Pedalboard Pictures!

Count me in! Revolutionary product where you have to power the pedal itself to power other pedals, and yet it's called a power supply! A supply which needs a supply of its own! UNREAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


1. Ciel (Being the dodgy bugger, i will pull out at the last minute).
2. thor666 (i will pull out the last second minute before Ciel!)
3. edo83 (Pls bring to my block when it arrives, cos i got no money for transport after buying the pedal)
1. Ciel (Being the dodgy bugger, i will pull out at the last minute).
2. thor666 (i will pull out the last second minute before Ciel!)
3. edo83 (Pls bring to my block when it arrives, cos i got no money for transport after buying the pedal)
4. Ark (You guys dunno the powr of this pedal. It lets you fill up one more space on your board, and it's the most talked about pedal in this whole thread (or soon will be))

Might I again stress the WOW factor of this pedal:
heh, for a while it detour back in and now it detour itself our again! Becareful man, dont get yourself clobber to death by power supply and before dying, still have to say sorry.. :cry:

and for a lil bit, to detour itself a bit closer in, some pic for this thread!


1. Ciel (Being the dodgy bugger, i will pull out at the last minute).
2. thor666 (i will pull out the last second minute before Ciel!)
3. edo83 (Pls bring to my block when it arrives, cos i got no money for transport after buying the pedal)
4. Ark (You guys dunno the powr of this pedal. It lets you fill up one more space on your board, and it's the most talked about pedal in this whole thread (or soon will be))
5. Shredcow (Its ALL about the TONE, who cares for retribution when YOU are satisfied?!)

I cant afford huge pedals... so i own more of tiny and cheap ones..

Latest pedal here is the MXR EVH Phase 90 with script mode and BOSS GEQ7.. any Paul Gilbert fan finding my set up farmiliar? or at least yeah.. slightly close :D

go get a large Misse case, aluminium material, pretty light, and it should be able to hold all your pedals. unless you wanna body build like Petrucci.

plus, you need better patch cables (Shredcow copyright)...
go get Misse cables, recommended.

btw, you've got quite complete tones, nice setup.
yeah i need better cables.. i'm thinking of going with evidence audio cables.. haha.. think i'll might use some melody cable for patch.. ex but i'm sure its good..

oh yeah.. jp is one of my idol but i dun really make my sound like his.. way to heavy for me at times.. haha.. i thinking of using wheels instead of getting misse pedal case.. coz.. everyone is using e same pedal case den.. there is no way one can differenciate anything... i aint no cloner.. haha
damn... got mass order and the lifetime patron of the B.O.B.U is not in it? INFIDELS!!!!!!

1. Ciel (Being the dodgy bugger, i will pull out at the last minute).
2. thor666 (i will pull out the last second minute before Ciel!)
3. edo83 (Pls bring to my block when it arrives, cos i got no money for transport after buying the pedal)
4. Ark (You guys dunno the powr of this pedal. It lets you fill up one more space on your board, and it's the most talked about pedal in this whole thread (or soon will be))
5. Shredcow (Its ALL about the TONE, who cares for retribution when YOU are satisfied?!)
6. edder. Its all about backing out!
Gr3y said:
instead of getting misse pedal case.. coz.. everyone is using e same pedal case den.. there is no way one can differenciate anything... i aint no cloner.. haha

I think the whole world is cloning with all that JEMs & strats out there? :roll:
Gr3y said:
i thinking of using wheels instead of getting misse pedal case.. coz.. everyone is using e same pedal case den.. there is no way one can differenciate anything... i aint no cloner.. haha
Try looking up NYC Pedalboards from the US. Might consider ordering one though, lot's of different sizes. Really great stuff from them. But the price is quite high.

Check them out:
Gr3y said:

I cant afford huge pedals... so i own more of tiny and cheap ones..

Latest pedal here is the MXR EVH Phase 90 with script mode and BOSS GEQ7.. any Paul Gilbert fan finding my set up farmiliar? or at least yeah.. slightly close :D

I notce your DD3 the right knob is silver. Whats that for?