Some people don't feel that this guy deserves to be punished because he is exercising his right to "freedom of speech". Well, it is certainly a harsh punishment if implemented in other countries. This doesn't apply to Singapore.
The right to speak freely comes with an unpublished book of rules; basically you shouldn't criticize others when it comes to race, religion, sexuality, etc. In Singapore, if we have too many people like him, racial tensions would worsen, and one could expect non-democratic measures to be taken such as rioting. Now this wouldn't be good for our economy right? That veil of economic perfection that has been boasted by our entrepreneurs for decades would be lifted in a moment, and there goes our income, our jobs and our lifestyle.
Punishment can be used for the greater good; not just for Mr.Fragrance Prince (cheesy I know) to repent about, but for the rest of the public to learn as well. This will deter potential bloggers from writing similar ill-natured comments on the same topic, thus restoring the order of peace we have come to enjoy over the years.
Damn I feel chim haha :mrgreen: