Pedalboard Pictures!

ShredCow said:
I do... feel a difference... might be due to that I used only 1 x 1Spot to power all my pedals - loading - so the PP2+ relieved all of that. Feels... more... hi fi?

I see, thanks. :wink:
Quieter you say? The one-spot seems pretty darn quiet to me already, so I presume the pp2 is like, dead-silent?

So how much did it cost?
Here it is!!!






Better get some patch cables and tidy up all those daisy chain loose ends...or else you may end up with a shorted pedal!

Jon nice board you got there! How you liking your pedaltrain 2?
Thanks goose for all the help, i owe u a kopi still for that splicing request!


Most of the pedales are pretty much self explanatory after so many appearance on most boards. With the exception of the green Analogue Filter and Goose's Citrus Compressor. My looper pedal has been rewired to a A+B rather than A/B

Clyde deluxe will be offboard and brought when needed, too heavy to include all for every session.

STUPID PW TUNER!!! the velcro came out after i transported my pedalboard back after some church service i played for!!!

ah. now some of my pedals got glue on it lor..
edo83 said:
a lot of thinking....yes, that's the excruciating part....worse than an emo fan having constipation

An Emo Fan?

What's that?

Some branded cooling device?

We need to have a gathering.... soon. 8)
Looky Looky here ^ nice !!

I likey you AB loop box edo ..sweet ...good job ark :smt023

Next ...dream amp buddy ??!!