Pedalboard Pictures!

aging youth, the robotalk is on top of my list this week. hur hur hur...

souljah, the robotalk ain't mine but this one is the BASS model. as for the moolon, the price is justified no matter where it came from. Korean stuff ARE expensive anyway. If the country of origin dictates the price, then I should sell my pedals for only $100 per pop. :wink:

grey, make more pickguards and drill more monkey bars!!! :lol:
I don't quite get what you mean.
To the best of my knowledge octave fuzz is a vintage effect after all.

I dunno much, just been reading up and talking to people, the 1st octave fuzzes, due to the circuit design, you can't turn off the octave - like have a switch to toggle the octave on/off - so the Fulltone and the recent one you are selling, would be using a different circuit design.

I have a DreamTone Octave 8 (prototype #1, hahaha, mojo) and that is supposed to be the original octave circuit... can't put a switch to toggle the octave and the octave effect is random... got to work to get the octave to ring out. Like, the octave will sing into existance type... it doesnt' jump out like how Satch sounds when using the Fulltone. So got to either sustain a note to allow the octave to sing, or pick/tap lightly, then the octave will come out. As usual, it works from frets 9 to > 15.

You wanna have a go at it? Its a stupidly big box for such a small circuit.

I would prefer the Fulltone type of octave, no wish to return to the sounds yesteryear actually. I seem to have a very adverse reaction to unpredictable stuff... :lol:
I dunno who you've been talking to but Octave circuit of a fuzz CAN be taken in or out.

Tychobrahe Octavia uses a transformer to do that octave thingie. Can be easily in or out if necessary.

Foxxtone Machine aka cheapass Danelectro mini something something has got a switch to toggle octave on or off. Prescription electronics or something else that I can't remember, made it into a stomp switch and added another cookbook circuit into it for the "swell" function.

Most if not all octave circuits in a fuzz can be dissected out from the circuit.

Don't believe the hype bro.
Ah, more mish mush!

I dunno Edder bro, I only play guitar, I can't verify electronics stuff... :( And I don't wanna go into it - best leave the techie stuff to the techs.

My Octave8, a couple of techs looked at it, and they said they can't take out the octave - something I wanted to do.

This is getting confoundingly confusing.
make ur own lah...


Why do they use that kind of stompswitch, then no LED? If put in LED, got change in tone?
bro, if you pass me the pedal to take out something eg octave from the circuit, that will mean I'll have to...

1. Removing everything from the pedal
2. Start tracing the circuit out to get a schematic.
3. Redraw the schematic into "blocks" that makes sense, buffer, preamp, tone etc.

And that is a long drawn process.

For me, my short cut answer is... bro... can't do lah dey.... its in da circuit!!! :twisted:

Jokes aside, it may be true for your particular pedal(what is it the clone of?) but again to generalise all octave in vintage old octave pedals is not bypassable(sic) is not correct.
shreddy, what you've just posted is the fuzz "block: of the tychobrahe octavia. The missing components consists of the Octave part.

Here's the full schematic, compare the parts at the end and you can see what I'm getting at.

Its gotta be a clone of the tyco otherwise its got no mojo lah... hehehe...

So its because its difficult to mod lah?

I stand corrected!!! :D

And yeah, I used the wrong term... it would have been done up octaves that require a lot of work to remove hte octave effect can't remove the octave effect. 8O

I want the new Octron 2 though.. screw all others, the octron 2.
shreddy, what you've just posted is the fuzz "block: of the tychobrahe octavia. The missing components consists of the Octave part.

Ah?! Then the fella posted and said its the full thing... geez.

That aside, I really dont' understand the schematic... one day you explain to me in person can not? Serious.
Foxrox pedals are build harder and tougher than anything else. He's my reference when it comes to hardware packaging and wiring.
the fella put there Fuzz circuit based on the "........"

the difference is the transformer. there's no transformer in the circuit that you've posted up.

tychobrahe pedals, the mojo is in the transformer. :wink:
Basket. See lah. I jsut went to sign up for the Octron 2. Sheesh.

Anyway, I see. So its the transformer eh? So different transformer, would it have any impact on tone or how the octave sings?

What's your take on the Zvex Johnny Octave btw? Other than the insane pricing.
My take is no take. Have not played the pedal nor seen the internals of the pedal and even if I do, I won't discuss it on forums. No one messes with Z Vex.

But something coming from ZVex, I'm pretty sure its something uncommon.
Gr3y - My board is quite average in the greater scheme of things. There are guys out there who run rigs I can only dream of.. like a bradshaw/cornish pedal & rack setup + midi & multi slaved head and wet/dry cabs. :rock:

PatheinRaindropMoe -

The AYA Comp is great. It knocked my Analogman Mini BiComp off my board for my tastes. It's very transparent. Doesn't feel/sound like you're using a compressor. It retains every nuance of your pick attack and doesn't over exaggerate or compress the expressions of your phrases. It's more like an enhancer for your clean sound and doesn't rob your high end. The Analogman was great for those classic compression tones. Two great boxes, but the AYA did it for me.. really opens up your clean sound!
vlance nice board you got there!

I saw the AYA comp videos online, you're spot on, it's a very transparent comp to my ear, or at least on my pc speakers. :)
I saw your post on tgp too. Nice to see some SG Pedalboards turning up the GAS Heat there too!
SoulJah - Thanks for your kind words! Yup, lots of insane boards on thegaspage =P I especially love those trailer trash pedalboards posted there, but way too pricey for me.