well, pple have to go to sch and work :P

It won't be booked if the response isn't satisfactory. We need more PMs.
This is posted on behalf of VAiyen

Vaiyen is presently occupied by a important 5 day seminar and he will be back with more details and such ! meanwhile just await his return !
Hi friends,
James and I have not received a satisfactory number of confirmation PMs and as such, the chalet will not be going ahead as planned. We figured it would be economically unfeasible to proceed.
So we will be having a BBQ instead. I've been very occupied lately, but I'll release more info when I can. Till then.
(to e softies i met yest) I told you guys, it's cancelled! =( Okay. BBQ sounds ok with me, as long as the girls arent left out again. Haha.
hey!!! just an idea here.

how bout fellow drummer SOFTies bring their sticks. and try to compose a samba pattern or something.. then whack watever u guys see there. and create a samba pattern and stuff. haha!!

Sorry for the delay guys. Been pretty tied up with stuff.
So, the idea now is for us to have a BBQ, in quite the same vein as the last.
But the thing is, I'm wondering if you guys are hot on the idea, seeing as how we already meet up quite a lot for SOFT gatherings, jams etc. There might come a point when you guys get sick of one another :lol:
So, I need a gauge of how many people would be interested(yet again). You know how it goes:

1. Vaiyen