unfitspartan -- thanks! ;)

Yep, been wondering, anyone else took pics? I saw at least 2 other "official" photographers shooting that day, not to mention the numerous folks in the crowd wielding their cams....
LSB - The Sound.

I was doing sound for one of the bands at lime sonic bang, i can tell you it wasn't Justin's fault...

Firstly, due to budget constraints the desk that was being used was a fully digital desk with no external effects. This has good and bad results. for example, everything was gated, which is good. The EQ's are spot on cause they have a graphic representation. some of the downsides are the compressors are shit, and sometimes digital desk are a bit overwhelming.

Secondly, they splurged out on a line array system. Which of course, has its good side. The way the speakers are designed are with use of a proper systems engineer for the system, you can have the entire crowd, listening to the same volume of sound. Next to the speakers, it would a 110dB and at the front of house, it would be 110dB. HOWEVER this has a down side when sentosa officials are monitoring the sound. Which they were.

during soundcheck on the friday night, we were pumpin out at 0dB on the desk, which was about 100-105 dB at front of house. I only know cause i was there with my SPL meter... During the acutal event, after plain sunset, they had noise complaints from Cafe Del Mar and such like, and the sound was ordered to be lowered. - With that order in mind, the sound was turned down to a dreadful 85dB at front of house (again, SPL meter was used)

to put that into perspective for you, a diesel engined car (for example, an older style comfort/yellow city cab Taxi) sits at around 70 - 80 dB whilst they are acutally accelerating...

Hence, the sound was a big louder than a taxi.

taking into a mind the details i mentioned about about the line array system, you can realise why the sound was so terrible...

I also do feel sorry for justin, as the happiest i saw him that entire weekend was when i told him to sit down and relax a bit when i did sound for my band.


i think it was a good show, and we should look forward to next year... i just wish lime would get someone who knows a little bit more about organising events to run it.

i mean, lets be frank, 30 bands in one day, is a bit of a joke...

even look at baybeats, they have 30 bands over three days, and on two seperate stages, and that even runs smooth as ever as they really plan it out.

also, it was annoying how the schedule was running over two hours late and bands were getting their schedules cut short.
there you go. a completely reasonable explanation, and i don't think any of us can dare say we could have done a better job.

thank you for the sound! =)
yeaaah man. so agree now. though i did critic at first.


i wanted to volunteer. but i read the thread too late laaa.
With a bigger budget next year, a lot of the areas can be further improved on, like booking venue for multiple days, getting bigger better equipment to work on sound, etc :)

To Cancerous:
I was the one who selected most of the bands who performed (Well, not all of them, CC Sound Factory not being one of them :P lol). Along with tons of other great and generous people who have given their hearts (yourself included dude :)), I have helped out in organize or promote shows like Rock For Wayne, Rock For Good, Youth Gone Wild and Lime Sonic Bang. In the case of LSB, the nitty gritty details is handled by the events management department, who are also in charge of almost all Mediacorp publishing events (not just gigs).Unfortunately it's not likely that they will hire someone in just to cater to one event per year (Though that would be ideal!)

But hey think on the bright side, Lime is the only magazine in Singapore that really bothers to organize shows for local bands to this extent. And thus, the purpose of this thread was to take in opinions to better improve everything for everyone and make it a better year ahead. Which, thanks to everyone, it will be :)
why don't propose to make auditions for those younger, unknown bands to perform for next year LSB like a platform to showcase their music more exposed to everyone like how they did for Baybeats 07?
But hey think on the bright side, Lime is the only magazine in Singapore that really bothers to organize shows for local bands to this extent.
AGREED. Which is surprising in a gd way, considering tt Lime is not exactly a rock magazine.

That being said, props to Levan & team for this year's kickass LSB :D
well 85db of bass isn't going to sound as loud as 85db of guitar

and sponsors usually aren't interested in unknown bands with unknown crowds
why don't propose to make auditions for those younger, unknown bands to perform for next year LSB like a platform to showcase their music more exposed to everyone like how they did for Baybeats 07?

+1. perfect suggestion. but the auditions have to be strict.
I mean lets say an unknown band auditions and gets in, I wouldnt wanna go for an event that has unknown bands in it, or will go and not catch them because I do not know of them. I think in order to play in a large scale event, a band has to first market themselves enough and let people know of their existence and at least be good enough so to have people's interest. [:

just my 2 cents.
hmmm, i actually love and would look forward to watching and 'discovering' an unknown band who is playing in a big festival like baybeats AND had passed thru the auditions... even tho i do not know them or have not heard of them before. cuz the fact that they have passed the auditions means that their music is good enough and the music has spoken for itself to justify their attendance in a big festival.

of course, the majority of the slots would go to the more established bands. but good unknown bands deserve to play in such gigs. at least, we're helping to give them a platform for lift off to greater heights... cuz simply, good bands do deserve the exposure la. and so it boils down to e strictness of e judging criteria eventually.

but that's just my point of view. $0.021 cents :D
Just look at the bands who came through the last round of Baybeats auditions.

Allura, Caracal, The Fire Fight, Musofone (sorry..) all are now considered "big" enough that no-one thinks twice about them being at LSB.

I think that shows that auditions done properly, with suitable promos behind it, can be successful in launching new bands.