Photo (guitar gear) gallery 2009

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my nuno N4. very very nice guitar to mess around with.

ripper: nice steve morse on the floor man. love that model =)
His has both tone and mojo.

I have compared the sound of that goldtop with other Orvilles, Gibsons and PRS Singlecut. Against some of the more recent Gibson Standards and other Orvilles, the difference can be like night and day.

And it's got a weeny bit more yummy taste than my own PRS Singlecut.

Maybe the Japanese winding the pickups cheated by adding aji-no-moto? :p
Wow.. sounds like they added a lot of



Wish there was a way to classify the pups though. Those on my MIJ Epi had no markings whatsoever but I love how the neck pup sounds. Especially with treble bleeds on them.
whitey has new fren .... Ripper

Well, Ripper is the guy who got me my fateful No.1 guitar. Somehow he managed to dig up a 9 year old White Silhouette Special with exactly the SAME specs I wanted. And it was actually New Old Stock. How he pulled that off I have no clue.


But thanks to him, my Fender Strat days are over. :twisted:

P.S. That cheesy SRV decal has been removed... Heh...

Bloody smooth birdeyes necked one that I should have kept myself. NOS is really nice, just look at those normal nut against the newer compensated one - looks really gu-zha man. Ya, I think the rosewood fingerboard is slightly thicker too??

We are lucky for this one Lionel.
My most recent purchases...


Gibby ES-335 and Fender Eric Johnson Strat


My sorries for the bad photography under fluorescent light.
The very young owner is willing to trade his winnie pooooh bike for a happening axe, bro. You got any cool pokemon or digimon ones for 1-to-1 trade?

If you offer the Gibson, Fender or PRS type, the little boy will ask for cash top-up from your side. Hahahahaha...
Just get your kid the real deal Josh he knows it's real and would not toy with it !! Then you can put a sponge bob sticker on it ....see this kid here
Bloody smooth birdeyes necked one that I should have kept myself. NOS is really nice, just look at those normal nut against the newer compensated one - looks really gu-zha man. Ya, I think the rosewood fingerboard is slightly thicker too??

We are lucky for this one Lionel.

Bro... You've already kept the Autumn Redrise for yourself... Dun keep everything lah... The board seems to be the same compared to my other 2 specials.

But betcha din notice, the body actually has yellowed half way (and I mean, half the body has turned yellow) Nice aged poly...:mrgreen:

The John Mayer Pups have completed the tone for this one... It's done. No more tone hunting for this particular guitar.

Yes... we were lucky for this one.
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Just get your kid the real deal Josh he knows it's real and would not toy with it !! Then you can put a sponge bob sticker on it ....see this kid here

Hey, Goose... thanks for the vid! That 7 year-old kid's guitaring rocks!!!
If he had some congas or other percussion instruments backing him up, he would have sounded even more fantastic.

My son already has a 3/4 size fiesta red TGM strat. No matter how much I tweak, it just sounds a little out of tune. Maybe my EBMM with the shorter neck could be the right size for him. :twisted:
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