New member
Hi peeps,
sorry we are about to cause some ruckus on the forum, but i feel there is a need, to satisfy the hunger of people who has attention deficit syndrome and enjoy being effed upside down...
James, if you happen to pop by just read and you can tell me if i added salt and pepper on my conversation, tell him did i PM you to remove his remarks,
Was removing a decision i forced you or was it done because it was really a nuisance?
So mr wannabe van_halen *SOFT MEMBER....i aint relating to the real band, i respect the real band ...i do know they are one of the best bands around..
You are itching to get your ass exposed, so here i am exposing it for you...
I wont hide anything i will let the forumers read and decide who the real dickhead is...
Firstly let me show you the thread, ok this is my fault, i mistook a guy selling the SG copy and asking for a trade with higher end stuff...i was being fed up with forum-ers who keep trying to rip the sellers off with stupid nonsensical trades or offers.. *i guess many met such people...
My fault i have apologised to the seller...
I started off the remark saying that the guy who sells trying to rip others off, so i made an example and ask him if he like people trading a TGM guitar for something of higher value...
Where comes along MR wannabe who started spurting his saliva all over -.-
Registered: October 2007
Location: http://vanhalensoft.wordpress.com/
Posts: 1601
Comment Date: Tue November 16, 2010
he probably means trading for those cheap lp/sg copies eg craftsman, sx or even tgm. even if he meant to trade for epiphone or gibson, he can still topup cash what. so wtf is your problem? so wanker, if you have nothing nice to say, then screw off.. don't spoil people's sales with your stupid remarks..
anyway it's ironic for someone to talk condescendingly about fakes when he is acting to be someone that he is not <-- first comment to personal attack...
BY the way! I have not cross the path of this brainless kid...
From day one i started becoming a little active on the forum, he started to flame my threads with stupid comments like...
For eg..
I started a thread asking about metal engraving services...
comes along mr Wannabe and he said im asking to be spoonfed, didnt try hitting googles and expect an answer to come along..
USE YOUR BRAIN for a second, would i even ASK if google answered me?
and did the forum SAY that i cannot ask?
THis is a free to post forum, if JAMES didnt make noise, what makes you think you have the right to tell me what to do?
Ron-blueprint can be the witness, and his recent just posted on my recruitment page...
Let me tell you more after you read on...
Keeps the story interesting...
Registered: October 2007
Location: http://vanhalensoft.wordpress.com/
Posts: 1601
Comment Date: Tue November 16, 2010
at least i'm typing in a language that people here can understand. and my nickname simply reflects my musical hero worship. unlike you. are you having an identity crisis?
if you are intelligent, you'll be addressing what i pointed out about your stupid flames instead of going round n round in circles with incoherent flaming that does NOTHING to address the issue.
<<-- did i use any foriegn language except my nick which is in Japanese? i dont know how my nick actually tickles his spine and cause some severe reaction...*shrugs*
And just read his personal attacks again...
And somehow he actually reads my english language as Japanese, not bad, inbuilt translator beneath his eyes...i would buy such an inbuilt system, maybe he was the first to invent
Registered: August 2008
Location: 東シンガポール
Posts: 76
Comment Date: Tue November 16, 2010
if you have a problem with the language don't read it....everyone has their own likes...its not about identity crisis...must i tell you that the nick reflects someone i like as well? No?
Hero worship...more like daydreaming..
See what i mean? you are shooting everything at yourself...so who is being incoherent here?
Registered: October 2007
Location: http://vanhalensoft.wordpress.com/
Posts: 1601
Comment Date: Tue November 16, 2010
if you have a problem with people's adverts, then screw off. daydreaming? dood it's obvious you are the one daydreaming, having an identity crisis.
you came in to spoil people's sale advert with stupid lameass flames, i'm simply pointing out that you are a wanker for doing so. instead of apologising or seeing the folly of your flames, you make further idiotic flames. you are simply shooting yourself and being the idiot.
<--more personal attacks, vulgarities popping out..hes enjoying it...jeez
Registered: August 2008
Location: 東シンガポール
Posts: 76
Comment Date: Tue November 16, 2010
i applaud your righteousness attitude...you should become the forum police...since you are so free to check on every thread around here...wow apologise...hmmm maybe i should but not to you i guess...
just read your replies...how many of them carried nice remarks..none...
from thread no.1 you have been name calling...and now you call me an idiot...says i have identity crisis...
LoL..sad...you are having identity crisis as well...
dreaming that putting vanhalen as your nick makes you sound legendary?
trying to act like you have great taste for music? cmon..if you want to argue about nicks i have 101 things for you as well...dont put such stupid nonsense argument and try to act big here...
PS* please dont spoil the legendary band name of vanhalen...to me you are just a joke...
dont worry you remarks dont affect me at all...im find you amusing..thats all...
Registered: October 2007
Location: http://vanhalensoft.wordpress.com/
Posts: 1601
Comment Date: Tue November 16, 2010
because from your first post in this advert you were already being idiotic and i have no qualms about calling a spade a spade and an idiot an idiot
<- i cant comprehend his cute examples...its like a baby trying to teach idioms...-.-
you are just a wannabe. maybe in your next life you'll get to be, but probably not.
<- the baby is trying out some fortune telling here...my god..
Registered: August 2008
Location: 東シンガポール
Posts: 76
Comment Date: Tue November 16, 2010
speak for yourself thats all i can say...
talking so much shit and personal attacks, you are not much a difference from an idiot as well...
Registered: October 2007
Location: http://vanhalensoft.wordpress.com/
Posts: 1601
Comment Date: Tue November 16, 2010
i conclude that ヒロト is simply a flamer/wannabe/moron/wanker/farker who goes around flaming and spoiling people's sales threads for no reason.. please kindly screw off from this forum, thanks.
<-- GOES around and spoil sales thread...may i know how many threads have i spoiled? why is my rep power not up? lame...i think you started your career as FT thread spoiler more like i did man -.-
Continue on thread 2
sorry we are about to cause some ruckus on the forum, but i feel there is a need, to satisfy the hunger of people who has attention deficit syndrome and enjoy being effed upside down...
James, if you happen to pop by just read and you can tell me if i added salt and pepper on my conversation, tell him did i PM you to remove his remarks,
Was removing a decision i forced you or was it done because it was really a nuisance?
So mr wannabe van_halen *SOFT MEMBER....i aint relating to the real band, i respect the real band ...i do know they are one of the best bands around..
You are itching to get your ass exposed, so here i am exposing it for you...
I wont hide anything i will let the forumers read and decide who the real dickhead is...
Firstly let me show you the thread, ok this is my fault, i mistook a guy selling the SG copy and asking for a trade with higher end stuff...i was being fed up with forum-ers who keep trying to rip the sellers off with stupid nonsensical trades or offers.. *i guess many met such people...
My fault i have apologised to the seller...
I started off the remark saying that the guy who sells trying to rip others off, so i made an example and ask him if he like people trading a TGM guitar for something of higher value...
Where comes along MR wannabe who started spurting his saliva all over -.-
Registered: October 2007
Location: http://vanhalensoft.wordpress.com/
Posts: 1601
Comment Date: Tue November 16, 2010
he probably means trading for those cheap lp/sg copies eg craftsman, sx or even tgm. even if he meant to trade for epiphone or gibson, he can still topup cash what. so wtf is your problem? so wanker, if you have nothing nice to say, then screw off.. don't spoil people's sales with your stupid remarks..
anyway it's ironic for someone to talk condescendingly about fakes when he is acting to be someone that he is not <-- first comment to personal attack...
BY the way! I have not cross the path of this brainless kid...
From day one i started becoming a little active on the forum, he started to flame my threads with stupid comments like...
For eg..
I started a thread asking about metal engraving services...
comes along mr Wannabe and he said im asking to be spoonfed, didnt try hitting googles and expect an answer to come along..
USE YOUR BRAIN for a second, would i even ASK if google answered me?
and did the forum SAY that i cannot ask?
THis is a free to post forum, if JAMES didnt make noise, what makes you think you have the right to tell me what to do?
Ron-blueprint can be the witness, and his recent just posted on my recruitment page...
Let me tell you more after you read on...
Keeps the story interesting...
Registered: October 2007
Location: http://vanhalensoft.wordpress.com/
Posts: 1601
Comment Date: Tue November 16, 2010
at least i'm typing in a language that people here can understand. and my nickname simply reflects my musical hero worship. unlike you. are you having an identity crisis?
if you are intelligent, you'll be addressing what i pointed out about your stupid flames instead of going round n round in circles with incoherent flaming that does NOTHING to address the issue.
<<-- did i use any foriegn language except my nick which is in Japanese? i dont know how my nick actually tickles his spine and cause some severe reaction...*shrugs*
And just read his personal attacks again...
And somehow he actually reads my english language as Japanese, not bad, inbuilt translator beneath his eyes...i would buy such an inbuilt system, maybe he was the first to invent

Registered: August 2008
Location: 東シンガポール
Posts: 76
Comment Date: Tue November 16, 2010
if you have a problem with the language don't read it....everyone has their own likes...its not about identity crisis...must i tell you that the nick reflects someone i like as well? No?
Hero worship...more like daydreaming..
See what i mean? you are shooting everything at yourself...so who is being incoherent here?
Registered: October 2007
Location: http://vanhalensoft.wordpress.com/
Posts: 1601
Comment Date: Tue November 16, 2010
if you have a problem with people's adverts, then screw off. daydreaming? dood it's obvious you are the one daydreaming, having an identity crisis.
you came in to spoil people's sale advert with stupid lameass flames, i'm simply pointing out that you are a wanker for doing so. instead of apologising or seeing the folly of your flames, you make further idiotic flames. you are simply shooting yourself and being the idiot.
<--more personal attacks, vulgarities popping out..hes enjoying it...jeez

Registered: August 2008
Location: 東シンガポール
Posts: 76
Comment Date: Tue November 16, 2010
i applaud your righteousness attitude...you should become the forum police...since you are so free to check on every thread around here...wow apologise...hmmm maybe i should but not to you i guess...
just read your replies...how many of them carried nice remarks..none...
from thread no.1 you have been name calling...and now you call me an idiot...says i have identity crisis...
LoL..sad...you are having identity crisis as well...
dreaming that putting vanhalen as your nick makes you sound legendary?
trying to act like you have great taste for music? cmon..if you want to argue about nicks i have 101 things for you as well...dont put such stupid nonsense argument and try to act big here...
PS* please dont spoil the legendary band name of vanhalen...to me you are just a joke...
dont worry you remarks dont affect me at all...im find you amusing..thats all...
Registered: October 2007
Location: http://vanhalensoft.wordpress.com/
Posts: 1601
Comment Date: Tue November 16, 2010
because from your first post in this advert you were already being idiotic and i have no qualms about calling a spade a spade and an idiot an idiot
<- i cant comprehend his cute examples...its like a baby trying to teach idioms...-.-
you are just a wannabe. maybe in your next life you'll get to be, but probably not.
<- the baby is trying out some fortune telling here...my god..
Registered: August 2008
Location: 東シンガポール
Posts: 76
Comment Date: Tue November 16, 2010
speak for yourself thats all i can say...
talking so much shit and personal attacks, you are not much a difference from an idiot as well...
Registered: October 2007
Location: http://vanhalensoft.wordpress.com/
Posts: 1601
Comment Date: Tue November 16, 2010
i conclude that ヒロト is simply a flamer/wannabe/moron/wanker/farker who goes around flaming and spoiling people's sales threads for no reason.. please kindly screw off from this forum, thanks.
<-- GOES around and spoil sales thread...may i know how many threads have i spoiled? why is my rep power not up? lame...i think you started your career as FT thread spoiler more like i did man -.-
Continue on thread 2