Would this piss you off?

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i did read the thread durrrr.

i could infer SPGs= people who fake their accent.

but i want the full form of the acronym.
Anirudh, I was referring to Sarong Party Girl, which is a local girl who basically wants to hook an ang moh cos she thinks ang mohs are "up there" and her own race and culture are inferior to theirs.
i hear many many ppl ard speaking broken english with americian/brit accents. ESP during presentations in school
its ok if u change abit of ur accent so that the ang moh fella can understand you better but when you go abit too far , its abit annoying lah. If the girl is hot and the guy is fugly, then ill be really pissed off...haha
I wasn't there, so am in no position to comment BUT I do know for a fact that a lot of people (in Singapore, at least) confuse -


2: articulate, pronounce <enunciate all the syllables>
intransitive verb
: to utter articulate sounds

with slang

2: an informal nonstandard vocabulary composed typically of coinages, arbitrarily changed words, and extravagant, forced, or facetious figures of speech
— slang adjective

Funny cos when we sing, we make the effort to enunciate but when people make the effort to speak properly, it seems to be widely confused with speaking with a slang.

I wonder why. :rolleyes:
i feel your pain hahaha some people try to fake an accent when they talk to me and im yellow , if thats not bad enough already
Well personally, I just tend to be abit sarcastic when talking to these people.
Be proud that your a Singaporean with Singlish!

HEH! very sweet. precise.

i wonder why my post got deleted. i didnt post anything offensive.
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