Singapore PM To Earn Almost 2 Million Dollars - After Pay Cut

+1 indianstallion. which is why i feel its wrong to paying wks so much, but he didn't offer to resign when a suspected terrorist escaped under his watch. will his allw drop since he lost a major kpi?

It's easy to point fingers when something fails. But when SARS was averted, why is it no one suggested this man be rewarded for being able to stop a nation-wide epidemic from happening when it SHOULD have been MOH's juristiction?

And for those who still intend to believe that a minister's job revolves round micro-managing tiny details are a little more naive than they think they are.

Should a CEO of a company be worrying about whether or not his clerks are coming to work on time? Or should that have been the job of his office management team?
I can't help but agree with whitestrat. the running of Singapore to date has been outstanding. while singapore's ministerial pay package is certainly not low, their performance in making difficult decisions, such as revamping education, enforcing compulsory military service, enforcing strict risk management and audit policies on large corporates despite pressures to deregulate, and most of all, creating strong ties with important trade giants china and india, is unparalleled.

Surely, $2m a year is a large amount. And there are also other perks as well. But the Singapore governement has managed to stay relatively clean, and has consistently channeled the rewards of THEIR policy decisions back to OUR pockets.

We cannot confuse infringements in the democracy process with poor performance of the government.

As for Temasek, it has succeeded in raking in large returns for OUR money, much of which will end up giving us a safety net in terms of reserves, or come back to us in injections in infrastructure and job creation. Besides, strong governance practices in Temasek has led to OUR savings in blue chips like SIA, SembCorp and to a great extent till recently, SingTel, appreciating and giving us returns.

We should not bite the hand that feeds us -- especially when we have voted in this hand time and again.
^ hope that was an honest remark instead of a challenging one.

how do you guys feel about the PM's remark that Singapore is better suited for a one-party system?

Being a leader is the most difficult job. Cos any decision will affect people around you. Singapore is always looking for good candidates to fill it's government.

I remember reading that Dr Vivian BALAKRISHNAN (Minister for Community Development, Youth and Sports) was invited to join the government cos he has 'too many suggestions'. Since then, he has put his ideas to work.
I think calling people "naive", "mole" or challenging people to do a job that obviously is not within their calling is not very constructive to the discussion ( well that is what this seems to me, no?)

To put it bluntly, everyone here contributes to the country, by our taxes,by what we are doing in our jobs, when we represent Singapore when we are overseas on anything. There's no need to put down anyone.

Just because something has been good, doesn't mean everyone shuts up and not ask how it can or could have been better.

For those who are sick of just ranting, here is a tip:

As citizens, you can do more than just "make noise". You could be more efficient at your job or even businesses which definitely contributes to our sacred economy, you could be a brilliant musician who shows the world what a great people we are. Beyond that, if you treat your fellow citizens politely and nicely, maybe even Monday blues aren't that bad and so forth... many things if you just think about it. After all, what is a country? Not just its leaders... a country is is its people.

I would say let's question and put forth our opinions; as citizens contributing, we have every right, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Even if you area student, what you learn today impacts us all as a people tomorrow.

The worse you can do is to keep your head down, eat that "food that is on your table" and say " that's someone else's business" or worse, to tell everyone else to mind their own business and not question because all is rosy and dainty.

What was that old line again?

"First they came for _____ ( fill in your own ideas), I didn;t speak out, then they came for _______, and I didi not speak out, finally they came for me.... and thee was no one to speak out."
money is such a contentious issue, esp when it comes to our own cash we're talking about.

whitestrat: don't think moh has any enforcement powers when it comes to slapping the quarantine orders, that prob went over to mha? correct me if i'm wrong. anyways, wks got promoted to a dpm in 2004, so that's a promotion isn't it.

and yes, singapore has done an exceptional job in adminstration. i only see many people distgruntled here because they feel that there is no political space to voice out their concerns. u can always head over to the feedback unit here:

don't be afraid to put down your name and ask questions. as a taxpayer, pr or citizen, u can question them.
I agree... but hey, guys, what do you feel about the one-party system our PM feels is the way to go for Singapore?

here's the link for the uninitiated.

I feel it is ridiculous he expects people to take it from him, because he is the leader of the PAP, but somehow I agree with many of his points and that Singapore would be in chaos if we had multiple parties.

But then again, his argument hinges strongly on the PAP being strong, clean and capable. besides, if the PAP continues to handfeed the people by determining everything and clamping down on expression (the recent kangaroo court case? WWJA?), the society might turn out to become docile sheep, and we're really screwed by then
I remember reading that Dr Vivian BALAKRISHNAN (Minister for Community Development, Youth and Sports) was invited to join the government cos he has 'too many suggestions'. Since then, he has put his ideas to work.

hahah he mentioned over lunch we sat in and he said he was "conned by the former PM"!!!
whitestrat: don't think moh has any enforcement powers when it comes to slapping the quarantine orders, that prob went over to mha? correct me if i'm wrong. anyways, wks got promoted to a dpm in 2004, so that's a promotion isn't it.

What has enforcement powers got to do with this? Did SPF send teams of armed guards to people's household to direct them at gunpoint to go to TTSH? It's a matter of setting up a quarantine section, organising MEDICAL staff and being operationally excellent. I think there was a lot of organising to do with various CDC and emergency medical teams, which I was actually surprised why the role went to him rather than MOH.

And isn't martial law enforcement or any form of force deployment the jurisdiction of MINDEF?

I think there's a lot of clear vision in hindsight. Everyone can sit around and say how things should have been done THEN, but few are prepared to take responsibility for how things should be done NOW.

I'm not sure the promotion had anything to do with one specific case of excellence. More like a build up of brownie points. But then again, if you look at the wiki history page, there seems to be only ONE blotch in that man's 24 year career. So, everything good up till then was ignored, and expected, but one mistake (if you could even call it that, which I don't), and everything this man has done is wiped clean, and crucified.

It's like your boss complaining that you come to work late for 15 mins everyday, but doesn't take into account the extra hours you put in after working hours and on weekends or things you do above and beyond the call of your jobscope.

I don't think there are any excuses for what happened with Mas Selamat, but witchhunting isn't going to get him back.
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I agree... but hey, guys, what do you feel about the one-party system our PM feels is the way to go for Singapore?

In a way, I don't disagree with that in principle that it could be disruptive to have senseless and endless debates over crucial issues that could benefit from a quick decision making process. But I also don't agree that one man or one party should be given absolute power.

Parties are made from ideals. Differences in opinion are necessary to give rise to an even and balanced conclusion. BUT, challenges to an issue should not be made for the sake of arguing.

Alas, these days, there are too many people wanting to be opposition members or think like them simply because they think an opposition is needed.

Note: Differences in opinion do not need to come from opposition parties either.
We should not bite the hand that feeds us -- especially when we have voted in this hand time and again.

But you see, this can also be a dangerous stance. If we take forgranted in the ability of the ruling party, then is it US who throws away the right to decide for ourselves. I think when we do vote again, we need to be clear on what we want, and know what they're offering. Also, we must be mindful of WHY we're voting WHAT we're choosing. It should not be a case of blind faith in the current powers that be.

Remember that WE elect the government we WANT. Not become the people that the elected government wants.
while singapore's ministerial pay package is certainly not low, their performance in making difficult decisions, such as revamping education, enforcing compulsory military service, enforcing strict risk management and audit policies on large corporates despite pressures to deregulate, and most of all, creating strong ties with important trade giants china and india, is unparalleled.

Thank you. Having understood what they do on a daily basis (some project research when in school), I'd have to say they are amazing time managers, resilient personalities, and gutsy individuals. I for one would not like to have the stress of the ENTIRE NATION on my ONE and EVERY decision. My current job already impacts a few million dollars per annum per decision. That's more than I'm prepared to handle, but we all need to feed our families. Heh.

One thing many people forget. People compare the salaries between our PM and the USA President, and even Apple's Steve Jobs! Good grief! The US president is ALLOWED to continue his own business practices and is allowed to accept funding from external parties for campaigns and talks. (Bill Clinton charges a shitload of money for one seminar). All the benefits extended to them during the duration of their office is still extended to the ex-US presidents! President Carter and Reagan still have US secret service guards!!! Much of what they get is NOT on public record.

Our politicians have no such luxury. Everything needs to be declared. Even if it's in their spouses names. All their campaign money is NOT allowed to be donated. It has to come from their own pockets. They're not allowed to accept contributions. After they retire, no more guards, no more protection, nothing.

We live in a small country. I don't think they're stupid enough to think that having cultivated an intelligent and inquisitive society, that they can do anything under the sun and get away with it.

I'm not saying we should or should not pay them this well. I'm not even say whether they deserve it or not. I'm saying that before we start pointing fingers, we should be clear of ALL the facts.

Do you know that in Japan, other countries with diplomatic cars are prepared to simply break small traffic laws and get away with it because the Jap government closes one eye and gives face, but our own embassy people don't do this (from a friend who's in the consulate), and make it a point to ensure they themselves stick to the law? I think this is a good sign of incorruptibility when it trickles down to the small guy.
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Hahaha. I've made too many mistakes. I would be like James Gomez, but darker and taller.



Singapore, an intelligent and inquisitive society? Seriously, how many Singaporeans are actually in tune with their intellectual development and inquisitiveness? We've been cultivated to be an army of droning, thoughtless worker bees! (I'm not saying that that's a bad thing- we are far more effecient than most)

And while our politicians might lose their benefits when they retire, how many of them actually do retire? Can become Senior Minister, Minister Mentor...
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Lee Quan Yew plays an important role in the government , without him i doubt the PAP will be as strong . His presence is enough to turn heads and command the respect and attention of anyone around .
Hahaha. I've made too many mistakes. I would be like James Gomez, but darker and taller.



Singapore, an intelligent and inquisitive society? Seriously, how many Singaporeans are actually in tune with their intellectual development and inquisitiveness? We've been cultivated to be an army of droning, thoughtless worker bees! (I'm not saying that that's a bad thing- we are far more effecient than most)

And while our politicians might lose their benefits when they retire, how many of them actually do retire? Can become Senior Minister, Minister Mentor...

I would have thought that it will be easier for any of our ministers to retire than to remain in offic. plus rather than losing benefits, I think they will actually gain more freedom and have a better quality of life. As a ministers with all the millions of dollar, what can they do? Can they buy a topless Ferrari drive down to Zouk and get pissed. can they go watch a rock concert and head bang with the crowd? Can they go down to sentosa to enjoy a bottle of champagne with a few bikini babes by the beach?

Thoughtless worker bees? I think we should thank the government for conditioning Singaporeans to work harder than we spend, because with globalisation and the growing opportunistic young middle class coming out of china and india, those who slack will eventually be left behind, regardless if you are Singaporean, British or Australian.