Active member
deep, deep inside, he just wants a hug.
Awww.. Why don't you give it to him?

Lol.. We would never know what he feels inside.. Whether he is insecure, or an elitist..
deep, deep inside, he just wants a hug.
i chose insecure because if he was an elitist, he would be a very lousy one.
so i gave him the better choice and the benefit of the doubt
and no he's not getting a hug.
maybe one tight slap.
what if you made a remark to a malay guy. critising him.
yet you, yourself a malay.
does that count as being racist?
It is not an independent choice. You could say that money and fame are holding him at gun point.how is that not? no one is holding a gun to his head and forcing him to write it.as blueprintstudio had mentioned,
"I write this way to make my entries more punchy and exciting"
so, he writes it in that way to gather more hits, how is that free willed expression?
the point is you cant get rid of discrimination completely, you can only preach tolerance
what if you made a remark to a malay guy. critising him.
yet you, yourself a malay.
does that count as being racist?
edit: also hydrofly I think you meant 'liberal', not libertarian. A libertarian is a whole different school of thought.
Oooh.. familiar scenario. I do that alot, heh.
I have been in talks with my own race once awhile about how other races are basically this or that and how we have become second class citizens in our own land (cos we were the "original" people of this isle) and how other races seem to be favoured more than us bla bla bla etc etc.
Half the time I just smiled at the remark and nod is false agreement when in the back of my mind I was thinking: "You are so typical of what I hate about my race."
I will not go into detail as to what the "typicals" would say, and what my own thoughts of my race is, cos I do not wish to offend anyone, though if you are really interested, can pm me and we meet for coffee and talk :mrgreen:
I have to say that it is unfortunate that there is still a mental segregation that refuses to go away even after more than four decades of independance. Of course four decades is nothing compared to 400 years, and even then it still exist.
it happen to me n my bros in our neighbourhood 9yrs back.
yes long time bck but i remember it well.
were spot checked by the men in blue.
1 of them is a malay guy and he 'lecture' us bla bla...
even say tat our races are stupid bla bla...
kinda stupid to me. critisicing own race which he himself said tat he is also like tat.
damn confused mf.
basically i guess its these typical people that brings the pride of a race down to the gutter. and mainly, its because of these people that other innocent people of the same race get criticised on as subject on poor wyldeboon