Quotes of Lee'ism...

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So do you have any suggestions for people more capable of bringing Singapore further forward? :wink:
SherT said:
It's been said before but I'll say it again..

You're shouldn't give him all the credit, after all, if we singaporeans choose that sort of life, singapore will still be like that, i feel that singaporeans too are very hardworking people, and LKY didn't just magically make the country good. He opened the door, but we walked through it. Also, eventhough we are a first world nation, we must never forget what we have sacrificed to be where we are today. Sure, we're rich and stuff, but we work longer and harder than people of other countries and have rather oppressed lives, whether you want to accept it or not.
Agreed. Wangdexian.

detroit_red, having a good leader is half the battle won already. What's the point of having a nation of 5 million highly skilled people when theres nobody at the reigns to regulate the larger picture? :wink: Chew on it for a second.

As I said, I'm not siding with anyone here. I just find the fact that people fail to see the bigger picture before passing judgement amusing.
The reason why most of you guys say that no other party can overtake PAP is because the media that you read doesn't really give you much info about the opposition in the first place.

how are we to know our competitor abilities when we dont give them a chance to try?

SherT said:
detroit_red, having a good leader is half the battle won already. What's the point of having a nation of 5 million highly skilled people when theres nobody at the reigns to regulate the larger picture? :wink: Chew on it for a second.

Have you try out all 5 million ppl for leadership qualities?
Of course, no one is disputing the need for a wise, strong, fair leader.
My POV is, that leader need not come from that ONE family.
azly, first of all you have to understand something about the media. We can't talk about that here for fear of soft being held liable :lol: , so pm me if you wish to discuss this further.

My final stand is, ok, since you reckon that family staying in power will be detrimental to this country's future, who do you think would make a more likely candidate? Put some names on the table. :wink:
Any political historian here?

No poilitical structure is ever perfect. It should be ever changing to suit what the people need. But do we know what we need? And if China can be used as an example, no dynasty is immortal. There will definately be a change of hands once the main super power is weakened, but at then, I hope, really, the party that carries on is really capable, and for goodness sake, hand in ur forms. I dont care which party wins, just as long it has the people's interest at heart. That is most important.

It is more politically vibrant now I must say, and I feel its good. At least I am assured that the ruling party are on their toes. I agree with azlyjacaz too.

SherT : He has definately done a very good job. But this is a country, not an MNC. I look at other countries and yes I am grateful. We have jobs blah blah blah... But there some things I wished would be preserved. Non-tangible qualities. Does money really equate happiness here? Maybe and sadly it is.

azlyjacaz said:
how are we to know our competitor abilities when we dont give them a chance to try?

Isnt' this is a very dangerous Point of View? I mean, from the speeches some of the opposition have been giving, you know, cannot make it lah. Suntec City in Tampines anyone? If they cannot convince via a mere speech or make sense, I don't wish to even give them the oppurtunity to TRY.

The good opposition members have won their seats.
Re: Any political historian here?

Darren said:
SherT : He has definately done a very good job. But this is a country, not an MNC. I look at other countries and yes I am grateful. We have jobs blah blah blah... But there some things I wished would be preserved. Non-tangible qualities. Does money really equate happiness here? Maybe and sadly it is.

The crux of the issue here is not whether singaporeans are voting for them in confidence or under siege, but about who are, in the current situation, the most plausible candidates to helm this country.

Thing is, everyone keeps saying "Oh, we want an alternative voice, "that family" is controlling all the top posts.", cutting, drying, rinsing and repeating the same points over and over again, yet I have yet to see anyone provide any concrete examples of these "alternative voices" who are capable of doing a better job.

And like Daniel mentioned earlier, those who are capable of doing so are already in.

I think its a good idea for him to retire. He's already 83. He says that he still wants to serve the country. But other countries would probably view it as him being protective and it might be misconstrued as we are still vulnerable from foreign powers.

There is a great difference between passing in office and passing after retirement. Of course, his family is blessed with long lives (his father passed away at 90+). I think it'll be Earth Shattering if he dies in office. How would people react? How would the media react? What is the world's reaction? Grief or "Now that your daddy's gone..."?

If he steps down from office, then he'll be able to retire gracefully. The shock won't be so bad.
Have you considered that there's more than meets the eye as to why he hasn't stepped out of office yet? :wink:

People, it's more than just what most of you would like to think. Ponder it for a while and I think you'll get it.
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