New member
hmm... why so high pay? Cos it is a tough job handling Singaporeans! We have come to a point where we expect everything to be top notch. So, we have to get the best "CEO".
The amount they spent on can pay our PM a few hundred years!
When they raised GST, the income tax was lowered. In fact, I remember reading that many Singaporeans DO NOT have to pay income tax.
Sorry braww....don't mean to be a spoil sport but i'm not exactly a subscriber of GST taxation being a fair way of taxation (if there is such a thing). Any good economist will tell you that GST taxation is a regressive taxation. Simply put, it taxes the poor more than it taxes the rich.
I don't mind them getting high pay, but there should be a performance-based KPI for each of those ministers to justify it. A set of personal goals and targets for them to meet every year, and not just based on the state of the economy as a whole.
I don't think they have one, or if they do then it's not transparent. If they have then maybe they should make it available , i think ministers should be prepared to face the public eye if they don't perform up to expectations. How does one judge if a minister has overperform or underperform every year? By the fact that he doesn't fall asleep during parliament? If that is the case, quite a few would fail the standard too.
Really? I can't remember the last time i ever voted in my constituency. There is no opposition there in the first place either. I guess you would have to research Singapore's last few decades a bit more carefully before u make such claims.
If you think he's getting paid too much , go earn the title of Prime Minister and do his job . I'm neutral here btw but i mean 60 over countries gained independence in 1965 but only one country to date out of that 60 over has made it to first world . I'm sure the Prime Minister has a very vital role in that and still plays a vital role in keeping this country running .
If you think he's getting paid too much , go earn the title of Prime Minister and do his job . I'm neutral here btw but i mean 60 over countries gained independence in 1965 but only one country to date out of that 60 over has made it to first world . I'm sure the Prime Minister has a very vital role in that and still plays a vital role in keeping this country running .
So instead of leaving it to chance and hoping it will not happen, why not you pay them not to do it?
Similarly, instead of leaving it to chance and hoping that thieves don't steal your wallet, why don't you pay them not to do it?
how would you be able to know who are the thieves in your neighbourhood?
suppose it's an inside job! all your friends are tempted to steal your wallet!
but you're missing my point.
Why do you think he has not retired after all these years?
Singapore consciously chooses to tax the poor more than the rich. It sucks to be poor in Singapore. But if you're an average, everyday citizen, then you will be motivated to earn as much as you possibly can- because you will not have your income taxed too much, and you will be able to tolerate the GST.
It's a sad and frightening story about how, even with the best intentions, power corrupts.