
New member
Fellow Softies,
We're mulling over the idea of planning a chalet outing for all of us, and we want to conduct a straw poll, to get a rough idea of how many would turn up.

*The likely venue is here:

*Date and time can't be confirmed yet, as we're still going through the groundwork, but it will most likely be a 2 day 1 night thing, in early December.

Please indicate your interest by replying here.
Hmm... Sounds interesting. The break I have between the end of my internship and school semester is minimal, I will keep track of this thread.
the 'camp' is filled with various music workshop by professionals in the industry.

will try to get whole set of band equipment and your guys have an open jam during the night while i slowly bbq my chicken wings.
will try to get whole set of band equipment and your guys have an open jam during the night while i slowly bbq my chicken wings.

I really like that idea. It's so gonna rock if it works out right.

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