
Well me and my friend did wanna volunteer, but never gt any reply.:(

nevertheless, kudos to Levan and the Team for putting up a great LSB this year.Great job guys!
You can always count on mats for a good laugh. At them that is :D

hahaha seriously man, cant believe the guy would shout "we'll fight till the end" wtf? ahahah its a gig for god sakes not a vietnam war. what is there to fight about. hahahahah

i wasnt even AT the gig and im laughin my ass off reading this thread by you guys. i duno what ill do if i see people moshin to indie shouting they'll fight. HAHAH
the sound for lsb was really crappy. fair enough there was a tight budget... but even with decent sound equipments, the mix could have been better. the sound guys fer the day must have been sleeping.

during GSE's first few songs, the guitars couldn't be heard at all. the keyboards were as loud as the drums and vocals. and we (friends and i) were standing afew metres away from the soundbooth (which wasn't even at the centre front of the stage where its suppose to be!!!). the sound guys could be seen sitting down, stoning.

like wtf? deaf or what? do your job properly lah. call yerselves sound engineers. just cos Saiful urged to bring keyboard volume up (cos there was NO volume at all) at the start of their performance, doesnt mean u make keyboards louder than the rest of the instruments. stupid sound engineers.

every band shd have their own soundguy. don't trust anyone else to control your band sound cos really they won't give a shit about the overall mix.

how can you expect someone to enjoy the music if (lets say) the sound of the drums drown out the rest of the instruments?

so frustrating.
i would agree that better sound could be something to aim for next time around. =)

the atmosphere more than made up for it though!
true atmosphere was fantastic......but we came for the musiccc! whats even more frustrating was right after GSE, Monofone's mix was more balanced. we suspect the soundguys didnt like the way Saiful asked for the increase in keyboard volume, so they blasted it above the rest.

if what we think is true, then bands are at the mercy of sound engineers. everything must ask nicely...if not they'll just screw up the mix. boo.
About the sound @ LSB.. I don't think its as bad as doldadi makes it sound, but there were really a lot of glaring sound problems at LSB.

And personally, having been out up till GSE's set I don't think they were treated especially badly by the sound team. In fact, almost every band up till then had sound probs.

Eh but seriously, what's up with the dead mikes man? I lost count of the number of times the mike died on bands/MCs.

Let's move on to other things.

It counts for something that most people here are against the violence. I saw people huddling together against being pushed by idiotic craze-moshers. I saw bands speaking out against mindless violence.

Bad Obsession may be all naughty and edgy on stage but they also were the most firm against these cowards. Props to them.

My point is - Keep speaking out against bullshit. Take a stand against fights. Look out for each other in the crowd & don't let people get injured.
+1 to Perplexed.

I think if those apes had been publicly shamed on Saturday, they probably would have cooled their heels and s.t.f.u.

Moving on, I think this might be a little late but I'd like to extend my thanks to Levan and co for putting LSB together. I mean sure, there were hiccups and all, but if anyone else thinks they can put together an even better gig, go ahead and try god damn it. 8)

Nothing's perfect, but you know what, any show that can fill up a frickin' beach with music, hot chicks, great company, food, drinks and booze, comes pretty damn close.

Looking forward to LSB 2008 while I stick another koyok on the back of my neck.
i seriously hate those fashioncore dancers.

come on la. u think it's cool moshing like that. kena abit fight. then never bring extra shirt. darn smelly la the tram when got back home.
lol i was at the front during the gse performance n ppl were moshing like fk n then the barricade gave away n was like 35 degrees from the ground.
Thanks for the thanks guys. It means a lot to us because it is for you that we do this. :)

Anyhow, the peeps at LIME, and also the other bands, definitely agree the sound could have been better. I felt everything sounded muddy at the site of the stage and it only got relatively ok if you stood in the middle. We'd definitely aim for better sound next year. Actually Leonard Soosay was supposed to help with the sound, but we didn't have the budget to hire him this year :)

Onto the good news, the 'higher ups' were pleased with LSB this year and want to try again next year, and this time, we'll be more prepped to iron out all the kinks. Perhaps by then somebody would have invented an insect spray to kill all the irresponsible moshers :)

Also a heads up and some propaganda for LIME (:P), there will be significant changes to the structure of the magazine come January. Because of the relatively good support for the event, we will be adding a special section to promote local bands - exclusively -. Also, I will review as many local CDs are possible in every issue, and there will also be a new section about the hottest new MySpace band.

So if your band has a MySpace, an album soon to be released, or just are hoping for a little mainstream exposure with an interview or a feature, feel free to email me at or drop a MySpace comment for me at (Yes, I'm still stuck with the ronin thing cause i created it before I left the band :P). Please don't hesitate to do so because the first step towards people taking local bands seriously is for local bands themselves to take themselves seriously. And I promise I will try to cover as many local bands as possible over 'talented' international acts. Please note though, I love local bands, but I can't be overly biased too (hope you understand) so please no home room recording or crappy quality.

So if you feel like nobody's listening and nobody cares, rest assured that things are slowly changing bit by bit.

Hoping to hear your music soon. There will be future plans to support the local scene even further in the future, so there is a change slowly happening. Keep the faith and keep on rockin' guys

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if what we think is true, then bands are at the mercy of sound engineers. everything must ask nicely...if not they'll just screw up the mix. boo.

Actually its true, we must ask the sound engineers nicely they still deserve some respect. If u're not happy, why didn't u go up there and mix urself? Hahahha.
U must understand b4 GSE played, alots of other band play so its tiring for the soundman to mix the sound of each band one by one what. U think they all robots or what. Every band wants diff setting, and the soundman can do only so much.

My 2 cents.
Not sure why my previous post was so heavily moderated...
The soundman working for like 18 hours with out a break seems quite in line with what others are posting here... Its quite ridiculous to expect the guy to be able to do a good job in those circumstances...

But honestly, given the number of bands on the bill it was not very possible for every band to bring their own engineer. Due to everyone having to get used to the set up soundchecks would have required like 4 days...
Levan, LIME and gang would NOT have wanted the event to have bad sound. They did the best they could, and if they can find a way to make it work better and more efficiently, I'm certain they'll do it the next time around.

have faith ;)
ok yea , i have not said thanks for organising such an awesome gig. Well then , thank you people @ lime man. can't wait for next year.

come on man , let my band play : ) hahaha.

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