Tama Goh MasterClass - for Drum Xchange Singapore November 26th Monday!

I can read Drum Scores, Read Music Sheet a little - but it's of not much use also here - because when I play with a Band that does read Music Scores - they all have Basic Music Theory which I do not know - many a times even till today - terms that they use when they communicate among themselves I dont really understand....I feel stupid cause I dont understand.

I think on my own personal opinion - It's good if I or a drummer can understand some Basic Music Theory when we play in a Band........This is my greatest weakness. So for now as my drumming is still not too good I will continue taking drumming lessons, till when I am better a little - then I will want to continue taking up Basic Music Theory - It will help me alot in understanding my Band better.

PS: - Sometimes, I really wonder, why are there so many Dumb-Jokes about Drummer out there(and it's only Drummers) - A joke it is stating Drummers are Dumb - but all this could be attributed to (Not all but Most Drummers) are not able to communicate well with their Band Members (thus unable to understand the Band better if the Band Members are all Musically Inclined - or have some form of formal Music Education) because of a lack in Basic Music Theory? ---- I dunno - Maybe this was the main reason or I could be wrong here too.

PS: and yes reading Drum Notation & Music Sheet is not difficult - we just need to get use to it.
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hi meshtallica,

quite a number of the drummers in our generation (we're in our late twenties to early thirties now) can't read.. this was partly due to starting out, there isn't the internet and there are not that many drum instructors in singapore.

nowadays, there are many learning resources available on the internet, many of them transcriptions, drum notation and such.

reading music/drum notation is easy and also easy to pick up. as long as you clear the mental hurdle, its no problem at all ;)

our generation now understands how bad it was back then, practically all of us get the student started on reading and writing from the 1st lesson.

these youngsters have a much brighter future than us! :mrgreen:
there are lots of books out there too that teaches how to read music...

and yeah reading drum scores is easy and also easy to pick up... im still learning myself!