Awareness+Fund-Raising favour to ask. and a personal thought.


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if you have a youtube channel with many views, pls link this on the main page by going to , "Featured Video" > "Video URL"

if you got a blog,embed it.
if you got money,donate it.
if you got time,waste it.
if you got email/msn/facebook/myspace/friendster/twitter/phone , spam it.

buy the tickets at

I understand the quota has been reached but I believe it'll take a daily expense to live in US while the girl gets her treatment.

and this I must get off my mind, first things first I'm not here to start a debate, this is just a personal opinion, if you feel you agree with me good, if you don't, good also. share different point of view so we have an open minded that will inspire or educate the rest.

money = power , power may corrupt. we've got a rise of the people receiving donations but funds mishandled , huang na's case spent on some house in china, ever famous NKF Durai, ren ci and that monk, you can easily google on "singapore charity scandal". It's an individual's choice to either "donate $100 to 1 ill person = 50% recovery" or "donate $100 to split 10 ill ppl = 20% recovery" , some ppl NEED to SEE the person they're donating to to feel the charity done, some ppl just say "this money I "throw" to charity, I don't give a crap what happens to it as long as I know I've done my karma/part and I'm not going to hell". and I feel that there's usually 3 kinds of typical singaporean mindset when it comes to donations :

1) if you donate - economy so bad already, you can't even save yourself. = you're stupid.

2) if you don't donate - you give excuses saying there're others who are loaded but they never donate why should you = you're heartless.

3) if you donate later when you free/got money - you prioritise your personal financial problems and necessities, but then you realise there's no much money left that you think would make a difference = you're hypocrite.

so which one are you ? haha. damned if you do , damned if you don't. end of the day, just do what you feel is right in your heart it all comes down to the same but different in each individual. personally I do it out of guilt/karma because I'm not perfect, I've made some bad mistakes in my life so I wouldn't want it to happen to my child and I know that if I was this girl's father I would tap all possibilities to raise awareness and funds to save her. and I haven't done heartfelt charity apart from buying tissues from blind uncles and performing blind musicians along streets. Hated my pri school days where I have to be compelled to go around asking for school COUPON donations that seriously I doubt the funds truly go to charity anyway. so this is a "person" whom I and we all can see.
If you really don't have the money, use skills to raise money OR awareness (that will lead to other people donating).

I'd just like to highlight that I've been given greenlight by Friz (F-Entertainment organiser) as videographer to film the gig, usually people give me some sort of VIP treatment (which I don't feel I deserve, cos it's nonprofit.) and enter for free as part of crew. I still bought my tickets to Saving Charmaine as donation.I am going to film the gig for free, upload it on youtube with charmaine's site watermark and ask all the performing bands to embed on their myspace to encourage their fans/friends to either raise awareness or donate. So meantime before the concert, please do the above video embedding/spamming. and after the concert, do check out the footage if you can't make it to the gig, and donate anything you can. Or some of the softies get creative and sell their dusty music instruments to donate also.

lastly should anyone else have great ideas to raise funds/awareness, I mean we don't just talk "all about charmaine" , cos think about if power of local music does great for 1. We can apply this effectively to all. So far i'm also thinking some of you guys with a webcam/guitar and a great voice and cover some heartfelt related songs (or originals) and spread the word via your own youtube.personally I would love to do that but I'm cursed with no musical talent, can't even play green day when I come around properly.

thank you.

We need Singaporeans to be part of this. Big or small. Doesn't matter at all. Just a simple status updates on your facebook, can means alot to her.

We urge everyone to help do their part. Thanks softies and fellow singaporean.
maybe it's just me, but I see the the views of this video increasing by the hour from 1200 to 1450 ! (The first time I linked up the vid it was 150 only! but i don't take credit la, cos also linked the vid..)

bands with myspace or anyone reading this please do give my request a shot?
wow 3300+ views now!
I'd like to thank the people who helped donated and thank the bands who posted up the awareness on their blog/facebook/myspace!

There's exclusive footage of Ms Penny Low's (MP - Pasir Ris-Punggol GRC) last minute performance and donation of $10'000!

I've started to upload saturday's video footage on my site.. will update again..
We need Singaporeans to be part of this. Big or small. Doesn't matter at all. Just a simple status updates on your facebook, can means alot to her.

We urge everyone to help do their part. Thanks softies and fellow singaporean.

can i help if im malaysian?