Style Comparisons... JAM TIME!!!

I think it is good for a noob like me just try to do a take just to see how I can improved from all the pro here. I learn quite a lot of things from you pro :)

thank you
awesome take kx and shredcow!!i havent heard relac and killinghall's one ah, later i hear. trying to make my own take but i just suck lol. i bet killinghall's take is killaaaaaa :twisted:
sofyan said:
awesome take kx and shredcow!!i havent heard relac and killinghall's one ah, later i hear. trying to make my own take but i just suck lol. i bet killinghall's take is killaaaaaa :twisted:

Come on, post your stuff soon man. :) Would love to hear it!
hi shredcow, i am a noob, hope u wont be angry if i waste your time to listen my take. Um...and i dont know how to record, so i just use computer mic. AND while recording halfway, the windows sound recorder stopped recording.....i forgot to lenghten the :oops: it gets cut of halfway ok? and i made it a pt not to listen to any of the already posted works, so i wouldnt be influenced..yea...its really noob work lah...but i'll just post. :oops:
MichaelAngelo, I'm downloading your track now. And no, its not a waste of time because you put in effort to record it. Gimme a couple of minutes to listen to it.

You want comments? :)
I got a program for recording. YOu can try out NTrack for a simple but effect recording program.

You have some nice shred chops there, but half way thru the shredding, you went into the chorus, but your shred remained in Am pentatonic (with lots of chromatics) so it sounded out. Also, the 2nd chord of the chorus, is a D7 which is an "out" chord, not in the key of Cmajor, so you sounded even more out...

I would think... you need to spend more time with the track. Slow down a bit. Shred can be done no issue, but tastefully. Try playing thru very slowly first, picking choice notes that sound good, then when you are sure of the choice notes, sort of fill in the blanks with passing notes inbetweem the choice notes... thats a way to figure out shredding... :)

Need some work on your bending, gotta get it in tune... :) A couple of posts up, I described a bending exercise, you can try that out...
Vibrato too need some spend osme time on it, like 15 mins of pure vibrato... going from slow to fast to wild to subdued to sensual to weird to wide to huge to small to shivering, every kind of vibrato you can figure out.

Hope that helps.... :)
thanks! but how do i get the guitar sound to the computer? by getting an adaptor plug and poking to the computer?

thanks for that advice on the notes stuff, gotta take time to figure that out tmr, im sleepy now, and almost illiterate with such stuff.(i cant even read tabs) haha, after reading your advice, i might just give it a go again maybe during the weekend, this time, not impromptu, but pre planned! =P will have to figure out the chords slowly n see wat scale goes with what. Thanks for bothering to check it out once again! :)
Well, there is a sticky on recording somewhere. :) ANd plenty of threads on that. ;)

Ah.. well , it really helps to know some theory and to spend some time to figure chords out and stuff. But do it slow lah, and go easy first, till you are more familiar, then speed it up x10. :twisted:
MichaelAngelo: thats some relly fast playing man. cool stuff!! i hope u find a better way of recording soon. gonna be lookin forward to listenin to more of ur playing.
Vaiyen said:
hey sofyan! mind sharing how you did the sound effect from 1:50 onwards??
sweet tone too man..

thanks for listening dude, i do legatos and rub the strings near the pickups with the side of my right hand. Dono if im doin it the right way lol.
sofyan said:
Here's my anyhow wank and shoot take.

didn't enjoy it did you? :lol:

Thats a very unique and interesting take! I have no been listening to your OMs but if they are anything like that, I am VERY IMPRESSED. Thats a unique voice right there! The intro was killer!

I understand its an improv basically lah, so nothing to say abt composition or stuff, but I like the way you played in an off beat, staccato manner.

In anycase, was your guitar out of tune or not intonated? Sounded out of tune in many places....
sofyan said:
Vaiyen said:
hey sofyan! mind sharing how you did the sound effect from 1:50 onwards??
sweet tone too man..

thanks for listening dude, i do legatos and rub the strings near the pickups with the side of my right hand. Dono if im doin it the right way lol.

Hmmm.... Try using your finger instead as per how you would do natural harmonics, but this time with the picking hand instead. Less noisy and less clumsy sounding. :D To make it even more unique, try leaving your picking finger in 1 position like 12th fret, then you legato with your fretting hand up and down... nice harmonics triggered like so...
edo83 said:
woah~ i went to record too. Now that i'm back to's at page 4 already. My fave has to killinghall's and Shredcow's

Anyway here's my virgin OM in soft, but feel free to critique :D

Hey man... :)
Of your 2 improvs, 1 sounds better. :) The 1st take is it? 1st takes have that feel to it, usually.

I can hear the glassiness of the Air Norton and awwwwww of the Tonezone! Hehehe... you must be happy with the tone you are getting! In any case, I like the way (in improv 1) you added more notes to the pentatonic... you had problems going pass the pentatonic last time, but the improv was a commendable effort man. Guitar's in tune, intonation sounds good... I guess, if i had to critique on that, it would the following...
1. You stuck to only 1 sound...the neck, which is fine, but perhaps for variety's sake, try the bridge or middle pups...
2. A couple of bends were flat, but thats okay....
3. Vibrato man!!!! Where is it?!
4. Whammy bar? I thought you had one? :D

You know, in Improv 2, when you were using the Tonezone, I loved the accents in your dynamic, your pick attack. It sounded good... like you MEANT those notes.

You want more jam tracks? :) Heh.