Over time I've downsized quite a fair bit.
My old board always had 2 drives and a fuzz, with a delay and some other modulation that I thought was fun to have and of course a tuner and true-bypass looper. Danged heavy.
These are the pedals that I've owned and used and at some point they all have been stacked or combined on my board:
Budda Budwah, Monsterpiece Two-headed, Monsterpiece NPN, Lovepedal 200lbs, Tonefactor Huckleberry, Skreddy Mayo, Skreddy Screwdriver, M.I Audio Tubezone, M.I Audio Crunchbox, RC Booster, AC Booster, Boss DS-1, Boss MT-2, Boss DD-3, Cmatmods Deeelay, Subdecay Liquid Sunshine, Line 6 Uber Metal, EHX Big Muff Pi, EHX Little Big Muff, EHX Nano Metal Muff, EHX Holy Grail, MJM Bluesdevil, Keeley Compressor, Barber Tonepress, DOD Compressor, OCD, Cool Cat Chorus, some reverbs and flangers, can't recall for shit.
Okay I can't remember everything now, I'm sure I'm missing a few out. Well..
I mean I always test out pedals and the mentioned are those that I actually liked enough to acquire them. It's been good fun, but I've been actively downsizing. And the downsizing took several phases to stablise as well. The end result is this:
The DT-10 and the 1-spot are no-brainers. And CMATmods Deeelay have been with me since the start, real keeper. They have been well-used, stolen and returned. And still, everything's intact and working perfectly.
The D.L.S is the newest addition, and at the moment, I'm loving it. Will update again when the honeymoon period is over.
Nano Metal muff, well, I just wanted something cheap and good for my occasional 'metal' indulgences. It's not the best, but it's sufficient. I was initially considering the Digitech Hardwire variant after trying it out at Swee Lee. But I don't play metal much anymore, so I didn't want to invest too much in an all out, one trick pony, 'metal' pedal.
I'm using flat-heads with Evidence Audio Monorails. I'm pretty much settled on this combination after trying out quite a number of other options.
It comes a point when you know exactly what you're looking for. And that helps to streamline the process. And sometimes, less is more! The bare essentials is all I need at the moment. This simple rig provides a down-to-earth, sweet, fundamental tone, nothing too fancy, and the delay layers it slightly, adds a touch of texture. I'm in heaven.