It's one thing to have variety, but it's another to be practical. People who go to a show called "lime sonicbang" would not expect to see an electronica band or what not. But yea, I shall not complain since it's free and stuff. Besides, I loved the show and MOST of the line-up. So it does not bother me about some of the minute flaws. I had fun. Thanks Mr and Ms Organizers(:

Pity my band couldn't play this year 'cause of O-levels. In fact my cousin (Lime assistant editor Ki'ern Tan) asked if we wanted to play and my mum said no cause she thought we'd spend super long preparing. lol. Hopefully next year... :D
Ki-ern is your cousin? He's my boss! haha! I believe he mentioned you before.

Anyway I would like to redirect u guys to check out this 'awesome' video by the MDA, the people who mediate and censor the radio, print, broadcast, etc for Singapore. Aren't we all glad that we're under such 'hip' and 'cool' rappers? yes, yes y'all!
is the scene better off or worse off because of LSB?

Cause that's what ultimately matters.

Well, there's no stragith answer to that. Let's just say a few of us who were involved and read all the feebacks in this tread got wiser.

What we do with this knowledge ultimately depends whether the scene will be better.

I would say 75% chance better than worse =)

so what is the 25% damage that LSB has done? You say that it's what we do with the knowledge that matters- what negative outcome comes out of learning? just interested to hear other peoples' perspective =)

I concur.


Different cliques of musicians need to 'visit' or pay attention to other shows. Allow for an open mind to other performers. It's cool to support your friend's band, it's more admirable to take some time to watch a band you've never heard about.

No, not talking about genre here.

Pretty much my 2 cents, because gave all my coins to Roslan already.
all that seems noble and righteous, but unknown bands don't play big festivals.

you don't see unknown chefs in big hotel restaurants, you don't see unknown commanders leading big armies.

There are two perspectives you need to consider- The organizers, and the performers.

From the organizer's perspective:

First of all, it's an issue of reliability. Unknowns might have more quality than knowns, but they are not tried and tested. What will an unknown band do if say, the sound goes off? Will they get stagefright seeing more faces than ever before?

Maybe they can handle it, but maybe not. And it's easy to say "have faith" when we're not personally accountable, but as an organizer, you want to be as sure as possible that everything will work out well. What if that seemingly docile band suddenly decided to play some mindblowing heavy metal, yelled vulgarities at women and children and incited a riot?

Security comes in! People get arrested! People get hospitalized! Sponsors cry foul and remove funding, and next thing you know, LIME gives up on local music altogether!

You may say it wouldn't happen, but what if? There are no rooms for "what if's" in big festivals!

From the perspective of a gigging musician, it won't be the same if you just wrote a song and played it with a couple of people and BOOM you're headlining Baybeats or LSB! Overnight superstars. Chances are it'd get to your head and you'd blow up, somehow.

And even if you are humble as ever and pleasant about it, people will hate you. Loads of other musicians will whisper behind your back, "those guys didn't work for where they are at all, they probably sucked up to/slept with/bribed the organizers, they don't deserve a damn thing, etc". That's not very easy to deal with.

Unknowns can and should work their way up and earn their stripes! It's more meaningful that way too, in my opinion. The long hard road teaches you humility, respect, to take care of yourself and is really quite fun. Going through difficult situations toughens you up as a musician and a person, and you develop stronger relationships with your bandmates, etc. You learn how to deal with things, and you grow into your new role slowly instead of being dumped into the deep end.

just some food for thought, cheers!
wylduer! no bro, sorry, misunderstanding! referring the to the earlier posts!


i meant "it's noble to want to see unknown bands in big festivals", because it seems like the right thing to do, to give newcomers an equal chance.

I COMPLETELY agree that all musicians should support other musicians, NO MATTER WHAT! if we don't go for shows and buy CDs ourselves, why would anybody else?

And even if you are humble as ever and pleasant about it, people will hate you. Loads of other musicians will whisper behind your back, "those guys didn't work for where they are at all, they probably sucked up to/slept with/bribed the organizers, they don't deserve a damn thing, etc". That's not very easy to deal with.

I have to agree very strongly here. There have been some things said about the way Baybeats was run until the auditions came up...
interesting how the local music scene is so small yet people are quarrelling over whose band is better, how they are bigger cos of contacts instead of trying to help one another.
Lol. Luckily, I've never really given a f*ck about local scene whispers or gossips. I would much rather spend the time working hard at my own music or helping the scene that bitchin' about how someone else is this or that. It's a waste of time. In the end we're all in thte same (some say, sinking) boat, regardless of genre.

Actually not bad lah, if bands can sleep with organizers to get a gig slot. But that would mean I'd be sleeping with a lot of guys in bands which would make me positively gay (gay is not a bad word, don't censor!). Eeee! lol

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