Daniel Purnomo
Aloha, awesome ukulele players
Our fun packed Strum & Pluck Class is going to end this Saturday 30th May 2020. But don't fret, you will still be able to continue to use your time wisely by learning music
I had so much fun teaching my students as all of them are so passionate about music, especially making music with ukulele. They've been learning strumming & plucking patterns, special chord progression, running notes and so much more tricks for "Home" & "Shanghai Bund".
I'm so happy to see their significant progress in this class. Here's some compilation video of my online class that has this class in it :
As I wrote above, there will be a continuation of this Strum & Pluck Class starting this June 2020. I'm sure your passion will make you progress well through this program.
Check out this link for the details : https://facebook.com/events/s/strum-pluck-ukulele-online-cla/544848902865977/?ti=as
Here are some details :
1. Who can join?
Ukulele players who at least can hold at least basic chords, such as C, F, G or G7 & play simple 4/4 strumming (4 times down stroke in a bar). Btw good to know Am & Dm too.
2. It will be 10 meetings of each 1 hour to 1 hr 10 minutes every Saturday 10.30am starting from Saturday, 6th June 2020.
3. Songs to cover :
- QUE SERA SERA in the key of C.
A classic playful Waltz tune . Do you know Waltz has variations too?
A classic 12/8 tune by the great Louis Armstrong. This catchy song has meaningful lyrics, especially in this season. Soon we know that we'll be able to shake hand again like what Louis said.
It's classic danceable Chinese song in Rhumba. This will certainly put your mood in the groove
4. Although we learn more on the chord & accompaniment pattern (strum & pluck) I'll send you the solfege notation for those songs for you to try to play the melody (in your personal time).
5. What to learn?
- You'll learn the standard chords progression...and not only that, you'll get my kind of "extended" chord progression to "spice up" your playing.
* All chords & chord shapes will be taught. So you don't need to worry when there are new chords for you beside what's written in point 1.
- You'll learn some right hand strumming & plucking pattern to play chords for these songs - so the videos I shared above are just for illustration purpose.
Yes, you guess correctly... Like usual, I like to share deeper than just normal. There are a lot of "nuggets" you could learn from these 3 songs.
6. You'll get the recording of the session so you can review again. I'll record all sessions & upload them to youtube (unlisted), you'll get the link.
7. Minimum class : 10, Maximum : 30
8. Course fee : $150/pax
Payment can be done via paynow or paylah. You can message me through fb messanger for my phone number. Let me know once you've transferred. I suggest you register earlier to secure the slot.
9. Let me know your mobile's number. Upon registration you'll join the WA group chat for this module for our communication and just some practical briefing before our Zoom meeting/s.
10. You need to install "Zoom" application (in case you haven't installed) to your device you want to use (I suggest you use computer or tablet as it has big screen & you can free your hands for uke. Nevertheless it works with mobile phone too as long as you are ok with that. You need to put it on stand so you still can hold your uke).
11. Latest registration is by Friday 5th June 2020, 9pm. I'll update the meeting link after that. You can just click on that link via your device & join the meeting.
12. Beside meeting your classmates, you'll get to know more ukulele people even from outside your class. Feel free to share to encourage each other through WA group.
13. Uke & Cute is a good rhyme
14. Stay home, stay positive, stay happy
15. Stay calm & play uke

16. Ukulele could be addictive, so please have time for your other hobbies and enjoy your other blessings too. Relax, chill, rest more & stress less

17. Feel free to share this with your families, friends & your colleagues as they might be looking for fun & rewarding activity too.
Zee you zoom in the classZoom to chang...chang...chang
Daniel Purnomo

Our fun packed Strum & Pluck Class is going to end this Saturday 30th May 2020. But don't fret, you will still be able to continue to use your time wisely by learning music

I had so much fun teaching my students as all of them are so passionate about music, especially making music with ukulele. They've been learning strumming & plucking patterns, special chord progression, running notes and so much more tricks for "Home" & "Shanghai Bund".
I'm so happy to see their significant progress in this class. Here's some compilation video of my online class that has this class in it :
As I wrote above, there will be a continuation of this Strum & Pluck Class starting this June 2020. I'm sure your passion will make you progress well through this program.
Check out this link for the details : https://facebook.com/events/s/strum-pluck-ukulele-online-cla/544848902865977/?ti=as
Here are some details :
1. Who can join?
Ukulele players who at least can hold at least basic chords, such as C, F, G or G7 & play simple 4/4 strumming (4 times down stroke in a bar). Btw good to know Am & Dm too.
2. It will be 10 meetings of each 1 hour to 1 hr 10 minutes every Saturday 10.30am starting from Saturday, 6th June 2020.
3. Songs to cover :
- QUE SERA SERA in the key of C.
A classic playful Waltz tune . Do you know Waltz has variations too?
A classic 12/8 tune by the great Louis Armstrong. This catchy song has meaningful lyrics, especially in this season. Soon we know that we'll be able to shake hand again like what Louis said.
It's classic danceable Chinese song in Rhumba. This will certainly put your mood in the groove
4. Although we learn more on the chord & accompaniment pattern (strum & pluck) I'll send you the solfege notation for those songs for you to try to play the melody (in your personal time).
5. What to learn?
- You'll learn the standard chords progression...and not only that, you'll get my kind of "extended" chord progression to "spice up" your playing.
* All chords & chord shapes will be taught. So you don't need to worry when there are new chords for you beside what's written in point 1.
- You'll learn some right hand strumming & plucking pattern to play chords for these songs - so the videos I shared above are just for illustration purpose.
Yes, you guess correctly... Like usual, I like to share deeper than just normal. There are a lot of "nuggets" you could learn from these 3 songs.
6. You'll get the recording of the session so you can review again. I'll record all sessions & upload them to youtube (unlisted), you'll get the link.
7. Minimum class : 10, Maximum : 30
8. Course fee : $150/pax
Payment can be done via paynow or paylah. You can message me through fb messanger for my phone number. Let me know once you've transferred. I suggest you register earlier to secure the slot.
9. Let me know your mobile's number. Upon registration you'll join the WA group chat for this module for our communication and just some practical briefing before our Zoom meeting/s.
10. You need to install "Zoom" application (in case you haven't installed) to your device you want to use (I suggest you use computer or tablet as it has big screen & you can free your hands for uke. Nevertheless it works with mobile phone too as long as you are ok with that. You need to put it on stand so you still can hold your uke).
11. Latest registration is by Friday 5th June 2020, 9pm. I'll update the meeting link after that. You can just click on that link via your device & join the meeting.
12. Beside meeting your classmates, you'll get to know more ukulele people even from outside your class. Feel free to share to encourage each other through WA group.
13. Uke & Cute is a good rhyme

14. Stay home, stay positive, stay happy

15. Stay calm & play uke

16. Ukulele could be addictive, so please have time for your other hobbies and enjoy your other blessings too. Relax, chill, rest more & stress less

17. Feel free to share this with your families, friends & your colleagues as they might be looking for fun & rewarding activity too.
Zee you zoom in the classZoom to chang...chang...chang
Daniel Purnomo