played in church for a few years and did a few recordings (christian). I was just wondering if i wanted to make this...a part of my life, how do i go about doing this? I'm not asking for attention or what not...just wanting to get some tips...like how do i let me people see,like and hear my playing, where can i woodshed without disturbing neighbours and yet without having to pay a hefty 12 bucks an hour for woodshedding? Being in a band feels great, it gives ur another side a chance to explore and blend in with the music. But then again, how do u be versertile enough to play fast as in really fast like those Avenged sevenfold drummers or ian paice and bla bla...yet be able to play with solid sound control of some professional jazz musicians...
I've never really practiced on the drumset at all, everything i do now...comes naturally...i love drums no doubt, but i hate it when i get dissed by the elders, and especially my parents...for doing it.
Sometimes you really feel like giving up...its like everything you've done was totally for nothing. Especially in the local music sence....."hey dude wanna go see a local band?" "WAT?Local??Siao ah must be lousy lah". "Wah lau eh..den if next time my band got gig how?" "IGo igo..cuz u friend mah..and i also know u can play well".
When will we be able to open the eyes of our own fellow singaporeans...for them to accept our music. lol...
I'm not trying to say that i play well...eh as every fellow drummer here knows...we have monster drummers in Singapore too...

Currently i'm serving my NS, in my evenings i jam with the new band i'm in called Shiroi. Sometimes i jam with other bands too and with my "friend" An(bassist). I get my practice on a remo drumpad...eh i do funk,rock,pop, a lil fusion a lil swing hip hop...bla bla....my dreams as a musician, is basically to make really really good music, music that people can relate to, and as a band...i'd love to be the driving force behind it...yet not have the band build its world around me...also to be..a good time keeper...yet being solid and colorful when needed. I don't need to be an overrated rockstar or something...but if i'm able to make it, some appreciation from the crowd would be nice....
Just thought i'd dropped a lil of what i'm feeling...hope u guys dun mind..and maybe might be able to share with me some insights..of your lives...especially those who have made it in the Local drumming scene.
How do you get someone to sample your band music?
How do you get someone who might be at least interested to listen?
Would it be better to go indie? Or find a producer?
Is it possible to still study hard in poly yet do music? Or be better to go all out?
I guess i'm asking all these weird questions...eh mainly becuz i've never really dared to ask anyone..so ya heres it at one shot lol....sorry guys so much questions....boom....its also to at least know, enough proper knowledge as a drummer...be it for the band or not. I really hope to be a drummer known not only for the things he can play, but also as a person who can inspire others to pickup the same instrument, not being cocky and have some rockstar aire...
thanks all....its quite a long post lol...