Style Comparisons... JAM TIME!!!

btw i heard each everyone's take nice guitar work guys:)but i can't seem to hear anything on dhalif's one?
Hehe... dhalif trying to be sarcastic? I think not lah... thats all you can really play now anyway. ;) Till you can get out of army. Have fun with your 1 power chord + miserable tone! :lol:
Relac said:
Ok my take for this song.. Still quite a noob, wanna improve more.. :wink:

Hey man, did you have a chorus on for your tone? Its got a very 80s vibe to it. :)

Appreciate you giving your take on the backing... I think it would be great for you to work on a couple of things? :D

You gotta first get your guitar in tune and intontated... bending properly and in tune is a must. :) A simple way to practise bending properly, is to pick your 1st note, drop down 1/2/3/4 frets, then bend up to the 1st note... so the 1st note is your reference, then you bend up to it.

Hope that starts you off on improving. :)
ironcross said:
im a noob, so may i ask what scale is it in? i started learning minor scales recently. i was thinking, is it A minor?

wanna try out. thanks.

The verse is in A minor... the chorus is in C major, but the 2nd chord is a D7, so you gotta switch to either D mixolydian or play C Lydian OR, just play a D chord. :)
hay88 said:
hi everyone,
here's my take on it

scales used: pentatonic, major,japanese and abit of chinese

hope you enjoy it:)

VERY NICE TONE. :) Mic-ed up eh?

The arppegios near the end, leading to tapping is very nice... I love the way you play with your vol knob, switch between clean / distortion, its sweet, very creative. Try multi-tracking more leh... you had some nice multi-tracking going on near the end, it was a cool idea. Oh yeah, your play with the vol knob, shred arps, switching btw clean/dist, it breathes a lot of life into the piece, very refreshing.


I bet if you knew the chords to the song, you would sweep your way thru it, ala Ferrari. :twisted:
killinghall u've got a great melodic touch man!
btw shredcows: yes i used my mum's karaoke mic to mic my amp
Re: Style Comparisons... JAM TIME!!! :) - Theme For Daniel.

killinghall said:
Ok, I'm done too! My simplistic interpretation is named 'Theme For Daniel', a tribute to the one who started this thread...LOLOL

:P :P :P

Scales used: major, minor, pentatonic.

Nice one there man, its very sweet. :) Good play thru out! I like the reverb especially, you have got a good vibe going on, its matured playing IMO. :)
killinghall said:
Wah, Daniel, you machiam marking exam

Quick mark mine too and give me stars can? lol


Well, you showcase your personal touches in the piece, wouldn't you want some sort of comment? :)

Its not an exam lah... but more of appreciation... its nice to do this methinks, and it totally rocks when even self declared noobs come to try it out and post their takes here, thats what make it great! And i got some ideas to steal liao... :D