Pedalboard Pictures!

Phone cam, shitty pic quality:


I am not worthy of the Booteekness present in this thread... then again I am a bassist ;) I want to fit in a Fulltone Bass-Drive but I wont have any space :( Goes like this:

-> Ehx White Finger -> Korg DT-10 -> Boss DC-3 -> Boss PH-3 -> Boss OD-3 -> Voodoo Labs Sparkle Drive -> Sansamp Bass Driver DI -> Line6 Echo Park ->
snuffleupagus said:
Pathethemothein, when u use ac-2 do u put the additional output to the PA?

paiseh lah, i dont even gig, no chance to connect pa :oops:

Everything in my chain is between the guitar and the amp, no amp effect loop also.
lol then u'll have no money again!

anyway is the ac3 better than the ac2? there's only clips of ac2. i'm going to try them out!
i love moog pedals, too many sound sound outta it when combined together with the control procesor. Just love tweaking sometime, more than strumming

specs of ac3 is over at roland site, better or not, no one knows until having to try out.

Sometime for clips, its easy for the one who is doing the clip to showcase the strong point of the pedal and plus the playing skill, it can make a $100 pedal sound like $1000 taylor perhaps...imho :D
heh, truer than truest

alll the best gear, other then fullfilling that particular corner of our heart/mind into making us feel better in having it, might be useless to anyone without money to eat or place to live :lol:
i tried the AC-3 before i bought it for a friend...for his birthday...I own the AC-2..the AC-3 has much more output than the AC2, and plus has the reverb option, which is useless anyway to me...

but the higher output is a tad bit betterimprovement, and to me the eq is slightly more balanced than the ac2...but thats just imho. :D
PatheinRaindropMoe said:
haha, i have couple of drive pedals, distortion and fuzz, but not using it.

its all inside there. Missing in the pic are metale muff and rutt


100% GAS!
no shit sherlock. u aint seen nothing yet man.. ahha

aiyah. can fry ANYTHING i happy la. fry rice and noodles? no problem.