bam said:
a 2nd take, cause i can't sleep.. so i tried to finish the whole track, and also try to keep to the same feel as my 1st attempt.. wheeee kinda got lost though..
Good take there! I hear good ideas and some excellent phrasing there!
The little break in the 2nd verse with the clean guitars was a neat idea, but i think (personally) the reverb was a bit too much, when your lead came in again, it got clouded out. Then again, its the mix not the playing.
The (pick?) tapping at 1:28 on sounded quite... forced and yeah, the sweet vibe you had was kind of lost till you got back to "conventional" soloing again. Little boo boo @ 1:44.
The violining part thereafter also seemed to lack conviction. 2:03 onwards, when you started the repeated motif with violining, it somehow doesn't climax as it should (you were trying to bring it up aye?) but your normal tone did it.
2:33 onwards, I think you got sick of the improvisation!

2:43, you lost control of your normally wide and very nice vibrato.
2:48, the 2nd guitar came in at a bad time methinks... should have given it more space... but thats my opinion.
2:55, the run is well placed... pity it ended too early!
The weird noises thereafter, made the piece.. well... erm. Brought it down to earth.
I would think good placement of bends and vibrato in the beginning (the previous take was more "feel" to me) but the feel was thrown off and around for the remainder of the piece after the 2nd chorus.... I just think you need more experience. Nothing more. Cheers!