What Fashion are you<<<< What culture are you>>

hey guys>>

please put some DEtour on where you get those stuff alright??

not just Comply some things which you don't like it at all..

my malay friend came up with a nice little version of what PMK stands for. but it's pretty rude and vulgar so i shant post it here.

I get what you mean.
It's a brilliant creation.
Let's place it on a pedestal and worship such a good brand name.

"Milk gets you drunk"
What the sh!t?
I hate those T-shirts actually.
Then I got one for my birthday.

What the hell....
At the risk of sounding materialistic, just a word of advice to guys; a girl would prefer to date a guy wearing an armani/fcuk shirt than a guy wearing an OP shirt or some cheapass pasar malam shirt. It's about being self-conscious and respecting the other party that you're going out with enough to want to look good. And of course, the brand represents your spending power, too ;)[/QUOTE]

This here, is my favourite favourite message. Seriously, is there anything wrong with being materialistic? We all just wanna look good! It's an image thing.
perfect time for the cliche "you are what you wear"

i mean please dun gimme the crap about i dont see the point in buying this brand, "i don't see the point" is not very far off from "i can't"

and those of you who got something against ppl who actually have a mirror, you think that they are trying to act cool, but the point is you "bo-chuppers" are probably trying to be cool yourselves by trying to act like you dgaf about what you wear. i wouldnt blame you for that cuz its a very convenient choice, you dont have to spend money, you can be lazy, and you've got the excuse of being bo chup. wow

i personally cant stand those brands that the beng and lians wear like the newbie wadeva and weird coloured skinny jeans that you guys have mentioned, but im quite fine with them because they are trying to make a conscious effort to try to look good, in their books they do, but of course not in the eyes of others.
i'm glad that singaporeans are slowly getting more fashion inclined, even if they are spending hundreds on designer brands to look good, its a good start towards nurturing a creative population who are actually proud of who they are

im open to flaming, each of you have your rights to your own opinion, just like you have the right to wear what you like, of course your choices just reflect on what kinda person you are
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I started grunge clothes (remember 4-non-blondes' vocalist? lol it was fun)
now's a mix of goth / grunge / corporate and weird clothes

I'm in the art-newage-rock culture
but my band's in the metal scene so depending which one comes out more when
confusing liao
hahaha.. no need to be confusing...erm..wow...art-newage rock...

tell me more about how you guys wear...like how 'new' are you??

hahaha..sorry for that but yeah, need more understanding..
haiya..why all the trouble..

i wear sari...happy oredi..

YES..i sed SARI! or is it saree?? ah..who cares.its not dhoti..:mrgreen:
Seriously, I don't even know my style. But I do like punk and goth. Goth is so classy in my opinion. Punk is good when you're in your teens. DIY = cheap. I dress alot of black. Makes me look thinner :-P

I'm a hairdresser, so you could guess how vain I am. I never leave the house without make-up and painted nails.
Age 1 to 9 - all childishly feminine clothes and whatsoever I can wear. [Yes, that includes Hello Kitty, Powerpuff Girls and such]

Age 10 to 12 - Anything baggy and big enough to hide my monstrous skeletal frame.

Age 12 to 13 - Metal T-shirts [large sized] with tapered jeans mostly. Yes, I still have them in my cupboard. Still wear them occasionally for the sake of comfort.

Age 14 [currently] - On the voyage back to being a girl. But not feminine enough to start wearing skirts which might endanger my undergarment's privacy if not careful enough. Shorts and jeans for undeniable comfort. And sleeveless shirts or just a more feminine T-shirt that fits just right.

Soon I'm going to evolve back to wearing Hello Kitty shirts.