while singapore's ministerial pay package is certainly not low, their performance in making difficult decisions, such as revamping education, enforcing compulsory military service, enforcing strict risk management and audit policies on large corporates despite pressures to deregulate, and most of all, creating strong ties with important trade giants china and india, is unparalleled.
Thank you. Having understood what they do on a daily basis (some project research when in school), I'd have to say they are amazing time managers, resilient personalities, and gutsy individuals. I for one would not like to have the stress of the ENTIRE NATION on my ONE and EVERY decision. My current job already impacts a few million dollars per annum per decision. That's more than I'm prepared to handle, but we all need to feed our families. Heh.
One thing many people forget. People compare the salaries between our PM and the USA President, and even Apple's Steve Jobs! Good grief! The US president is ALLOWED to continue his own business practices and is allowed to accept funding from external parties for campaigns and talks. (Bill Clinton charges a shitload of money for one seminar). All the benefits extended to them during the duration of their office is still extended to the ex-US presidents! President Carter and Reagan still have US secret service guards!!! Much of what they get is NOT on public record.
Our politicians have no such luxury. Everything needs to be declared. Even if it's in their spouses names. All their campaign money is NOT allowed to be donated. It has to come from their own pockets. They're not allowed to accept contributions. After they retire, no more guards, no more protection, nothing.
We live in a small country. I don't think they're stupid enough to think that having cultivated an intelligent and inquisitive society, that they can do anything under the sun and get away with it.
I'm not saying we should or should not pay them this well. I'm not even say whether they deserve it or not. I'm saying that before we start pointing fingers, we should be clear of ALL the facts.
Do you know that in Japan, other countries with diplomatic cars are prepared to simply break small traffic laws and get away with it because the Jap government closes one eye and gives face, but our own embassy people don't do this (from a friend who's in the consulate), and make it a point to ensure they themselves stick to the law? I think this is a good sign of incorruptibility when it trickles down to the small guy.