What lines/excuses to use to ask a girl out

Haha....I like to know to. What keywords do you use for the Search function? I hope it's not "Piak Piak"! :D


To ts:
dont do this and you'll be fine.
'hey i need a keen ear on something. come check out my band this ________'

Just keeping things music-related. 2 birds, 1 stone (and hopefully 1 chick).
when you were younger you tend to think how to chat up with the girl and have 100 ideas ( that wont work ) to ask her out for a date.
when you get old, I will just ask her out front : "I'm gonna take you out for _ _ _ _ ( fill in events, such as movies, dinner, etc ), what time can I come pick you up ? "
Most of the time, she can't answer "Yes" or "No", because she has to answer "what time" from your invitation.
That solves all the worries.
My two cents.. haa.. ( might not work, so practise on your barbie doll first. )
best way to counter-reject a rejection :

ask "Hi, you interested in going out for a dinner and movies?"

if she says : No.

reply : yeah same here. what a waste of money on women.
impossible to advise. given the same line, some people will appear very 'charming' while others will kena sexual harassment suit.

go to her and say I WANT TO DESTROY YOU