What Fashion are you<<<< What culture are you>>

Me depends on my mood and where I go and what I do! Usually would be tee shirt and tapered jeans/berms, typical. :mrgreen: My most concerned is my hair :oops: and shoes..

Ah girl ... if you got a pretty face why bother painting !!
I am blessed man since me wife is a minimalist too when it comes to facial painting ....save $$$ heaps!!

i just choose to dress guy-ish sometimes
Make sure only 'sometimes' !!:mrgreen:
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Kickin' it real fo' tha homies,dogg.
Pimpin' like I'mma bangin' with tha OGs.
Shizzle tha G-style,busta.

Hahaha effendi act ghetto!

It's been awhile, dawg. Did you give up your band tshirts and jeans for baggy hiphopper clothes?

sorry label haters....

ok la pasar malam slippers also cool. whatever floats your boat. :D

haha the last time you saw me on stage, i was wearing that what! ok la maybe not pasar malam but teva sandals.

broken toe=no choice but slippers on stage.
Aiyah, as long as looks good (and feels good) on yourself is okay liao :P
For those blessed with good looks (and hot bods), lucky you cos you'd get away making girls/guys swoon even with your old secondary school t-shirt and berms. While for those lacking it (like me), clothes and hairstyle can help and distract a little *lol*

For those who play gigs, personally I do feel that performers need to respect the audiences a little by dressing for the part...at least something that's decent enough since you're onstage and the public's watching. My rule of thumb: Can overdress but not underdress! (think Getai) *lol* (unless you're already a famous rockband with the 'don't-give-fcuk' attitude...heh). Groupies and moshies should don t-shirts for easy flashing if needed :mrgreen:

All in all, I think it's nice to try out different styles occasionally...you'd never know which style you'd look best in, just go with your mood I guess...even death-metal-heads also need to go downstairs to kopitiam to tapao food once in a while...don't expect to put on spikes and change to black jeans and tees just to do that, right? ^^
little miss ___ shirts are retarded and so cliche these days. Pay like 40-60++ at queen's couture where you can get the same shit for 12 bucks at j8 except the tag inside says "junkfood/queen's couture"
And buff guys should stop wearing gay NUM tanks cause it makes them look super gay. wahahaha =x
Tell that to kirk hammet from metallica, he seriously looks like a homo on stage.

Skinnies + vest!
little miss ___ shirts are retarded and so cliche these days. Pay like 40-60++ at queen's couture where you can get the same shit for 12 bucks at j8 except the tag inside says "junkfood/queen's couture"
And buff guys should stop wearing gay NUM tanks cause it makes them look super gay. wahahaha =x

+1 to both arguments
haha there's a guy from a local rock band that wears red skinnies. Shall not disclose his name as he is my friend.