Band Looking for Bassist and Vocalist


Hi Bassists and Vox Out There!

Kaiowas is looking for you,to fill up the two missing positions.

Myself(Guitarist) and my Brother(Drummer) founded the band in mid 2000,and the band had players come and go.Kaiowas even had a hiatus twice along the years.

We are planning to restart where we last stop,together with you.We have a few interesting origs which we will share with u,once ure on board with us.

As for now,all u need to play is 4 songs for ur audition,which i will share with u at WA.

Our preference is someone with no band,as we want u exclusively.We r also hoping to find someone Local/PR,above 30.Race is not an issue,so long as u r ok to play some Malay songs like those in the audition list.Our orig consist of both Malay/English lyrics,just fyi.

Kaiowas don't intend to be professional working band. More of leisure band, leaning slightly towards 'social media band'.

So we are looking for the same skillset we have establish all this years, which is not pro but above average players.

WA me at 9o6o 9eight3eight, and reply me with the details i ask for below😀:-

1)Ur good name
3)Where do u stay
4)Do u have any band
5)What is ur music genre/music u listen to

Both me and my brother is so much into Dream Theater,Tessaract,Meshuggah, Vola,Deftones and many more to mention here..

Last of all, do feel free to browse our IG/FB to know abit more about us.However,both IG and FB is not that active as yet.We will start to update our posts in Social Media,once we get this band up and running again.Kaiowas is more into modern metal/heavy with a touch of progressive kind of music.

(One of Our Orig)

(Tribe-SG Local Band)

(Tribe-SG Local Band)

(Incubus-I Wish You Were Here)

Top link(s),the first one is the band FB pg...then the rest is the songs we r gonna cover for the tryout.

P.S: Look at the 2nd and 3rd pic. Bassist and another vox who expressed their interest, decided to go MIA without telling me what happened.So disappointing to know that there is still this kinda ppl in our music community.Pls don't be like them.😀✌️🤘

Thank u for reading,and really hope to hear from you soon.


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