Shredcow's Early Morning Jam (New take taken)

Hey great to see a fellow vinnie moore fanatic subversion!! Although i could never replicate his technicality, listening to his albums really do give me a natural high heh

Anyways good and odd work as usual shredcow, was great for a no-warmup take in the morning! :prayer:

My fingers usually start to function only after lunch :smt012
Aye, I wholeheartely agree with you and perhaps, even take it to the extreme... I don't even cover songs. :) I rem telling myself that I want to be different and if I started learning songs then I would end up playing like those guitarists, therefore, don't learn, DIY all the way... hahaha... good and bad lah eh? :)

I love reading up and doing licks on the magazines because they are usually the writier's interpretation of the style of the artiste. Its fun to play them out and get those ideas incorporated into my playing.

All along, I've been an economy picking player... look at my picking hand in the vid, it hardly moves. ;) The difficulty arises when doing string skipping or patterns that go against the flow of picking. SO.... its time to figure out something else...

...and the other way I figured to go since I can't pick as fast/accurately as I like... is to do legato and tapping. So thats an area I'm looking at now, lots of legato and tapping ideas... and for the tapping, I want to be able to tap without any form of external muting (tying a sock round the neck lah, using hair bands, etc) and tap out scales in odd patterns. SOmething to that extent... it will be some time before i will know if thats for me.

Oh dear... gotta go do some work now... hahaha...
ShredCow said:
I don't think they ever play in the box!

i've been trying to find out wad playing in the box means ever since evilguitar talk to me abt it sometime back.. can any1 elaborate abit on it?
a little off topic: many people deem Vinnie Moore as a Malmsteen competitor/ clone, all shred & very little feel. i hear lots of ideas & fantastic accuracy from his playing, i'm inspired by all his materials all the time...

good to know there are other fans here as well... 8)
hey slowish... thanks for listening in... yeah, morning ah, fingers are just not working right...
there's a nice discussion unfolding here... chip in man!
subversion said:
a little off topic: many people deem Vinnie Moore as a Malmsteen competitor/ clone, all shred & very little feel. i hear lots of ideas & fantastic accuracy from his playing, i'm inspired by all his materials all the time...

good to know there are other fans here as well... 8)

There's this old exercise video of him and his technical improvisation skills are fabulous. His has very very good control over his picking and all.

I find him very very good with picking/legato/Sweeping technic. Does he do two handed stuff often? I get the idea he is more well, 1 handed. :lol:
Nefianz said:
ShredCow said:
I don't think they ever play in the box!

i've been trying to find out wad playing in the box means ever since evilguitar talk to me abt it sometime back.. can any1 elaborate abit on it?

Its... just... erm... playing in the box is like playing safe. The song is in the key of C major, you play only the notes of C major... it all sounds very right and very normal.

Then comes the first time you hear someone like Malmsteem play a harmonic minor. YOu've never heard that before, and thats out of the box for you.

Then you hear the Mario theme song... and its weird, its using notes thats not as normal as above... thats out of the box.

Okay, can someone else explain it because I'm getting lost here... :lol:
Nefianz said:
ShredCow said:
I don't think they ever play in the box!

i've been trying to find out wad playing in the box means ever since evilguitar talk to me abt it sometime back.. can any1 elaborate abit on it?

probably... playing in the box means playing in the studio (studio is squarish, thus the box), and playing out of the box means play out door. :lol:

Please don't kill me... merry christmas! :lol:
IMO, that's a good early-morning take.
I could never play without warming up first.

As a sidenote, I have Vinnie Moore's instructional vcd. I feel he is the most melodic of all the neoclassical shredders, and his picking is killer. Picks from the elbow btw. Rarely does 2-handed stuff.
hey Vaiyen, thanks for checking in... morning takes are fun, in a kind of semi frustrating way... haha... you will your fingers to move and they dont!

Aye, killer picking control that Vinnie Moore...
Very constructive phrasing shredcow....and awesome playing as usual man....that i realised could be very refined by you with a proper warm up though but it looks flawless enough........on the warm-up would be a real wise thing to do a proper one to avoid injuries.Cheers bro...I dig this big time.Do some honours to your already guitar godly status in 6sh.
Though not at your best, but i'll second what zer09er said. I've seen you in action before and with some working on this track, it'll floor us all hehe.

Compared to you, i think i'm more impaired in the alternate picking department lol! And i definitely can't survive past half of that backing track, still trying hard to learn improvising :lol:
awesome as usual, love those tap string harmonics man, you're a sick tapper too, working on my sweep tapping stuff now, you're part of my inspiration on that :lol: but can hear that some parts are sloppy, but thats normal if you never warmup, I also have the same problem if I dont warmup haha, wake up must move around let my blood flow, stretch abit, then do guitar warmups haha.

Only thing I dont like is the tone, I find it too 'compressed'? I liked your tone when you were still with your x2n and breeds, just my opinion haha, but still, great playing :)
Guys, thank you for your kind comments. Its very encouraging and it makes me want to move that step further to be more experimental.

Zero, the injuries thing is true... now that you said it... haha.. i better be careful! :)

Edo, basket... your legato is smoother and more consistant than mine! Your's is a bendmark for me now. 8)

Hey Guitarnoob, actually, it wasn't tapped harmonics, I pick them. Can't do the mattias thing well, so compromise there! The tapping is something I am working on a lot, glad you like it. For the tone... ah... erm... I'm without my demeter for the moment, so yeah, this is actually my rhythm tone and i turned on my compressor to help beef up the thinner strings.
Btw, the X2N was super compressed! :)

Good that its helpig you jtsang. :)
I'm amazed that you are so committed to your instrument that you find the energy to record something at 8.30am. You must have been dreaming of guitar in the night. :) At 8.30am for me, it's a major effort just to walk, let alone think about playing or creating anything constructive.

There's some good ideas in there, but if it's a legato feel you're going for then if we treat the effort statistically, if you don't mind me saying, there aren't very many sections where you stray too far from your normal economy picked style. This is natural when you are just 'hantaming' (as people say) to fall back into your comfort zone. I suggest perhaps a pure
legato study where you pick as minimally as possible if you want to focus and develop that aspect of your playing.

Tapping is awesome as usual. :)
Thanks for checking this out guys..

I guess I love playign the guitar just that much. ;)
Vern, its true, I didn't use a lot of legato. Kept on moving back to my economy playing style. Haha.. I need to sit down and figure out legato properly, like what you said, a study.

Damn it... is there is a guitar job somewhere?! Yamaha?
can repost?

hey shredcow? can u do a repost on the morning jam??? the yousendit link is expired... hehe.. after reading all the comments.. i cant wait to get my hands on ur track.!!


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