Warning: Be mindful of what you post on SOFT

I can smell like, tough talking brewing like, awesome.
This is way better than racism. this is like ego brew, like rabbit stew, like rainbows with eight colours yo.

This is like, awesome.
fight fight fight fight!

But remember brothers, where is da love? The love is in your hearts

you all my homies.

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widdly aint trying to stir shit, look beyond what he is writing..

of the people i knew outside of this forum in real life, widdly prolly wont even be the last person to stir shit up...

while majorioty of the reponses here are trying to talk tolerance and understanding, it seem like once we are being poked(of who we are, sounds like or identity), we tend to forget what we have been trying to preach, love and tolerance etc...

no offence, just imho.
I say the mojo is in da house bro. and so much hate, like, HATE in their bloods. They is arguing but where da love me brother?

I ain't tripping on no substance, no pill or smokes bro. I trippin' on da love in da house, in the SOFT house bro.

Everybody is so anal, so uptight, like Cupid messed up and shot the private instead of the buttocks bro. And James is scared that the men in blue knock on his door, yo. But all we know is all we are and peace be in our hearts, brothers.

Where is da love? da love never left our hearts.
We eat nasi brani, we eat prata, we also eat hor fan. To me, all is the same brothers.

Show some love. Racism is like a balloon. Full of hot air but pop and it go poof, brothers.

I sing a song for you, to show you my love

"Darling I love you and you love me
Together we hold hand and make baby
I love you, you love me
We make love and then we die happy"

Peace me our homies in SOFT!

With love and cream,
MySpace.com - Astroninja - SG - Punk / Rock - www.myspace.com/astroninary
Alrighty folks - it's about time we had a song!

YouTube - Blessid Union Of Souls I Belive

Walk blindly to the light and reach out for his hand
Don't ask any questions and don't try to understand
Open up your mind and then open up your heart
And you will see that you and me aren't very far apart

'Cause I believe that love is the answer
I believe that love will find the way

Violence is spread world wide and there are families on the street
And we sell drugs to children now oh why can't we just see
That all we do is eliminate our future with the things we do today
Money is our incentive now so that makes it okay

But I believe that love is the answer
I believe that love will find the way
I believe that love is the answer
I believe that love will find the way

I've been seeing Lisa now for a little over a year
She said she's never been so happy but Lisa lives in fear
That one day daddy's gonna find out she's in love
With a nigger from the streets
Oh how he would lose it then but she's still here with me
'Cause she believes that love will see it through
And one day he'll understand
And he'll see me as a person not just a black man

'Cause I believe that love is the answer
I believe that love will find the way
I believe I believe I believe I believe that love is the answer
I believe that love will find the way
Love will find the way
Love will find the way
Love will find the way
Please love find the way
Please love find the way -----------------------
Yo homie
and SOFT brothers, sisters and object that dun move without battery yo
And Widdly Dee Dum and Red-u-mental bummer yo bro yo bro yo bro, hows it hanging homies?

Me make song for you, the lyric dis below, and show RACISM is hot balloon man.
Man, we make peace love and happiness for all.

'Dis da "D to the O to the W to the N to the L to the O to the A to the D!"
YouSendIt - Send large files - transfer delivery - FTP Replacement
"Darling I love you and you love me. Together we hold hand and make baby. I love you, you love me, we make love and then we die happy"

One love yo. One heart, make love, not war. Make a lot of love but no babies in da bin yo.
Me is happy to share with you so you may too find peace in yo hearts man.
Peace be our brothers and in your heart, always, love beat strong man.
Strong as an ox with ten legs, man. And may dis song go on and on in your mind, always.

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Is it me or is roninriot high or something?
he seems to be getting everyone a lil sidetracked.

which is good i guess.
this subject of matter will never end.
i've been wondering, movies/shows like Rush Hour / Harold And Kumar / Talking Cock (SG) / SouthPark / Chris Rock's stand up comedy etc. all the (excuse me here) "black/white/chinese/indian/bhai/stereotype" jokes featured. are they considered racist in a bad way if someone laughs at the racist jokes or even crack them to ease the racial barrier tension? can someone actually be "racist in a good/joking way", that means a guy has friends of all races and cracks subtle racist jokes to all of them including his own ? intentions is what i'm talking about here.

I believe these movies/shows have no racist intent, instead they are satirical takes on the entire idea of racism, and the joke(and insults) really is on the viewers who actually BELIEVE and TAKE the staged content to be true and an accurate reflection of the true world.

Yes that dude is a racist prick and deserves punishment, but I believe instead of jail he could have been "re-educated" or forced into community service of the nature which would be appropriate to his mistake.

I say mistake because every once in a while when we all get irritated by someone or a group of people we transcend beyond the actions in particular and focus our anger/frustration on something else about the people in question. In his case it was race, in other people's cases it has to do with their moms. So before everyone starts condemning him and associating his apparently quirky sexual orientations as a way of channeling frustration please search your own conscience first.

Because doing so makes you pretty much the same kind of person that he is.
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My guess is that he would not be jailed (though he could be) – one of my friend, keep Snakes, Sugar-Glider, Reptiles that are not supposed to be kept as pets and was caught (It came out in the Straits Time Papers last few years ago)…..but at that time he was a University Student here……..He got with a FINE (there were some 20 over snakes found in his home) …The fine was at the minimum sum only. At the end of the day – The News just wanted to convey a message across to all – that – Some Reptiles are not allowed to be kept as pets in the home – just a Reminder & Warning to all. Of course they will give him leniency here as he is also a young man - people would be given a chance to learn..

PS: - Actually my friend wont get caught (but he did) because – He got himself a New GF after being with his GF for a few years and hear-say from friends around was that the Ex-GF was the one who actually reported him to the Authority ….. Poor fellow..!!!

The purpose of this Thread is just to serve as a Reminder that we be extra careful with Sensitive Issues like that … cheers all my Bros/Sis here.
PS: - Actually my friend wont get caught (but he did) because – He got himself a New GF after being with his GF for a few years and hear-say from friends around was that the Ex-GF was the one who actually reported him to the Authority ….. Poor fellow..!!!
amen to that.
which is why I never trust girls with illegal sensitive issues.the just cant keep their mouth shut
Dude, I think that was more an act of revenge rather than girls not being able to keep their mouth shut, lol.

Having a big mouth is not gender specific :p