Beware Of School Of Audio Engineering (sae) Cheats

it's always like that isn't it..? and it's almost always the higher qualified ones who get the jobs and i really dunno what to do after ns...hai..
Your path you have to lay yourself. Cannot depend on others to tell you what you can or cannot do. Like that, the whole country becomes very sterile.

Life is like a box of choclette, you don't know what you'll get till you eat it.
James, Audix is at a loss. I like your style of asking for speicifcs. Something that yu and I could help is to help this guy analyze the situation, go through the contract and the latest lawyer letter and see if we can help him sort things out.
haha mike getting all philosophical on me now ah...? :D i know have to choose my own path la..but experienced friends like you guys can tell me the options ma haha..
errr......maybe go ask weelee or boon if they need any helper.....heehee :) :) Just joking.

I mean if you want to do sound, start from the bottom up. Find a good events company and gain the experience and contacts.

Just one note, this industry is quite a heartbreak country. Cause too many wannabes players spoil and stink up the market. Have to be very careful, take a step at a time.
HeartRockSingapore said:
James, Audix is at a loss. I like your style of asking for speicifcs. Something that yu and I could help is to help this guy analyze the situation, go through the contract and the latest lawyer letter and see if we can help him sort things out.

thanx but ive ways to gather the $$ to pay them back thru instalment or something but really hate SAE's way how they work... Just feel cheated n dun like the idea of paying for nothing, and this is the first time i heard of sch asking for payment when the student quit ... besides its cost $1800!!! i can go travel wif that sum of cash....

but still hope C.A.S.E will help me out.

oh well mistake learned, experience earned....
vernplum said:
In fairness, you have to recognize that an institution like this is RUNNING A BUSINESS..

just like what vernplum said, they are running a business and they have their profit&losses to watch. imagine if the class start with 20 students and all drop out, how can the school pay their rent, lecturers, staff and equipment lease?

why did you drop out of the course? is there a specific reason? i went through the SAE course long time ago (first batch) and also FullSail. There were alot of talented musicians/engineers/producers who drop out from these course because 'studying' is really not their thing.
Wah i guess those drop outs you're talking abt, should have like family business or something eh... Its like, everywhere in Singapore need cert, no cert no job.

I mean, shouldn't it be like.. "force yourself study", get a diploma, and perhaps use it as a back up? And if one day you don't really so called, 'succeed' in music, perhaps u can still feed yourself with that cert? By looking for a job huh?

Especially when jobs are so hard to find now, even with cert cant get u anything. Sometimes, working partime can get you more money than full time =/
i quit bcos theres no prospects in this line or shld i say u cant find a job....
this is true as those of my frens who completed their cse which is a yr ago till nw still couldn't find related work, the cert oso can't help to find other job outside of the music industry. Y waste more $$ to continue studying for a useless piece of paper? To work as a trainee with little pay (below $1000) for the event or music company is not possible for me unless ur family is rich and can support u for a long time.

they r running a business and so does other schs, oso running the same business, y they dun hv the unfair clause? anyway, this is over and i for sure hv to pay the sum. which i will pay but not without a fight.... Many of us kanna this not just me, but like most singaporeans they keep quiet. Not ME!
even if they are really cheating.. they are cheating in a legal way i guess.. there's not much for u to do..

not to diss u or anything.. i equally felt unfair for u too just like others.. but i guess this is the way.. rite? i hope u wins this case.. but ..your one person against a big and reputable(?) company/school.. :roll:

and to add.. before anything could be proven (that they cheats) ..try not to be so open when discussing about them yea? they could sue you for slander and trying to bring their reputation down.. try to replace names with like SXX ..or sth.. peace and take care dude :wink:
Im not slandering or anything but stating the facts.... it is definately unfair for the students but good for the business but not the reputation...

I'm not gog to fight a legal case but letting C.A.S.E to chk them out oso writing in to MOE and the relevant government bodies to query on this issue, Chances are slim... but at least I tried.

besides writing in the forum will not pose a legal issue unless i'm writing in to the newspaper.
Hi audix, gordonzz has a point there. If you want to fight, fight smart.

Like they say, live to fight another day.

If you start running your mouth on the forum, it's still black and white, and can be (has already being used) as evidence in court in a slander suit which could see you poorer by not even $10K, they go for the big ticket like $300-500K when they sue.

If you run your mouth, drop hints but not direct attacks. You don't know what muscles the other party has. Like that, you are like a mosquito, irritating but difficult to whack.
I don't think CASE will bother with your case as there is none, the fine clause thing already cover their (SAE) behind. And they have plenty more cases to settle too, a lot with clear cut breeches.

Also the ministry will not really bother either, but hopefully if more complains, some one can actually take notice. Then they can do an in depth audit on the school curriculum.
well, still i nd to do something, if not they 'get' the $$ so easily from ppl?

there are too many clauses n that u wun even notice it unless they tell u.
If they delibrately or 'forget' to tell u, how would u feel?? theres nothing u can do like me except paying for nothing....

I accept its partly my fault as tat time im too naive n young n didn't read the fine print carefully and i accept it.

Well, if C.A.S.E can't do anything tats ok. at least SAE have a record there.
hi sorry audix if i said anything wrong..

ive said.. till anything is proven yet.. so since now its not proven that they have cheated..other den ur own theory.. its better to tone down any criticism against them.. i heard last time got a woman passed a chain letter thru email regardin how NKF spend the donations.. and how fake the show is.. and finally got traced down.. NKF sued her and she lost a part of her wealth :lol: ..its all rite to let out our anger but in singapore.. no such thing as liberty or what la.. otherwise alot pple on the streets protestin against the goverment about alot of things (thats what singapore goverment clever at.. thats why our country so safe and sercure.. no one up to anything big since u do not have the freedom to start...look at US.. liberty and theres people suein macdonald for millions just bcuz the worker tripped a coffee on him :lol: ) .. (i would be the first to protest for banning chewing gums :lol: :D ) anyway.. if anything that might not be nice i hope james will do some editin.. so as not to get anyone into trouble :)

watched a show last time about customer service on channel 8.. they have talked to c.a.s.e about such stuff.. and i can say normally it wont be much effect u noe..and whats more sometimes still need u to join c.a.s.e as member den they will take up the case for u..

so.. unless its a realli big sum of money and ur rich enuff to afford a personal lawyer to take up the lawsuit against.. them.. i suggest u just get a few cans of beer.. some peanuts and chill at home.. let down your anger or whatever.. calm down... just take it as a lesson learnt like you've said previously..

printin those words so fine on the contract is a tactic almost all companies are doin.. u go bank or what they oso like that.. just a marketin strategy.. although its may sound they are cheatin u.. but thats the way la.. :wink:

since your doing sth to get back to them.. i guess most of us here will give u our support.. as one day we might be the 'victim' too.. :)

chill! :)
audix1979 said:
Well, if C.A.S.E can't do anything tats ok. at least SAE have a record there.

good one!

+1 .. :lol:

you have my style of doing things :lol: :lol:

(if not successful, at least let them noe that there is people that would stand out if there's sth unfair.. but not just keep quiet like most of the people)

Audix, I suggest you don't pay first until you are quite sure, at least all legal areas have been covered. I really like to meet you and see if there are ways I could help. You can email me to arrange.
have received the lawyer letter in posting, to pay within 7 days if not they will start legal proceedings against me...
i'm negotiating with the lawyer at the moment but still hv to wait for S** (sH**)'s reply.
Anyway, thinking of surrendering my insurance policys to cash out the $$ to pay.
They have made a life-long enemy which one day if I have the ability, i will close them down...... :x

hmm... by the way, hope nothing will be changed in my postings as i dun see anything wrong unless u r telling me THEY do not require students to pay 3 mths cse fee of 1800 for quiting the program. All i state here is the truth and i'm not deflaming them of anything.

Besides, there is a freedom of speech here in sg rite?
audix1979 said:
Besides, there is a freedom of speech here in sg rite?

Freedom of speech does NOT means you can't be persecuted for what you say. It's 2 different ting.

In Singapore, you already can be sued for defaming people via email or on public forum web space (there are already cases of this nature already).