Pedalboard Pictures!

wif pleasure mate ...just be careful with surface mount pcb's ya ! Wink

The inside of the empress is so complicated and his wiring is damn tight. Thank god for your help.

I lend you my RC booster! Twisted Evil

People SoulJah is bootekk emperor...are doubting he does not have an rc boosta? He bought a landgraff as a backup last week for his dirt pedals.
I was hoping he will take my rc boosta and infect it with some mojo from the rest of the pedals from his board....esp the bjfe ones :evil:
hey brandon, yeah havent had much time to play guitar for bands anymore as my band imperfections has already disbanded and i cant seem to get myself a drummer. ahaha ok (analog pple pls dun flame me) i just got myself a vox tonelab SE on friday which is to be my new rig. hopefully ill have the chance to gig more often b4 i get NSlaved next june.
NanoShred said:
People SoulJah is bootekk emperor...are doubting he does not have an rc boosta? He bought a landgraff as a backup last week for his dirt pedals.


Don't believe the hype beast. I don't have no I probably wouldn't touch one with a ten foot evidence lyric HG cable. :D

I'm try to program my fingers right now. All those weeks studying and working has taken its toll on my playing!

Edo83, the RC boost is probably the first booteek I ever got to begin with. My first pedal from the Misse man himself. Love it! But my partial affinity towards it also stems from my love for Scott henderson. LOL.

It ain't going no where!

I switch between the Bjf dyna red and an Mi audio tubezone from time to time. The Dyna does not have that much gain available on tap, really brings out the flaws in your playing! But if your fingers are in shape, you're good to go man!
i dont have a pedalboard, i got my effects just this morning


after a long period of inactivity, i recently updated my board. ns really sucks away your gassing time.

guitar -> z.vex fuzz factory -> z.vex super duper 2-in-1 -> kimjaw rutt -> 80s ibanez ad9 -> custom bypass looper from blueark with a tuner out to tu-12h ->digitech jamman -> bbe sonic stomp

in the loop:
boss ps-5 super shifter -> line6 echo park -> ibanez lf7 lo-fi

all powered by a usa voodoo lab pedal power 2 and mounted on a pedaltrain/2. the big black thing next to it is a voltage converter. the footswitch on the left controls the jamman, and the expression pedal on the right is a moog ep-1 i use with the ps-5.
jon__ said:
all powered by a usa voodoo lab pedal power 2 and mounted on a pedaltrain/2. the big black thing next to it is a voltage converter..


Shucks.... you should have gotten the 230volts version!

I just got my Voodoo Labs PP2+ locally.. an excellent power supply.
I don't know if someone has asked you this before, but how is the pp2? Care to highlight the advantages?
Phil said:
I don't know if someone has asked you this before, but how is the pp2? Care to highlight the advantages?

Quieter than using the 1Spot to power all my pedals.

I do... feel a difference... might be due to that I used only 1 x 1Spot to power all my pedals - loading - so the PP2+ relieved all of that. Feels... more... hi fi?

It generates little heat too.
ShredCow said:

Shucks.... you should have gotten the 230volts version!

I just got my Voodoo Labs PP2+ locally.. an excellent power supply.

man, i got mine back when i was still in the states and i'd rather spend 30 bucks on a voltage converter than a couple hundred on a new pp2. i'm kind of glad that it's the us model though, it makes it easy for me to power stuff like my moog and the jamman on their own adaptors from the states.

phil: the pedal power series is damn, damn, damn quiet. the only hum i hear is from the single coils on my g&l, and even that's almost nothing. and this is with the 2 60X gain stages and insane fuzz from my z.vex stuff and a daisy chain.