Warning: Be mindful of what you post on SOFT

i chose insecure because if he was an elitist, he would be a very lousy one.
so i gave him the better choice and the benefit of the doubt (:

and no he's not getting a hug.
maybe one tight slap.
Criticizing a particular individual, and saying things like "Why must it always be a Malay?!" or something to that effect, I feel, are two different things altogether.

From the photograph I saw in a cached Google page of the gay prince's (no, I wouldn't call him pretty) blog of the Malay man in question, it was quite obvious that the man is somewhat intellectually disabled, or even mentally unsound. I don't know, I'm just guessing. I may be wrong.

So, the gay prince (maybe should call him Fragrance Princess instead :mrgreen:) was probably implicated NOT because of his personal issue with the Malay man sitting on the train floor in question BUT with his obvious negative insinuations about Malays in general.

His feeble attempts at defending his acidic words in the interviews with the media is quite laughable indeed, I must say. He's obviously not blessed with much intelligence to help him get out of silly trouble like this.

But anyhow, if Fragrance Princess is jailed (anyone knows the latest news?) I think it's going a bit overboard lah. He is nowhere near as vile as the couple who distributed 'Little Bride' (Ridzwan.Com: The Little Bride), I think.

Sadly, I honestly think that some Singaporeans (of all races) still are only tolerating each other and harbouring suspicions about one another, and have not really accepted each other's differences, cultures and ways of life. Generalizing, stereotyping and racial profiling are still very much rampant in some Singaporeans, no thanks to 'intellectually-stimulating' local movie productions by a certain director named Jack, where all Indian uncles are useless security guards, all Malay makciks are obese loudmouths, all Chinese men are uneducated and violent Ah Bengs and loansharks.

Though it's easy for people to relate to these characters, I don't think it helps in any way at all. I feel that he's not only helping us laugh at ourselves, but at each other too. Note the difference with 'laughing at' and 'laughing with'. There are definitely cleverer ways to tell stories.

Yes, it is good that the government is taking action and following up on complaints about attempts at racial and religious sedition by individuals, even if people say it's probably just for show but I feel that we, as humans, may never rid of this problem as long as man inhabits this planet.

The very nature of man has always been to stick with his own tribe, from the beginning, and will do whatever it takes to protect the interest and pride of his own people.

Otherwise, all the wars in the world now would have ceased.
+1 hecklerkoch
one of the drawbacks of the multiculturalism model is the separate distinction of races in our society. its not a melting pot model, but this will decrease over time when we have more mixed babies, so one up for interracial relationships.

i'm also very happy that fragrance prince is nowhere near that dutch anti-islamist filmmaker.
i chose insecure because if he was an elitist, he would be a very lousy one.
so i gave him the better choice and the benefit of the doubt (:

and no he's not getting a hug.
maybe one tight slap.

Me thinks Vicko would have had him for breakfast if he ever tried kachauing here ....

Hecktor: Interesting & noteworthy points! As for the pushishment for the little bride couple - enforce a prison sentence... make them study the fundementals of the religion they are targetting while in jail then conduct an examination. Set them free only after they pass. Follow up jail term with more community service work in the place of workship of their target.

We live in such close proximity of each other in Singapore that no form of racial or religious prejudice should ever be taken too lightly.. a small spark could lead to a big fire and this issue is already too incendiary. Just think back to our very own history e.g Hock Lee bus riots etc. Adolf Hitler had a race policy in 1937 and the whole world knows what happened after that when things escalated.

Stop and reeducate them while it's still in the bud!
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what if you made a remark to a malay guy. critising him.
yet you, yourself a malay.

does that count as being racist?

Oooh.. familiar scenario. I do that alot, heh.

I have been in talks with my own race once awhile about how other races are basically this or that and how we have become second class citizens in our own land (cos we were the "original" people of this isle) and how other races seem to be favoured more than us bla bla bla etc etc.

Half the time I just smiled at the remark and nod is false agreement when in the back of my mind I was thinking: "You are so typical of what I hate about my race."

I will not go into detail as to what the "typicals" would say, and what my own thoughts of my race is, cos I do not wish to offend anyone, though if you are really interested, can pm me and we meet for coffee and talk :mrgreen:

I have to say that it is unfortunate that there is still a mental segregation that refuses to go away even after more than four decades of independance. Of course four decades is nothing compared to 400 years, and even then it still exist.
as blueprintstudio had mentioned,
"I write this way to make my entries more punchy and exciting"
so, he writes it in that way to gather more hits, how is that free willed expression?
how is that not? no one is holding a gun to his head and forcing him to write it.
It is not an independent choice. You could say that money and fame are holding him at gun point.
and besides if he really cared about free willed expression, he wouldnt had made that half-assed apology, would he?
if you guys have read "blink" by Malcolm Gladwell you would know that, it is near impossible to get rid of discrminination and racial biasness at the subconscious level because of the environment we're brought up in. No matter how upright our moral values are, we will tend to discriminate the different, and unfortunately, most of the time we wont even know that we're doing so

the point is you cant get rid of discrimination completely, you can only preach tolerance
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the point is you cant get rid of discrimination completely, you can only preach tolerance

IMO, there are two sides of everything in life, so there are preachers and "preachees"
it's honestly up to the "preachees" whether they want to listen or not, can't do anything to FORCE them short of do-or-die choices.
however, i think not all the preachers aren't practicing what they preach.

The following is based on true experiences :

1) today, I queue up malay stall, goreng pisang 3 for $1. but auntie charge me 40¢ each. and the next malay uncle customer behind me gets at standard $1 price.

2) the day before I eat chinese food at my day office job. chap chai peng (economy rice) , a china woman was serving. she gave me terribly little rice, I point at big fish fillet, she ask "this one?" I say "Ya" then she flip flip flip and choose the smallest piece for me. and then i add abit of vege here and there , ask how much, she say ".......around (cha bu duo) $3.30" then I "around???" then I gave her $3 + 50 cents coin and she tell me "ya this plus this plus this. actually it's $3.50." , I : "Har??.. k k just take. it's only 20¢.. let you earn..." (and not only the china woman, the old singaporean chinese auntie who supervises her also lagi worse) I am 100kg now and 6 feet. it's very upsetting for someone who proclaims himself as "always a growing boy."

3) the last time (and that was the LAST time) i went to newton circus to eat, an indian drink stall served me sugar cane, there were dead flies in it, I brought it to him to change, obviously it's so big you can see it lying dead drama on the ice cube, he says "WHERE?!" I pass the cup to him , he pours/throw out everything and show me the cup "WHERE GOT?!"
so great, I lose not only my $$ for the sugar cane juice, my sugar cane drink and my rights to complain to health authorities.

indian/chinese/malay, here's the fact, if I had a blog and I go "F <insert race here>" for each case, I'd be jailed 3 times and get my ass sodomised by each multiracial singaporean inmate in prison. and for each case makes me racist. but if I don't do anything and just have mutual understanding/tolerance and tell myself for each situation :

1) malays are known for their well bonded community. it's only natural. I'm still young and I can afford to pay abit more than an uncle who's struggling with rising living standards. she's the one who's racist not me.i'm clean.

2) chinese , yes the stereotype is that they're damn calculative/stingy. i'm chinese myself. but the "help a brother out" line don't work. dog eat dog world. I can only tell myself that "bochap la, at most next time don't eat here. auntie help me AND MY WALLET slim down."

3) indian, ok i don't know what's going on, I felt it was a cheap stab counter attack at me. I haven't gone to newton circus for at least 3 years now. same mentality "at most I don't go there and eat anymore, you won't STARVE in singapore". the last before I left that place was I scared the shit out of him copying down his stall err I think licence number of some sort, that green sheet of paper displayed on all stalls. he became emo and say "aiya... i dunno la... you do what you want la.. like that also wanna complain..." mumbling about as if his stall was gonna close down. at the end of it I just copied/scared him for fun (even though I can do serious legal damage). we all are out here to do a decent honest living and survive. just tell myself "it's okay, I can afford better than this. it's his loss cos I always brought a group of 10+ friends to him as business.". it's a 3 year old case and I don't put a racist blog thingy cos I would have been arrested for it. is it really worth to "kaobeh so much" and get into trouble for it? common sense and pri sch kid will tell you "No" .

ok so far all the very kind/understanding and full-of-wisdom softies have spoken.
"the pledge, tolerance, good intentions (and bad ones)" etc. keep in mind, blog/post/comment and live safe.

80¢ worth
from the racist victim who is not racist because he doesn't have a racist blog. and he's too bochap to.
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Yeah, racism sucks.

That's why we should have all our mobile companies, people's unions, media companies, and everything owned under one group. This is not moral embezzlement, this is for our own good.

Because we need to be policed. Because having our own 'alternative' thoughts is dangerous to our country. Because that is the way it should be, because they said so.

Yes, um, yeah that should be the way. A true democracy all the way. I support that.



Fish for you?
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what if you made a remark to a malay guy. critising him.
yet you, yourself a malay.
does that count as being racist?

it happen to me n my bros in our neighbourhood 9yrs back.
yes long time bck but i remember it well.
were spot checked by the men in blue.
1 of them is a malay guy and he 'lecture' us bla bla...
even say tat our races are stupid bla bla...

kinda stupid to me. critisicing own race which he himself said tat he is also like tat.
damn confused mf.
edit: also hydrofly I think you meant 'liberal', not libertarian. A libertarian is a whole different school of thought.

omfg shit sorry. Accident, yes, i meant liberal. Was probably half awake when I type that out. I believe that racist comments, as long as they are made with no malicious intent is ok. I mean, i get stuff like "hey chink" from some of my friends, I find it as amusing as they do, i crack racist jokes everyday, at my friends... I feel that the ability to give and take such jokes is the clearest indication of mutual trust and respect. Avoiding all the bloody touchy topics is just running away from the problem.
Oooh.. familiar scenario. I do that alot, heh.

I have been in talks with my own race once awhile about how other races are basically this or that and how we have become second class citizens in our own land (cos we were the "original" people of this isle) and how other races seem to be favoured more than us bla bla bla etc etc.

Half the time I just smiled at the remark and nod is false agreement when in the back of my mind I was thinking: "You are so typical of what I hate about my race."

I will not go into detail as to what the "typicals" would say, and what my own thoughts of my race is, cos I do not wish to offend anyone, though if you are really interested, can pm me and we meet for coffee and talk :mrgreen:

I have to say that it is unfortunate that there is still a mental segregation that refuses to go away even after more than four decades of independance. Of course four decades is nothing compared to 400 years, and even then it still exist.

high five dude... i get what you mean by typical. basically i guess its these typical people that brings the pride of a race down to the gutter. and mainly, its because of these people that other innocent people of the same race get criticised on as subject on poor wyldeboon

it happen to me n my bros in our neighbourhood 9yrs back.
yes long time bck but i remember it well.
were spot checked by the men in blue.
1 of them is a malay guy and he 'lecture' us bla bla...
even say tat our races are stupid bla bla...

kinda stupid to me. critisicing own race which he himself said tat he is also like tat.
damn confused mf.

so yeah. you cant blame the officer. sometimes these typical humans just get on our nerves. and sometimes the outlook you give might be wrong. We'll the officer is not god so he dont know you inside out. so he can only judge from what we see based on first impression. which thus explains why innocent poeple get criticised.

its kinda like 'chain effect' thingy.

catching any balls anyone?
Yeah, it's quite obvious that racism occurs not just among the different races, but within those races too.

Colour seems to be a major factor, as we all know.

Even among that one particular race (Indian or Malay for example), the fairer ones seem to be widely perceived as richer or better educated, and they know it. Thus, some of them take advantage of this and say and do things that qualify as being racist.

Is this a surprise? No.

Will this continue? Hell yes.

As in the colour of your skin have always had a certain subconscious association. Since the days of slavery, the whites have always been the masters and the dark-skinned ones, the slaves. We've been wired that way, and it doesn't help that a lot of us still rely on these visual cues and still have personal prejudices based on what we see.

The only possible cure, I think, is to realize this and remind ourselves that it shouldn't be this way, that we should not behave this way because it is not beneficial to anybody. The more often we tell ourselves, the more we may open up our minds, I think.

I mean, there are ignorant racists abound and until they die, we can do nuts about it. BUT we must realize that these people certainly DO NOT represent that whole particular community yea?

What the fragrance princess did was insult ALL Malays, and not just the man on the MRT train floor, in his blog. For whatever reason, only he knows. Maybe his girlfriend left him for a Malay guy or whatever, I don't know. Different people have different reasons for hating others.

That's what did him in.

basically i guess its these typical people that brings the pride of a race down to the gutter. and mainly, its because of these people that other innocent people of the same race get criticised on as subject on poor wyldeboon

Yup. I mean, it's good to have pride in your race, but when you say a particular race has an unfair advantage over yours because of the colour of his skin (a statement that still is prevalent, mind you) and thus gives you the privilege to exercise certain "revenge" actions (like how Blueprint experienced)... or that as a certain race certain acts or attributes makes you seen as shameful, demeaning or unworthy cos you are of that race (as how Boon experienced)... then you are even MORE racist than the race that you perceived as racist (was that last line confusing? lol)

Don't mean to bring in context of religion in but it is relevant to the context of this thread:

At the last Friday prayers I went, the imam was speaking about how some Malays seem to blame the material/worldly success of the the Non-Malay community was more attributed to the favouritism to their colour. I will spare you the details, but the gist of it basically says that the success did not come out of nowhere; a majority of the Chinese forefathers came to Singapore with NOTHING.

It's all attributed to sheer tenacity, hardwork and sacrifices; and that moping and whining about favouritsm isn't gonna take you anywhere, unless you work for that success. Similarly, your race isn't gonna superceed other races unless your race work to superceed.

Anyway, back to topic of what to say and what not to say on Soft, please... :mrgreen:
are we talking about races superceding one another now? I always thought success was attributed to trying to impress the other gender!

*quiz time*

Do you think a certain race has a superior advantage to opportunities in general when it comes to Singapore?

a) yes
b) no
c) i don't care and anyone else who does should be given jail time

(hint: picking A will probably make you a racist, B just plain ignorant)
Racism is damn outdated and not trendy can?
I am a facist! I hate certain coloured faces! roar!

eh kidding la! (I got read wikipedia one okay? I'm sho smart canz?)

racism sucks, facism sucks.
mee goreng rocks, roti prata rocks, and carrot cake definitely rocks.

aiya, all the minor minor 'incidents' of racism only la.
in foreign lands they have those supremacist militant people, will kill other race one worh :/

sho scariie nehxXx!! >.<