On Dependency:
How do you define dependency? I don't think any country in today's modern world is capable of functioning WITHOUT a government. A government is fundamental to the running of a country.
That is very true. Governance creates peace and order as much as it creates oppression and unhappiness. Multiple facets that have to be considered before making a judgment as to say whether a government is good or bad.
Perhaps what I mean by the difference between dependency between the people in US to their government than the people in Singapore basically ties in with the level of development between the two countries.
The US is bigger in multiple ways: bigger country, bigger buying power, bigger influence. Heck, it's the biggest economy in the globe. It made a momentum for itself in which it has its own self sustaining power to have its economic powerhouses run with little government involvement and aid (until recently, that is). It doesn't need the government to seek out foreign investment and talents for example; foreign investment and talents come to THEM instead. This came about after years of development, industrialization and wars (yes, war is a business). They are also sustained by their own internal market. US corporation sell products to their own people who would buy them. If you factor in their global reach, that market spills beyond their shores.
Singapore however, is young and yet to reach a healthy mature state. Because of our size, we are just unable to sustain ourselves economically with our own people. We are still dependent on external influences, and for that to happen we have products to sell to other countries. By "products", it doesn't necessarily have to be equivalent to something bought off the shelf eg palm oil. Instead, tourism is our product. Manufacturing is our product. Trading is our product. And for those to sell overseas, we need the government to sell Singapore.
And with the standard of living in Singapore... as compared to a lot of countries that are even older than us, we're definitely better off. Almost everything is streamlined and put to system, which we have to admit makes things pretty easy for most of us. Are we the ones who made sure this happens? Like it or not, we have to admit that all this is done by the government.
Am I one of those pro-government/pro PAP chaps? Hell no. Does this justify the amount they are getting? It's debatable. But does that mean we can do without them? No, we simply cannot survive.
However, a point being brought up by Visa about the pigs on the Animal Farm goes to show that if change is what we are REALLY after, it would sooner or later be done. It is then up to us on whether or not we are the ones who are gonna get the change to happen. If we are not happy with the government having million dollar salaries, change the government. If we really want to, you know we can. Who is stopping us really but ourselves?
Of course, after that, the cycle starts all over again...