Somehow, I get the feeling that the people here are against dressing up, lol.
Imagine, if everyone went around wearing baggy tshirts and ah pek shorts and slippers! My gawd. Where got chicks and hunks to oogle at?!
Image counts for a lot, really. Everyone wants to dress up and look nice now and then, no?
I'm into old school rock, metal and the likes, but I don't dress like I belong in the glam rock/hair metal era. I dress base on occasion and mood. Mostly I look like I'm going clubbing. Girls are vain by nature mah.
I wear tshirt and jeans and sneakers to gigs, because they're comfy and easy to mosh in.
There's no need to look like you're part of Luna Sea or X Japan even if you adore them to death, ain't it?
If you're looking for good deals, try shopping online. They offer more unique stuff. I'm not sure about guy labels, but for the chicks out there, try livejournal communities, they accept bank transfers!
Although guys look good in skinnies, not everyone can pull off that look, beware. Only for the lean ones. Not even for the average-build.
Vests look stupid, especially on guys.
Cardigans are love, they look amazingly dressy for guys.
Shawls and scarfs, please leave it to us girls, unless you look like the (what's-his-name) frontman of HIM.
At the risk of sounding materialistic, just a word of advice to guys; a girl would prefer to date a guy wearing an armani/fcuk shirt than a guy wearing an OP shirt or some cheapass pasar malam shirt. It's about being self-conscious and respecting the other party that you're going out with enough to want to look good. And of course, the brand represents your spending power, too