Tama Goh MasterClass - for Drum Xchange Singapore November 26th Monday!



Thank you so much for the pics and making this happen Eric. I'm sure everyone is and appreciate your efforts, James for his tireless effort in filming and recording down the session (lots of editing needed *beep beep beep* lol), and of course to Tama Goh for taking his off day to share his wealth of knowledge with all of us :)
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Than you too Mel and everyone that attended this Tama Goh MasterClass. I believed everyone including Tama have had a wonderful evening.

Well, this was the 1st time I had ever attended a MasterClass..It's fun though. Did you all realise that this MasterClass ressemble our 2nd & 3rd Soft Drum Xchange when Bro Alfie was holding it at that time.

I remember Alfie make sure that each & everyone of us come out and participate, and do something on the Kit (it can be anything just like what Tama did last night) - After the drummer did his/her stuffs, Alfie would either gave us advice on (How To Do It Correctly - assuming it was not done in a correct sense) or he would show us another alternative method on how we can expedite the thing..........If assuming the drummer did something fantastic - here Alfie would ask the drummer to do it slowly and share with us on how he did it.............and so everybody learn and benefit from it ...........I really miss this nowadays after the 3rd meetup.

I think in any of the meetup- this might be a good way for us to learn and share - but of course the Facilitator there eg (like Alfie) or anyone else (in case Alfie is busy and cannot be there) would preferable be an Instructor who can help us here. Cannot be me or those New Drummers who is still in their learning-Stage to Facilitate - because wait har - give wrong advice tha druimmer will curse me - how lah?..Kekeke

So, 3 cheers to Alfie - I didn't know that the way you facilitate the 2nd & 3rd Xchange was a little MasterClass for us all....We want that again can - that was really cool and good.

Last night was great (the Tama Goh MasterClass) - It enable us to not only get to know Tama better as a person and as a drummer. It reinforce us that Drum Xchange is really good for us all drummers in the building and sharing of this Passion as Tama strongly encourage us to carry on moving along this direction...

Thank you everyone, for the wonderful & unforgetable evening - it was really great hanging out with all of you....looking forward to see you all again soon.

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hmm.. i just thought it a natural thing to do then, thats the way i teach and share.

it was heartening for me when i first met tama in a masterclass he conducted in june - i found quite a few similarities and felt like he was like a big brother to me, from the same backyard.

i appreciate him, as i do all my mentors and teachers for having laid the path before, in the hopes that we can go even further than them.

i have found tama truly noteworthy in these aspects:

- his talent in getting a good sound - and his sound, out of the drumset, and the room which it is played in.

- his incredible ability playing SOFT

- his character which permeates every single word he speaks, and every note he plays.

i trust all softies benefited from yesterday's session.

i hope the rest of the drumming world get to meet him again real soon!

Well said and so true Bro Alfie - The Ability to play Softly is so difficult compare to playing loud (I still can't do it) , and last night really open us up to a whole new world of Creativity in Drumming - There are so much things we could do with creating different sound from a Kit.

Tama stress on the importance of Basics...The very Basics of Seating properly, having a good stool is so important (posture is important) which is so true and that's exactly what Alvin when I had my 1st lesson with him taught me - To Sit Properly and I was lucky Alvin gave me additional special exercises on this area - to train me on my Balancing here when I drum (It was a hands & legs exercise - not easy) so that I can have full & better -control as I continue to learn and move up to later stage where I have to do those thougher independence stuffs - Till todate, it had become my habit and I realise I actually drum better - because I dont "goyang" when I play, so I have more confidence.

Whenever I Reherse, the 1st thing I do when I sat on my kit after adjusting all the toms, snare angle/height etc etc is - The Way I sit which I really pay very special attention here - I sit straight and ensure my balance and also that all the Cymbals are of easy reach to me - so that I dont strain myself ...afterall I am an old man .... and 3 to 3 1/2 hours ogf non-stop playing is tiring really - and if I cannot continue to pay attention to my band by then I loose my focus - this will affect my entire band at the end of the day....and I take this seriously.

Tama use the Terms - Dont Macam "Pang - Pow" like that the hand ...hahahaha >
DAMN i missed alot...

Anyway ...im praying that he will hold another 1...

AND...Nazreen ( the tall malay guy ) is there...perhaps somehow we can invite him to join soft? I remember him being a super groovy and FEEL drummer back when i was in SWSyouth winds...
Okay, I am going to photoshop myself in the group photo. Maybe like next to Tama or something. :mrgreen:.

Glad that you guys had such a great time man! Tama is such a...PAPA figure. So nice.
Yesterday's masterclass was really Golden.

I have not exactly seen Tama perform (except for videos from youtube which totally does not do him any justice) until yesterday. I was totally blown away the moment Tama did the impromtu solo during the start of the class. It sounded so good even though he has not plan the solo beforehand.

Kudos to Eric and those who have helped organised this master class. And most of all, to the great man himself, who sacrifise his personal time for doing something that wasn't expected of him. Thanks Tama! Great man, great playing. Really inspiring.

Just to side track alittle, does anyone here practise Yoga ? :mrgreen:
Nice video. Thanks for uploading!!

What a pity I couldn't make it.

Anyway its a good solo by Tama in the vid. One thing that always fascinates me is Tama's left foot independence. I like the way he maintains that ostinato with his hi-hat foot while he solos on top of it. The rest of the solo is very trademark Tama I feel, very open, clean sounding with neat chops. Good stuff!!
I will be going down again to Regent Hotel to watch Tama & Jeremy this Friday evening at 9.30pm - Would any of you want to join me there, nice ambience and the Waitressess are really very friendly one...always smiling ...Hehehehe !

Call me if any of you are going down ok.


Can all u soft drummers read music?? Just wanna know if there is anyone out there who is like me....Loves playin drums but cant READ music.
I started that way but later picked up some reading skills.

I think the most important aspect of reading - to be able to understand from a rhythmic perspective of what you're actually playing, and how it fits into the context of timing. Otherwise, its going to hinder your progress in the long run.
honestly, if u can't read. even in the short run it'll hurt u. u can't learns strokes, cannot do any independent excercises. which means ur groove will pretty much be grooveless.
syncronicity in ur limbs early on is the difference between a groovy drummer and a drummer who just lacks tht certain magic in his grooves.