fgl said:
i think this shindig too HYPER 4 me la 8)
not everyone would be jumping on the beds, dumping people into the sea, or just screaming for no reason you know. LOL. come lah. the more the merrier. =)

and kaye, yes barney might be coming too. =)
Walau Kaye, don't rob me of my darling pepper la, she's been mine for 3+ years okay. And btw, she IS cheese. =x I'm her filet. And anoif's the bun. And TOGETHER, we are the filet-o-fish. *I'm loving it*.

I wanna go! Shred5 go with me please...haha...

1. Vaiyen.
2. Andrewtheshredder
3. soft
4. pooo
5. hay88
6. mero
7. pepper-
8. wangdexian
9. drummar-buah
10. unwell14
11. candie
12. 17wil
13. Satch
14. shred5
15. spink_grrl101
16. Somebody
17. siva
18. lilrampage
19. hifi_killer
20. Yosh
21. Fruitwine
22. gaderel_dathamonga
23. guitarman78
24. metalella_eh
25. Kaye
26. basshigh [kaye's bestie]
27. SherT
28. anep
29. Ash.

volunteer for what ah..? any position listings available..?
3+ years only! Me and my sheepie darling have been together for 11 soon to be 12 years. *tsk tsk* i'm devoted ok! HAHAHA. ok.. what am i talking anyway. AAAH CHALET... FOOD.

OH... pepper!! tell me lah.. who is going.. i know ronin is goin.. well i read it somewhere. ahaha.
pepper- said:
fgl said:
i think this shindig too HYPER 4 me la 8)
not everyone would be jumping on the beds, dumping people into the sea, or just screaming for no reason you know. LOL. come lah. the more the merrier. =)

where what date & wat tyme...can I bring the entire SOT with me? 8)
Woohoo..... soft outing ah?? underage must get parent sign consent form or not??.... heehee

Do tell the date. My schedule is quite pack for year end. I dun mind to volunteer some of my equipments too (MI & PA), but have to promise to take good care of it..... heehee...

I know the place, quite serene and very spacious & ideal. Whose lobang is that??
Kaye, *shrugs* Lol. =P

fgl and mikemann, I don't think the time and date have been confirmed yet. And bring whatever you want lah. Lol.
ehh mahjongers!! my tiles are the mini mini tiles leh..u all mind or not??

|||||||||||||| about this size...
|||||||||||||| :lol: :lol: :lol:
wat the make love???? hhahahahahahahah!!!

quite lame..lol!! first time hear sia..
1. Vaiyen.
2. Andrewtheshredder
3. soft
4. pooo
5. hay88
6. mero
7. pepper-
8. wangdexian
9. drummar-buah
10. unwell14
11. candie
12. 17wil
13. Satch
14. shred5
15. spink_grrl101
16. Somebody
17. siva
18. lilrampage
19. hifi_killer
20. Yosh
21. Fruitwine
22. gaderel_dathamonga
23. guitarman78
24. metalella_eh
25. Kaye
26. basshigh [kaye's bestie]
27. SherT
28. anep
29. Ash.
30. inacarunderwater

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