Warning: Be mindful of what you post on SOFT

tats shows how stupid he is.
milan? satay? education? even said he have the right to say it...
lol... stupid sia...

good luck being a 'boy' inside... lol
my policy is not to say anything online that i wouldn't say in front of a large group of people i don't know.

safe so far!
i think its basic common sense to NOT post anything you know will/might offend anyone directly, especially when it comes to race and religion.

In SG, there is freedom of speech, but from what i feel, i think it means more like, you can say whatever you want whenever you want when you're with your frens/family, but don't be clever enough to tell a huge audience (i.e internet, public).

He will learn multi racial harmony evertime he takes a shower in prison ...if he gets it ...i hope not ....damn:twisted: it will be like scary movie !!!
All i can say....kids mirror what goes on around them and the internet- a platform to make it apparent.

no sh*t he'd probably liked it
it is very easy to discuss race, religion and especially politics in singapore. the people who know how to do it in a sensible and mature manner usually do it in the straits times forum, along with their full name and sometimes IC number. these are people who do not fear conviction because in their mind they know what they are talking about.

freedom of speech is over-rated. in any functioning society freedom must be exercised within limits. and those limits are regulations. without these regulations it will be anarchy. because beyond these limits, freedom of speech will come at the expense of others within our society. we cannot offend others in society and use 'freedom of speech' as justification
Actually, I like our government. They've kept our country peaceful. I don't tend to be patriotic, but I have a lot of respect for our government although they do seem to prioritize foreigners over us locals.
damn, he looks gayish to me...

tats even more better!!! they like it in there!!!

freedom of speech...
hmm... some ppl abuse tat freedom by abusing beliefs, race...
haiyah... if tis guy says it infront of me ah... i smack his backside.

ok la... just pissed after reading his remarks in his blog
I always like to say "I chinese mahhh..." when anyone comments on my face being beet red after a few drinks.
I love chris rock and his jokes, but who am I to say 'Wow that guy DESERVES the punishment'

The fact is, there will always be racists, white supremisists, aryan extremists and there's nothing we can do about it because its all about an individual.

I'm not saying that everyone should overlook the fact that this guy made a few remarks that offended people. Yes he deserves to be punished, but 3 years in jail? If thats the case, why are'nt the stand up comics in jail?

Flame me all you want but I will hold my head high and say this 'I love racist/anti-religion jokes.'

I just think the government is overeacting to this and if anyone was REALLY offended, then I feel you have not emraced the full ideal of a democratic soceity.
The difference between racist remarks and jokes is the purpose behind it. if it was meant to offend and incite hate, then of course it has no place in our society. Good standup comics have made a real show of being able to break down boundaries and show the hyprocrisy in racial stereotypes.

The thing that bothers me is how many people are calling for his ass to be imprisoned just because he said something racist on the internet. sure that guy's probably an asshole and probably deserves a good mob lynching 400 years ago but I don't like the idea that I could be put away behind bars just because some people are offended by what I said on the internet. Stranger things have happened with the justice system here though. The right to freedom of speech isn't overrated, it might be if you never had anything to say in the first place.

I guess the internet is really serious business.
eh eh? i dont even think there should be such a term as race.
we are all human and thats all that matters.

technically take a remark to a fellow human being of the same race. and then take the same remark to a another human being of a different race.

and thus that is a racist remark!
i dont see the logic in that.
i was watching southpark , there's an episode called "Gooback to the future" or somethin like that. and I think it makes alot of sense, in the far future there won't be "races". we're gonna F*** each other and one fine day all human will be as what they showed in that southpark episode : Beidge. (mixture of black/white/chinese/etc/etc)

note to racists : "don't be one now, your kids would end up marrying/loving someone of a different race cos love knows no RACIAL boundaries.."

I think that while racist comments are definitely wrong, taking legal punishment against racist bloggers is really unnecessary. Jailing is probably too severe; mayhaps fining or publicly disgrace him by showing his face on papers would suffice.
disrupting the social harmony in singapore in my opinion
is very serious
to get the severity of the crime into singaporeans head is to jail that bugger
u would not want the racial riots to happen again right
imagine u standing beside another person who is not the same race as you
and suddenly he brandishes a parang or dagger and starts stabbing u cos of the race difference
u would not want that right?
I don't think decades of "racial harmonising" by the government can be undermined by a few words took to heart. I guess it's all about making a show out of the blogger. That's taxpayers' money well-spent there.

I think as a society, Singaporeans just need to be less sensitive in general, but that will never happen if people don't want to take the time to understand each other.
If that was to make an example of someone, then it's working, I'm not releasing my podcasts. Its getting friends from all races and religions and then being total assholes to them, not out of malicious intent but humour, comon, i'm chinese and we've only done the chinese episode... I guess it'll have to wait till I leave this country. But if you haven't noticed, the world is kind of divided along the conservative vs libertarian line now. I'm a libertarian, Singapore, well, the government is kind of sitting on the fence now, but their leaning towards the conservative side, good enough reason for me to pack my bags.