Pedalboard Pictures!

hahaha "alamak. overboard man!" thats wad my mum said when she saw the picture. LOL

too many is never enuff man! i think theremins are freakin ingenious la.. the moog ones i checked out.. wow. for all soundscapers out there..
feNdeRbeN said:
wah he probably has more pedals than misse and wakemeupmusic! 8O

there can never be more, coz without either one, there wont be much things in there at all. I have to thanks them for bringing in stuff locally

especially misse! :D
8O wow, this is serious GAS-ing. PatheinRaindropMoe, your collection can feed me for at least 6months (daily meals, transportation, utilities bills, tax, insurance premiums, handphone bills, etc...). :wink:

anyway, if you need to perform 5 songs, and you only have a Misse large pedalcase, which of those weapons will you bring to such a gig? :wink:
fuzz(either fender blender or fuzzfactory)--->digiverb--->DL4---->verbzilla(or holiest grail)---->16sec delay

this will be the most useful to me, imho.
PatheinRaindropMoe said:
If play gig, no one will bother whether if its a $1000 pedal or $10 pedal. No one like the music, it still sucks :lol:

totally agree~ :D

but provided ur $10 pedal sounds decent enough,btw where can u find a $10 pedal?? haha :twisted:

And that toilet clip was damn funny! Love the one on top of the mountain and the 2 guys even stayed there 2 enjoy scenery! omg...
Hahaha.. I think I'll keep the Fuzz Factory... for the occassional foray into something "more sonic / less compostional".
imho, Matt bellamy from muse is the one who uses the fuzzfactory to its potential. Most tricks from the pedal has been utilised by him in muse songs.

Oh, if anyone interested to check out a more gentle oscillation fuzz, i recommend the redwitch fuzz god. I call it the feminine version of oscillation fuzz, as opposed to the male characteristic of the fuzzfactory.
Both sounds differently, but fuzzgod has got a "gentle" side of fuzz which i thot the fuzzfactory is missing.

And for mad oscillation and even more tweaking, the effector 13 truely beautiful disaster fuzz is enough to make you plug in and think theres something wrong with your guiitar/amp/pedal :lol:
problem is... matt bellamy has the Fuzz Factory on his guitar, which is really the optimum position to have it...

How else will you tweak the knobs to make it oscillate? Or feedback to pitch?
the fuzzfactory dont have to be on the guitar to make use of the vol knob on the guitar to control oscillation pitch.

Let the ff be the first pedal in the chain after the guitar. Set the ff to any oscillating setting. Turn the kolume knob/tone knob on your guitar to hear the pitch changing. Another trick is to change the pickup selector switch to and fro. You will hear different pitch oscillation also.

Couple of the oscillation fuzz/distortion(ff, fuzzgod, catalilnbread teaser stallion, e13TBD) i have tried, the oscillation pitch can all be adjusted using the guitar volume/tone knobs and PU selector switch.
PatheinRaindropMoe said:
the fuzzfactory dont have to be on the guitar to make use of the vol knob on the guitar to control oscillation pitch.


I've had a similar experience when testing the Fuzz god pedal at misse's, at first it seem like random insanity, with all the oscillating noises and all. But it's really a controllable effect.

You just got to know how to use it tastefully.
I hear you on using the volume knob on the guitar... it does work... thanks for the tip on using the selector switch too.

However, the problem still remains when you want say... a normal fuzz tone, then go to osciliating... and so on so forth.

I mean, I would like a couple of FFs... Seriously!