Selling CDs (Generic title because I can't come up with a creative one)


New member
Good evening/morning/afternoon, charming denizens of SOFT. As the title states, I am selling CDs to fund the purchase of a new pair of earphones. Sadly, I have decided that the following CDs will be culled from my (rather sizable) collection. Before I start babbling about trivial matters, we ought to move on to the CDs which will (hopefully) find a new owner.

1)All prices are (In Singapore currency of course!) $10 unless otherwise stated.
2)All CDs are in pristine condition.

Arch Enemy-Anthems of Rebellion (Melodic death metal. No witty comment about Miss Gossow)

...And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead-Source Tags & Codes (No idea what this is but apparently got a a perfect score from Pitchfork)

Arcade Fire-Funeral (Ah Arcade Fire, how far you've come with a Grammy and eveything. First and best album.)---$5

Baroness-Red Album (Metal for people who dislike metal)

Belle and Sebastian-The Life Pursuit (Happy music for happy people)

The Blood Brothers-Crimes (Ridiculously energetic album)

Bright Eyes-Cassadaga (I'm not sure what this is but I heard females dig Mr Oberst)

Burst-Lazarus Bird (Metalcore with progressive leanings. Scene 'I need a breakdown every second' kids need not apply)

Camera Obscura-Let's Get Out of This Country (Twee!) ---$5

Camera Obscura-Underachievers Please Try Harder (More twee to melt your heart)

Converge-Jane Doe (Music for fighting someone. So much unadulterated rage)

Converge-Caring & Killing (A young and raw Converge a few years before their magnum opus)

Cradle of Filth-Dusk... and Her Embrace (Symphonic black metal with gothic undertones which is strangely...arousing)

Crystal Castles-Crystal Castles (The one with the little girl in the graveyard. How stupid is it to have same names for two albums?)---$5

Dinosaur Jr.-Farm (Surely I needn't say anything for this band?)

Draconian-Where Lovers Mourn (Melodramatic gothic metal for fans of 'beauty and beast' type vocals)

Draconian-Arcane Rain Fell (See above but ramp up the quality)

Earth-Earth 2: Special Low Frequency Version (DRONEEEEE...Forget Sunn O))) and listen to Earth for all your drone needs. Seriously. )

Funeral Mist-Salvation (Wicked album art. Lumped under the 'orthodox' black metal tag)

Grizzly Bear-Veckatimest (Get it because Pitchfork told you to)

Heaven Shall Burn-Iconoclast (Don't feel alienated scene kids, here's something for you. Br00...oops brutal and I mean it.)

Kylesa-Spiral Shadow (Kylesa ditch their punk roots for a more accessible sound)

Kylesa-To Walk a Middle Course (Back when Kylesa were too punk for metal and too sludge for punk)---$8 due to light scratches

Interpol-Turn on the Bright Lights (If only Interpol had a discography worth collecting...Still a goddamn amazing album. That synth bit midway through Leif Erikson is my favourite. Highly recommended.)

MGMT-Oracular Spectacular (Fun catchy pop. Nothing else to be said)

Misery Signals-Controller (There you go, scene kids! (:)

Mogwai-Young Team (Essential album for post-rock aficionados)

Mono-Hymn to the Immortal Wind-(Heart-wrenching post-rock backed up by an orchestra)----$5

The National-Boxer (Best album by The National)

The National-Alligator (More moody rock from The National)

The National-High Violet (Just get it because they're coming to Singapore)

St.Vincent-Actor (Oh Annie Clark...lovely porcelain skin and delectable curls)

Thrice-Vheissu ('Experimental' post-hardcore)

Weezer-Blue album (My dear Weezer, what the hell happened?)

Wodensthrone-Loss (Folk influenced black metal inspired by nature)

Special My Chemical Romance section: $10 each
I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love (Young guys form New Jersey playing post-hardcore)

Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge (Suddenly, MTV exposure! Also, why is our fan base comprised of teenage girls?)

The Black Parade (Let's dress up in black uniforms ala The Beatles during Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band and listen to Queen. I'm sure it'll be fun!)

The Black Parade is Dead! (Listen closely and hear the sobs of over 9000 teenagers)

If you buy all 4 CDs, I'll offer you two MCR t-shirts (never worn, washed once) , brought at their concert way back at $40 apiece , for $30. PM me for pictures if you're interested. I'll try to dig/conjure up a camera. (Screw you I.R for unceremoniously dumping said t-shirts on me and I followed you to that stupid concert. Ah, the things guys do for a girl...)/rant

Phew, that was long. PM me for any inquires. Any transaction details can be discussed via PM. Thanks a lot. Sorry for rambling.