Pedalboard Pictures!

eh what was i thinking! i think i'm just blur today lol, i think i just remembered it as when i posted i refer to it as on the wrong side of the case rather than the orientation :lol: Apologies!

Hi this is my board from SKB two sperate signal chain (above and below) with a Boss A/B switch to choose between, but i think my pedals are growing so much that some can't fit onto it (Namely a Nano Muff and soon to get a Effector13 TBD). Any suggestions on pedal board that can fit about 14 to 16 pedals?
Vox Bulldog + MD-2 + MT2?! Uber high gain setup man. :twisted: I like the vox bulldog distortion the most amogst the three. More organic and most amp like. I would have gotten it if not for my new amp. :)
Hi Krank,

The MT2 is more for some of the modern/metal rock stuff and the MD2 gets the Nu-Metal/Dropped tune sound. I love the bulldog coz you can get almost all the vintage distortion sounds and get it through a clean channel.
getting the bulldog dist myself. also getting a big muff russian soon.

hmm, JnH > Bulldog > Big Muff. hopefully i will cream.
Yah the E13 TBD is a great pedal. Yong from Mrmisse is a great help and will get it at the end of the mth. Can't wait to experiment with it not to mention the classic fuzz it has which sure beats the Boss FZ3
pedalboard for guitar is on holiday, temporary flirting with pedals with synth instead. Now i can really shred :lol:

more like booteekkkk Korg !!

i donno how or what you did to get that from the previous owner Pathein :roll: ...i wonder !!
I heard a new model is out. Can't remember the name but it pwns the microKorg. More sounds. The loveable cheesy vocoder and keys you can actually play without any difficulty!!!

I want one too...

yeah but, no but, yeah but, no but, yeah but, no but, yeah but, no but, yeah but, no but, yeah but, no but, yeah but, no but, yeah but, no but, yeah but, no but, yeah but, no but, yeah but, no but, yeah but, no but...
misse boss has one in his house hurhruhru i saw the box.

anyone for a breaking and entering later? hruhruhruhru
