Photo (guitar gear) gallery 2009

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it's finally here !




mrekoj, welcome to the club. Now, appreciate if you could resurrect the Schecter appreciation thread and post the photos there :cool:
mrekoj, welcome to the club. Now, appreciate if you could resurrect the Schecter appreciation thread and post the photos there :cool:

lol, i wanted to actually, but it seems a bit of duplicated post, so i never post it there.

k k i'll do it now :P
Not really a new toy but it does come close.


Got it at Davis today. All the sets seem to have been spoken for as I wasn't able to secure a second one. I have been looking for an isolated power supply (Fuel Tank Jr, Juicy Lucy, PP2+) for almost 2 month and most places are out of stock. If they didn't gave me a call today, I'd probably have ordered the Burkey Flatliner Pro from the States.
Oh my...a surprise gift from me wife....


...lovin it ....

Thanks to Joshuak for the deal :D

sheesh... I'm very late with visiting this thread.

This is an awesome piece. Let me share a true legend about this Orville goldtop...

Back in 2006, I brought this Orville to do an A/B with the brand new Gibson standard goldtop in a guitar shop. I gave my word to the shop attendant that if the Gibson sounded better or just as good as the Orville, I would definitely buy it. A momentary "sure-win" look involuntarily appeared on the sweet face on the shop attendant. She smiled and graciously said, "Sure. Please go ahead."

The moment I plugged in the Orville and started playing, her eyes widened and she blurted, "How come Gibson allow others to copy their guitars like that!!!" She tried to maintain her composure a moment too late.

I plugged in the Gibson... no matter how hard I tried to tweak the amp's EQ, the Gibson tone from that piece was just no fight...

I walked out of the shop feeling quite disappointed. Because I was really hoping to own a very good Gibson goldtop.

This Orville goldtop was actually not for sale. Only agreed to transfer ownership to Goose out of appreciation for his contributions to the local guitar community.
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This Orville goldtop was actually not for sale. Only agreed to transfer ownership to Goose out of appreciation for his contributions to the local guitar community.


I hereby ....humbly ....receive this guitar *sob* *sob* with a grateful heart.

Thanks Josh.....

btw ...i got it a 50's wiring ...sweet!

I hereby ....humbly ....receive this guitar *sob* *sob* with a grateful heart.

Thanks Josh.....

btw ...i got it a 50's wiring ...sweet!

Please thank your wifey instead, bro. She told me over the phone how she had been saving up to buy you THAT guitar. For a fulltime stay-at-home mom, that sure didn't sound easy!
Ya fellas gave me a huge surprise....almost wanted to cry ...actually i did ...he he ! Me loves wifey so muchly ...especially on her sacrifice to stay home and take good care of my kids...nothing else matters !

lifele55...can't agree more...decided to keep stock pups for now!
Futhermore this fella is a relic ...;)
Ya fellas gave me a huge surprise....almost wanted to cry ...actually i did ...he he ! Me loves wifey so muchly ...especially on her sacrifice to stay home and take good care of my kids...nothing else matters !

lifele55...can't agree more...decided to keep stock pups for now!
Futhermore this fella is a relic ...;)

Hey goose if you do uproot your pickups one day, do mind telling me wad stock pickups orvilles use?

I have a 1996 Orville custom all parts stocked and the pickups sound fantastic. One of my friends said the neck pickup sounds better than his studio's one.. thing is i have no freaking idea what pickups they are :)
My orville is definite not 57 classics since my gibby uses them i know how they are..

A few shops ive come acrossed have been unable to tell me my pickups for the orville.. Jappy PAFS??

How does yours sound
The moment I plugged in the Orville and started playing, her eyes widened and she blurted, "How come Gibson allow others to copy their guitars like that!!!" She tried to maintain her composure a moment too late.

Hmm... Really had no clue did she?:mrgreen:
My orville is definite not 57 classics since my gibby uses them i know how they are..

A few shops ive come acrossed have been unable to tell me my pickups for the orville.. Jappy PAFS??

How does yours sound

His has both tone and mojo.

I have compared the sound of that goldtop with other Orvilles, Gibsons and PRS Singlecut. Against some of the more recent Gibson Standards and other Orvilles, the difference can be like night and day.

And it's got a weeny bit more yummy taste than my own PRS Singlecut.

Maybe the Japanese winding the pickups cheated by adding aji-no-moto? :p
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