Pedalboard Pictures!


like the slave of yestercentury sang the songs of life and lost love in the plantation at night, we listen to the songs of now to get lost within. May i dedicate roof top by jacky wu and landy to you, my broedderbro!
Yo Edder, nice bass robotalk you got there, did you mod it? I've got the stock guitar robotalk, best autowah ever!

What do all the extra knobs do?

I just heard that Xotic will be discontinuing the Robotalk in 2007.
man the designs on moollon pedals are teh smex. the reviews on them are good. however imo, I dont like that fact that I'm paying extra for the nice packaging and all. opinion towards the sudden hype of moollon is somewhat skewed. On one hand the reviews have been good, the company has also gather loads of Super Pro-Level Tone Freak endorsements. Surely the price is not attached to the packaging of the pedals alone.

But the only thing which bugs the fact that they are made in korea and cost an arm and leg! :D

Skewed I say, because if the Octah sounds as good as the reviews go online, I'll probably skip the idea of buying a chicago iron and get it.
SoulJah, you had that Octave fuzz last time, and sold it, also a Fulltone, why the search for yet another one?

Only thing different is that you are going to the vintage type octave fuzz.
Edder: Oi, that's the mustachio-ed Lothario's RoboTalk issit? Quick leh, fix it... Lekording is commencing.

Btw, the Vibuddha Fuzz is the one choo was talking about? Gotch discount?
Been lurking here for awhile and just wanted to participate a little!

Here's my humble contribution:


Loop 1 = COT 50 -> Eternity
Loop 2 = AYA R Compressor
damn there are just too many rich kids.. or too many ppl with high paid jobs.. what is there left for the poor boy me?
concentrate on the playing, write hit songs, surf less forums and view the world as a whole while pedals are nothing but physical burden.

:cry: OhmmmmmhO :cry:

Btw, vlance, the aya r comp you gotten from japan? Hows the performance like?
Shredcow "Only thing different is that you are going to the vintage type octave fuzz."

I don't quite get what you mean.
To the best of my knowledge octave fuzz is a vintage effect after all.

I'm still in pursuit of one which truly satisfies my octave lust.:)

I have not come across a modern variant of this per se. Almost every single manufacturer out there claims to be "an exact replication of the original tyco", I've tried about 4 different octave fuzz pedals already. None of them sound to me like the way the tyco sounded on recordings.

I started out with the ultimate octave, sounded really good, but to me it lacked the randomness and unpredictability of a real octave fuzz. Great for the satch type octave tones.

I'm just searching for the right one which can hit the right octave tone which I hear in my head. Most of the ones I've tried so far are either too shrilly silicon fuzzy or unresponsive "ringmod" octave note. They lack the fatness and the harshness of the original. Most only shine the most when played above the 12th fret. A really good octavia pedal should give you the upper register octaves and get the dirtier lower octave notes to ring out as well.

Due to some mix up, the chicago iron I ordered never processed but the vendor is currently in the process of getting one in his inventory. The wait time on them is a killer though, hopefully the Octah is true tyco like what the descriptions say.

At this point of time however, the Chicago Iron is probably the BEST one and the closest you can get to the original tyco tones on hendrix albums and SRV live tones. I have not heard one which comes closer.

A real Tycobrahe runs in about more than 1k USD...that is if you're lucky enough to find one. :)