Sing the Covid-19 blues away with your own original tune and music video, and you might just win $1,000 cash.
The Straits Times, in partnership with Nets, is giving 10 readers a chance to win $1,000 each in the "In This Together" Singalong Challenge. Participants have to come up with a short song, rap or jingle which must feature the phrase "in this together".
They need to record a video clip, of not more than 60 seconds, of themselves singing the tune. Contestants can do it solo or rope in family members or friends, but the collaborations would have to be done online if they are not from the same household.
The video should be sent by e-mail to stpromo@sph.com.sg with the subject header "In This Together". Contestants can also post the video on their Instagram or Facebook page with the hashtag #stnetschallenge. The settings must be set to public so that the video can be viewed by all.
Participants will be judged on their singing ability, how creative they are with the song and video as well as the energy level of the performance.
The results will be published in The Straits Times Life section on May 30.
With Singaporeans staying at home during the circuit breaker period, many home-grown amateur and established singer-songwriters have come up with their own creations to lift people's spirits.
These include The Straits Times' collaboration with local music veteran Clement Chow, Stay At Home, Singapore, which raises funds for The Straits Times School Pocket Money Fund and The Business Times Budding Artists Fund beneficiaries affected by the outbreak.
Mr Ricky Lim, Nets interim group chief executive officer, notes that everyone is doing his part to stay home and stay safe.
He adds: "In times like these, we hope this initiative with The Straits Times will encourage people from all walks of life to unleash their musical talents and lift our collective spirits.
"As they say, 'Music is to the soul what words are to the mind.' Together we can overcome, Singapore."
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