Would this piss you off?

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for me, people who fake the accents are................aiyaaaaa. tsk tsk

i just simply hate it. but that doesnt mean i hate the person. i know its their choice to speak that way. it bothers me but i dont discriminate or go up to them and insult them

we can still sound intelligent speaking with our malay, chinese or indian accent.

With a given name like that, were you surprised that your doggy wasn't going to last long with you. :-D Bad mojo bro.

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i go to MDIS and im taking Dip in Mass Comm.
i can tell you that 80% of the girls try to speak with the fake ang moh accent.

Speak like ang mohs all u want but as long u dont forget ur roots and u dont forget u r Asian that'll be fine. although i dont feel comfortable with ppl who slang, especially when u are local S'porean.
It's ok bro, I can wing it! :D

Lots of international students at MDIS. They dress very well too - as in sexy.
slangs are slangs, some people change their slang to suit the angmohs becos its kinda irritating repeating to them what they are saying when using the local singlish slang.

some of the locals take it too far and slang for the sake of slanging even in front of a kachang puteh uncle.these people equate slanging with being "hip" and "worldly" perhaps.Im just guessing here.

i know some ang mohs who use singlish when talking to locals for the same reason as point number 1.

but my point is , isnt it hypocritical to judge when the english language has been used as a form of communication by the americans and the british centuries before singaporeans or asians for that matter, in which the accents or the slangs had been initially established by them in the first place. by right we should be speaking chinese, malay or tamil.

and the "angmohs" should be the one creating a thread like this whining about how singaporeans are bastardizing their language.

but of course, you could be pointing out at the gal was not being proud of who she is and that she had no pride in her identity. But then, do you really know her personally to make that assumption? and why are you so pissed? She was not talking to you what, you were eavesdropping mah.
vickomaniac ... i like the doggy .

We had to give our doggy 'Rusty' away :( ...... a 2 yr ol golden retr..

aww sorry to hear that.
well things have to happen for a reaon.

but thanks for complimenting osho.
he's very appreciative and sends his love, and licks your way. :)
SIA la.. tt time i go my hse opp i ordered food in eng..

den the aunty freaking rude sae in hokkien 'Your parents nt ang mo. We're Chinese. Ang Mo dont fit us.'

Like WTH. I'm just ordering food la.
I believe this was a topic of discussion in the Straits Times in the recent past, no?

To me, it's all about practicality. I was in Australia for 5 years in the early 90s. My first year, people were having a hard time understanding my English. Most of the time, they stared at me blank (gave me that "huh?" look). I had to make sure my "th" sounds like "th" and the "r"s are pronounced. My friend tried to correct the way I say "tree o'clock" for a long time. After a while, I had to develop an Aussie accent to increase understanding.

Today, I switch between accents naturally depending on who I'm talking to. Where I work now, there are only 0.5% Singaporeans (there are Americans, Aussies, Dutch, Germans, Kiwis, Koreans, Canadians etc). I don't even think when my accent changes in between conversations. This works not just for English but for Chinese. Because I work with many China chinese in a particular Province (and particular prefecture), my Chinese started switching after about 5-6 years. If I switch to the local accent, you won't be able to undertand what I say :). But among Singaporeans, Singlish automatically comes in.

So I would say, language is functional. The point is to communicate and converse. If it serves it's purpose, then no problem. However, using an accent for the sake of using it (eg a Singaporean speaking to another Singaporean in a foreign accent) just doesn't quite make sense...
SIA la.. tt time i go my hse opp i ordered food in eng..

den the aunty freaking rude sae in hokkien 'Your parents nt ang mo. We're Chinese. Ang Mo dont fit us.'

Like WTH. I'm just ordering food la.
In near future we have to order food (or anything else) in Chinese, with Beijing accent. Coz we gonna be populated by "foreign talents" endorsed by our "talented" government.
Why people nowadays so easily pissed ?

From the other threads I've read
Everything makes them pissed.
Slang also pissed, emo also pissed,
listen to pop/rap, rnb also pissed.

Maybe the problem is not with "them"
but the other way round?

how about have an open heart and mind.
and go about with your own biz?
I'm sure there will be one less pissed of person.
(not directed to anyone, just to pissed off ppl in general)
As the old chinese saying goes..."See man talk man language, see ghost talk ghost language".

All things to all men. :D
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