What Fashion are you<<<< What culture are you>>

Slippers are the best lah.. I bought my slippers for $5.90 and the design is Anti-Nazi. Throw my slippers at all the "NSBM" muts
my cupboard is mostly filled with black cause i can't be bothered to match clothes. So it's a black t and skinnies for me with a pair of van/converse :)
so guyRENCE wat is your actual purpose of creating this thread???
to find out wat ppl are wearing or you wanna fit in with the crowd???hmmm

ok well for me i'll just wear wats comfortable with me.....t shirts wif jeans and a pair of sneakers.....goes for all occasions....jamming/gigs/outing wif gf :cool:

Well, mostly shirts or tshirts with skinnys. Sometimes black jacket from polo tshirts.

Sneakers, puma shoe and a leathered shoe.

Anyone wear stud belts? I do, but i don't show it most of the time, unless i feel like it.

I always try to dress as good as possible before going out, including my hair. Haha, im a vain pot for a guy.

As for how much i spend, no budget, really. As long i have the money, i like it, i will buy it. Don't care if its from designer shop or those shops at peninsula.
dun mind me asking, wat's with the skinnys on guys? izit comfortable for all of you? dun u feel rather tight for ur "inside"? or izit just too small? hehehhehe! ok sorry.. it just disgusts me.. my bad if u guys aren't ok with wat i said.. LOL!
hahaha...thanks!!!!hahaha..alright..come on forgive him alright??

ok, alright< Since i don't fine any Music people actually talks about fashion/so why don't i start>

Right now,you can see from here

Black Metal

hahaha more more more..

well, i'll let you all know.

for Peformence
i'll be the Gothic one...but the true is< IM SO NEW TO THE SCENE>
so i need to know what you guys buy your stuff
and maybe we can know more about other Culture Group Right??

so yeah...maybe some girls at Soft can help<
dun mind me asking, wat's with the skinnys on guys? izit comfortable for all of you? dun u feel rather tight for ur "inside"? or izit just too small? hehehhehe! ok sorry.. it just disgusts me.. my bad if u guys aren't ok with wat i said.. LOL!

It is comfortable, it doesn't feel tight for in the inside. I thought it was at first, until you try it then you will know it is comfortable and it is still the same in your inside.

Nah, im okay with what you said. Cause i have that thinking before.

Ps. You MUST get the male skinny jeans, if you get the female one. Haha, it gonna feel so tight for your scrotum.
"I'm not a trendy asshole.
I do what I want,
I do what I feel like.
I'm not a trendy asshole.
I don't give a f*ck if it's good enough for you,
'Cause I'm alive."

quote Offspring - Smash

to the two threads above, I LOVE YOU BOTH!

and wat's the difference between male and female skinnys? isn't it still tight? how do u take them off? haiyo kids nowadays ahh.. tsk tsk.. *sigh*
well, to everyone who think Fashion does not mix with Music..


Fashion is everyday...don't tell me you don't buy clothes..
Come on, i have say this like 100 times already

why not ME???seriously..sometimes ,some bands just need alittle effort on their appearence..it's gonna be good..

hahha..you wear it??hahaha...i love to see it live..Don't you get hurt??pretty hurt??

for Skinny stuff..don't worry BleedNOMORE..haha..well, i have a tight Gens but yeah..it's just easy to put them on and out..

where's the best bargins place???><<<<<anyone??
im also good that at least i stated there (Culture)

so what are you guys in?? any Jazz people around???hahaha...
down to earth people<<<
in my head... u dun nid to look like vai to be like him.
you dun have to dress like king diamond to play death metal either....

as long as u r comfortable and of course confident with ur band/skills...
Monday: Jamming with death band-Dress up like members of Suffocation
Tuesday: Punk rock band - Wears Distillers
Wed : Dbeat band - Spiky hair, discharge T
Thurs : Core band - Skinnys & tight shirt
Fri: BM band - Wears Burzum and eyeliner
Sat : NYC hardcore band - Gangsta tuffguy outfit
Sunday : Jazz band - Wears formal.

Can't imagine if any bands where Slippers to gigs<<hahaha>

I wore my havaianas when performing for a gig. That with an old T-shirt and beach boardshorts. I can safely say that I stood out like a sore thumb.
All the people there were with their black-on-black attire. Black shirt. Black skinny jeans. Black shoes. Ridiculous ah. It's like a freeking uniform. Everybody's wearing it. Whenever I see these people on the streets i just feel like killing them.
you felt like killing them, sleepykitty? o.O


fashion is a daily life..
even if you've just gotten out from your bed with your shorts or whatever,
that's still considered fashion.

Threadstarter: One day you are gonna look back at things like this thread and laugh your ass off.

A long time ago I used to be into the whole punk-image thing, walking around with enough metal hanging from my pants to hold up a new causeway to Malaysia, and my hair stiff and spiky enough to prick soccer balls.

Every time I look at pictures from those days, I feel like punching myself.

Do yourself a favour, dress sensibly lah. Nobody's asking you to walk around in torn boardshorts and pasar malam t-shirts, but that doesn't mean you should walk around in a full leather outfit either.

p.s. I always wondered how teh f*** people put on those ankle-hugging tapered pants. Then a friend of mine demonstrated it by wrapping his feet in plastic bags and shoving them through those skinny-ass leggings.

Does that sound normal to you?