Honest musician vs Wealthy Musician


What kind of musician do you aspire to be?

Honest or Wealthy?

According to Dr S Kennedy of the United States research facility

there is a trade off between being Honest and being Wealthy.
a simple fact is that many people who accumulate vast wealth, has somewhat resorted to "Unclean" or dishonest means of business or lifestyle in order to "fool people" into doing business with them, or buying their products or services.

Similarly, for 2 musicians who are today in their middle age, eg 40s

one is a scion who bought over a music school and became a business owner because his DAD or MOM gave him capital back then,

another who was raised poor and started late and even failed his ABRSM Grade 6 piano practical, and later improvised under a Jazz mentor by the name of Victor S ,

who do you think: is the Honest, or the Wealthy musician ?

I am not saying that being Honesty cannot lead one to Richness, but there is a kind of Honesty that my Uni marketing lecturer said which is called

"Selective Honesty"... which means that some politicians who are somewhat cunning,


at some stage , especially when GE is near.

If a musician who honestly has an Ego, he might have been able to make friends with established names in the record industries by being a very PR person like Sharon Aw...
but being PR could mean a few things:
1) Good at talking
2) Great at talking
3) Talk non-stop and people like

at the end... she has to exit the country and go Paris fly kite.
sorry Sharon, just being funny, no harms intended...

Let's face it: a musician need s EGO to function.

Can that Li Hongyi, son of Lee Hsien Loong do well in music? you ask everyone in Singapore.
Maybe he can sing a simple tune...

if he can sing well, that means Li Hongyi's EGO is SUPER BIG.

and that is exactly what it takes to be an Honest Musician.

and Lee Hongyi's being Honest is from Ego.
but his being wealthy is from his Father and Mother.

There is a difference.

So much for the ranting.

I have an Ego that some A&R don't like, and they have impeded my progress when i first stepped into the industry 20 years ago.

My sincere words to electric guitarists especially who have higher ego than keyboardist,

YOU NEED that ego to BLAST the DRAGON.

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I guess in school we are taught to be honest because
the teachers need to manage us, so it'll be easier to do so

Do you think in real life a honest person can strive and achieve?
In every field, it is competitive, you need to think of ways to move ahead,
I guess honesty is the last thing to do?

Life is not so easy after all ? !
The kind of success that Honesty brings is

1) cannot be easily quantified
2) takes longer time to materialize
3) seen only by Angels or higher beings...

Mankind uses an earthly yardstick to measure success...mostly on how much money one has in his/her networth

take for example a woman in choosing a husband from 4 possible Singaporean men

A) Tall, handsome, slim, and rich, but dishonest and botak
B) Handsome but short and poor, yet very honest, though sometimes with white-lies
C) Medium height but ugly face and fat, and filthy rich
D) Tall and rich and powerful but super cunning and cannot be trusted

which man do you think has the most votes from ladies?

according to Dr S Kennedy's research for the past 4 years since the last GE in 2015,

A) 26%
B) 1%
C) 4%
D) 69%

This is the distribution

and the shocking news when their occupation is revealed

A) Pastor
B) Musician
C) Doctor
D) Politician

Yes... according to the research results, most Singaporean women wants to marry a tall, rich, powerful, dishonest Politician and be like him.

That is the mind of the majority of Singapore Cha-Bor...

very shocking indeed!

which is also the reason why parents take the PSLE and scholarship system so seriously, because if their sons become a scholar and later recruited by a big party to enter politics, he can fish almost any woman in the tomato village.

And what is the plight of most honest musicians here in SOFT forum, guys?

we get the kind ladies who are not looking for material wealth......... but TRUE LOVE...

^ ^
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you said it all, you enlighten us, thank you

I guess in school we are taught to be honest because
the teachers need to manage us, so it'll be easier to do so

Do you think in real life a honest person can strive and achieve?
In every field, it is competitive, you need to think of ways to move ahead,
I guess honesty is the last thing to do?

Life is not so easy after all ? !

The kind of success that Honesty brings is

1) cannot be easily quantified
2) takes longer time to materialize
3) seen only by Angels or higher beings...

Mankind uses an earthly yardstick to measure success...mostly on how much money one has in his/her networth

take for example a woman in choosing a husband from 4 possible Singaporean men

A) Tall, handsome, slim, and rich, but dishonest and botak
B) Handsome but short and poor, yet very honest, though sometimes with white-lies
C) Medium height but ugly face and fat, and filthy rich
D) Tall and rich and powerful but super cunning and cannot be trusted

which man do you think has the most votes from ladies?

according to Dr S Kennedy's research for the past 4 years since the last GE in 2015,

A) 26%
B) 1%
C) 4%
D) 69%

This is the distribution

and the shocking news when their occupation is revealed

A) Pastor
B) Musician
C) Doctor
D) Politician

Yes... according to the research results, most Singaporean women wants to marry a tall, rich, powerful, dishonest Politician and be like him.

That is the mind of the majority of Singapore Cha-Bor...

very shocking indeed!

which is also the reason why parents take the PSLE and scholarship system so seriously, because if their sons become a scholar and later recruited by a big party to enter politics, he can fish almost any woman in the tomato village.

And what is the plight of most honest musicians here in SOFT forum, guys?

we get the kind ladies who are not looking for material wealth......... but TRUE LOVE...

^ ^

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